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Evidence that Illegal boat people are shonks
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Posted by Belly, Monday, 11 June 2012 4:04:45 PM
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Hi there BLUE CROSS...
That's a pretty big statement to make...the AFP and ASIO are on the take ? Even including crimes of, Asian Prostitution and Drug Importation. What evidence do you have to support your assertion ? Or is it simply an asinine remark as a demonstartion of your chagrin at the apparent impotence of the coppers for not being able to successfully interdict these crimes ? As I've stated previously, often the coppers 'know' the author of a crime. But that's an entirely different proposition to being able to 'prove it' in a court of law, to a point beyond that of a reasonable doubt. Posted by o sung wu, Monday, 11 June 2012 4:17:35 PM
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Dear Belly,
From my understanding - in the 1940s, 1950s, and possibly later, the governments of the day wanted people who for two years had to work wherever they were needed - in the sugar-cane-fields, in the forests, on the roads, and on projects like the Snowy Mountain Scheme. Today - the miners need workers to work in the mines. Farmers need help to survive - and I'm sure there are other industries that could use people eager to work. Gina Rinehart needs over 1,700 workers, not to mention other mining magnates. And this is only one example. Why can't we give all these so called - "undesirables" the opportunity to work in the mines and in other industries. There are solutions to the problem - if we are prepared to look for them and not simply play politics or fall for the scare tactics that are currently on display in the media. Posted by Lexi, Monday, 11 June 2012 4:20:37 PM
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<< then? do the maths, with no restraints 100.000 is not out of the question>>
100,000 would be too low an estimate! If we open our doors to “climate refugees” -- as the Green’s seem hell bent of doing --the figure is likely to be many times higher. Every time there is flood, drought, forest fire or locust plague in Asia all those who [in the illuminating words of Lexi ] “SEEK TO MOVE FROM POOR UNSTABLE COUNTRIES TO STABLE RICH ONES” will be landing on our shore claiming “climate refugees” status –and probably getting it too. “In 2020, the UN has projected that we will have 50 million environmental refugees,” Posted by SPQR, Monday, 11 June 2012 4:51:35 PM
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Belly said;
Indonesia has made it clear, once free of their waters, they do not want them turned around. It does not matter what Indonesia wants, they are Indonesian vessels and Indonesian crews, they have NO CHOICE but to accept them back. Yes Belly, a 100,000 a year is not beyond being possible. Two large freighters were organised to take Sri Lankens to Canada. I was in Vancouver when the first arrived, from memory there were about 400 on each. I have been surprised that the smugglers have not bought one of the old freighters that are always up for sale, loaded it up with 1000 "asylum seekers" and set out on a voyage to Sydney, docking at the overseas terminal. They would have to put up at the Four Seasons Hotel, it is only a short walk, as Villawood would be overloaded. Just in case you think I am being sarcastic, well I am not,it has already been done. I remember seeing on TV a freighter arriving in Italy with several thousand standing on the decks. If we do not act on this problem thats what we will be facing. Posted by Bazz, Monday, 11 June 2012 5:15:19 PM
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Green's application of the balance of power drives the arrivals of unseaworthy boats with an accompanying death rate they shrug off with "accidents happen". Positing current boat-people numbers as insignificant in relation to the total migrant intake is naive and myopic justification for a block-everything stance. That they will be consigned to oblivion (paradise?) at the next election, unless they quickly mature, escapes them entirely.
I don't blame the Mad Monk for this state of affairs as he is doing what desperate, ego-driven, sly political hacks do to survive and extend their power at the expense of their nation. Greens, on the other hand, have no apparent interest in surviving to wield any further influence over government policy. Inexplicable. Posted by Luciferase, Monday, 11 June 2012 8:19:05 PM
SOME I expected, and as blind to balance as ever, Gday SM,
Bazz seems content to forget these folk while in Indonesia, are not from that country, but like Malaysia, just passing through.
Indonesia has made it clear, once free of their waters, they do not want them turned around.
Lexi here too, wanting to be nice, asks the majority of AUSTRALIANS to forget what they want.
The world is not perfect, thousands die in Africa, of starvation, on our borders half of an independent country Papua New Guinea is held wrongly by a country that kills- for flying a flag of Independence.
Good or bad sane or mad the truth is this *if we except boat people, all of them, without detention, soon ten thousand a year arrive*
* then? do the maths, with no restraints 100.000 is not out of the question*
And every one self selected