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The Forum > General Discussion > Kevin Rudd's Leadership Tactics.

Kevin Rudd's Leadership Tactics.

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Rudd is another sufferer of Howard's disease, where he puts his own personal egocentric interests above those of both his party and the country. Abbott is no better in this regard.

This is yet another example of 21st century Populist Politics and another nail in the coffin of sensible public administration.
Posted by wobbles, Thursday, 23 February 2012 7:05:09 PM
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wobbles there is far to much of that around.

It's been highlighted for me by Bligh's tactic on the one hand of loudly proclaiming how bad it would be for Qld if the LNP win and CanDo does not win a seat whilst at the same time fighting hard to ensure that he does not win the seat in an election her party is likely to loose.

If it really would be so bad for Qld to have the LNP in power without CanDo then Bligh should do everything in her power to get him elected in that seat. Personally I think it's just tactics on her part but it's a tactic that openly proclaims that she cares more about power than what she considers good for Qld.

Posted by R0bert, Thursday, 23 February 2012 7:14:09 PM
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The ALP lost its direction in this country years ago. The party no longer represents the 'Ordinary Australian' I don't know what it represents, its become an appendage of conservatism. Labor has hit the self destruct button at all levels of government. The cause of this harm is Labors lack of any clear direction or philosophy, a party of factions dominated by the right. What is going on in Federal Labor at the moment is nothing more than some trying to 'rearrange the deck chairs', doomed to failure whatever the outcome.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 23 February 2012 7:34:08 PM
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We need a new political party of Libertarians that don't take donations from large corporate interests and a proper constitution that the USA used to have.

Labor deserve to rot in their own cesspool of deception amd corruption.
Posted by Arjay, Friday, 24 February 2012 6:24:57 AM
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Arjay, such a party exists its called The Greens. I have held long membership in both The Greens and previously the ALP and I know which is the more honest of the two. Not all agree with Green policies but they are there for all to see, we don't hide anything. Never have and never will "take donations from large corporate interest". The thing I like about The Greens is the grass roots democracy of the party, in my years in the ALP it never existed, policy was always controlled by a few, with the helping of vested interests. I must say I found more in common with some Liberal Party members than some of my own people, some from the right of the ALP were boarder line Nazi. I call them the Catholic Clique. For example at the last NSW election I spoke at length with a Labor candidate for the LC, I walked away thing "I hope Pauline Hanson get up before this Drongo." Fortunately he lost, lucky us.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 24 February 2012 7:11:25 AM
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Belly, on another thread I asked for an explanation of labour left
labour right, the factions etc. Did you see it ?
Something Rudd said suggested he was not of any faction.
Is that true ?

Going on Sunday ?
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 24 February 2012 10:02:12 AM
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