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Understanding China

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Prof James Petras and Martin Jacques give us some excellent insights into China's history and the Wests flawed perceptions of their culture.

Jacques observes that people in the West view their Nation State as an intruder that must be controlled.China has notions of a Civilisation State that is head of the family.They are the oldest civilisation on the planet and 90% believe they come from the same race, ie The Han.

When Hong Kong was handed over to the Chinese 13yrs ago the West saw failure.Chinese philosophy was one country two systems.In fact China lets many systems operate in it's market economy but the State provides the infrastructure mostly debt free for the people.This is another reason why their growth rates are enormous.

James Petras observes that while China will soon be the largest economic power they have failed to match the USA in the arms race,thus the US is using this muscle to try and starve China of energy and resources.This is what has brought about this alliance between China,Russia Pakistan and the BRIC Nations.Some 300 Chinese oil engineers were forced from Libya when NATO invaded it.

Now we have the stand off in Syria and Iran with both China and Russia warning the West not to invade either.Japan went to war because of trade embagoes by the USA and fear of energy starvation.

Our problem is that the old ego driven Oligarchs who rule us and destroyed our economies,cannot accept that their power is waning and are willing to risk a global conflict to establish their New World Order.
Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 10 March 2012 10:01:02 AM
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oh dear on two fronts
Check the links in the story.
Exports have stopped.
The ships are parked.

The Baltic Dry Index is flat lining near the bottom
Interbank lending has stopped.

The BRICS are turfing the U.S. dollar
which in turn will flood the states with huge amounts of money driving up inflation..

China Posts Biggest Trade Deficit Since 1989
As Crude Imports Surge: Is China Recycling Export Dollars Solely Into Oil?

In addition to all the US election year propaganda and delayed after effects of central banks injecting nearly $3 trillion in liquidity to juice up the US stock market, something far more notable yet underreported has happened in 2012:

the world stopped exporting.

Observe the following sequence of very recent headlines: "Japan trade deficit hits record", "Australia Records First Trade Deficit in 11 Months on 8% Plunge in Exports", "Brazil Posts First Monthly Trade Deficit in 12 Months " then of course this: "[US] Trade deficit hits 3-year record imbalance", a

nd finally, as of late last night, we get the following stunning headline: "China Has Biggest Trade Shortfall Since 1989 on Europe Turmoil." more at the link at the top
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 11 March 2012 6:46:35 PM
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OUG China can simply increase local wages and create it's own economy.Of the 1300 million there only 400 million sharing in the bonanza.They in all reality don't need the West if they are smart.China's domestic market can take up the slack.

The West's economy is shrinking because of the debt based system of money creation.We increasingly will buy less goods no matter how cheap they are because our productivity gets expressed as debt by private banks.
Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 11 March 2012 7:06:10 PM
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Arjay, so what if China becomes an economic powerhouse? Why will
it matter? People in Japan used to be poor, people in South Korea
used to be poor, look at them both now. Why do you assume that
the West has to be poor for China to do well?

At some point the Yuan will be traded and then it will rise and
the US$ will fall. So some things will be produced in America
once again.

What the Chinese have learned the hard way, is that having your
vaults full of US$ does not really do alot of good.

Meantime a whole new market has opened up for Western goods. The
Chinese are the world's largest buyers of European luxury goods.
From Hermes 5000$ handbags to 20'000$ Rolex watches, they are being
snapped up. We are selling iron ore at coal and prices which were
unimaginable just 10 years ago. They now buy our lamb, they come
here as tourists.

Trade benefits both sides, so why would anyone want to start a war
over all this?
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 11 March 2012 8:56:47 PM
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I agree Yabby,that's why I don't want to go to war with them.A few lunatics in the West want to.The USA had one aircraft carrier in the Pacific,they have just moved another 7 of their 14 carriers there to antagonise China.
Posted by Arjay, Monday, 12 March 2012 7:40:50 AM
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Arjay, nearly every nation that I can think of, including Japan, China
Iran and many more, has some nationalistic zealots calling for
warfare. That does not mean that its taken seriously or will happen.

The Pacific Ocean covers nearly half the world's oceans, so it
makes perfect sense for the US to station about half its fleet
in that ocean.

But you people jump to conspiracy conclusions. It must be to upset
China. Do you really believe that Obama is a warmonger who wants
to start a war with China? Why would he?

Far more likely for Obama to roll a joint and smoke a peace pipe.
Obama is not Bush.
Posted by Yabby, Monday, 12 March 2012 8:10:32 AM
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