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The Forum > General Discussion > Need some ideas Julia, here's some

Need some ideas Julia, here's some

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Belly I have often thought the same way, but we have virtually made it impossible.

To "mind" children now you have to have bits of paper to say you know how. The fact that we pay many of these people to bring up their children should, you would think, mean that we see them as capable of at least minding those children, but no. No bit of paper, you can't mind them.

Then of course they would need a blue card, [safe with kids], which I believe costs $70, takes some mucking around to get, & lasts for only 2 years.

So mate, great though the idea is, I doubt it can work in todays over credentialed world.

How about long term new start people get a short training course, then work 2 weeks on, & 2 weeks off, cleaning noxious plants out of our poorly maintained national parks. If it was the same 2 weeks a month for all, it should sort out those getting paid under 2 or more identities. Then such hard work would send most of them off to something easier, damn quick.

There are quite a lot of mature ex middle management people, genuinely unable to find work. They would be capable of organising all this, & I'm sure, would jump at the chance to do something meaningful for their dole.
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 26 January 2012 8:55:51 PM
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How about cutting some of the excessive bureaucrat pay/benefits/allowances & up the pension. Compensate victims of crime when the Law fails to do so. Those who never worked can continue uninterrupted but without my tax dollar. Create a National Service to get some sense back into our society. Most of all make everyone pay the same tax rate. You organise that Julia & you'll be PM for year or Tony for that matter. Stop listening to the experts & take notice of what people who know have to say.
Posted by individual, Thursday, 26 January 2012 10:06:00 PM
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3 kids is a lifestyle choice. If you can't afford the childcare then maybe you shouldn't be having the kids.

I agree with that Wobbles, so what about those who have their three or more kids, with little or no I come. Why not stop this as well.

I have long felt that if you support one, you support all.

If you stop middle class welfare, you will cause many to reduce their work efforts, just to get assistance.

In any saw, this is about welfare waste, not who should or shouldn't be entitled to welfare.

That's a whole new topic, one that would no doubt become quite ugly.

BTW, how many of these protesters are we supporting so they can support their tent city.

Welfare for that mob has become a given.
Posted by rehctub, Friday, 27 January 2012 6:16:19 AM
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it is lawful to get welfare for it.
welfare is the operative word. we're addressing permanent support misuse & abuse.
Posted by individual, Friday, 27 January 2012 7:41:53 AM
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here's an idea..juliar
stop ya advisers
security/media_mate's..*they all got..*adgenda's..!

heard[in media].....""' dragged ashen/faced
through..the angry mob'..

angry mob..?
lol..of a..*media/throng

heck..look at the vision
not the tone..of media spin/devision/derision

heck..the racists got them turn-up..the heat

its interesting to note..the pm's media_stunt
hasnt rated mention..[so far]..under racism

of course
mr abbots comments
could well be that light

[as one..who was burned_out of the embassy..3 times
by mr howard..and his gg..iron bar turkey]..
its easier to see..what really happend

one need look not..much further
than this mornings vision..from chanel 9

[that her opposition mini-star]
planning the evac...then..them leaving..via the back/door

pushing away one..lone t/shirted figure
plus 4 media...staging the scene

no protester..was ever between pm.;.[and oppo]..
and the get/away vehicle...[in fact all concerned..and visable
in the all media/security

pannicing the pm...[and a thug
grabbing a bit of her yummie]

her face..set into a state of fear..
by her security...gropper

further stage managed
by public relations

to ensure
the oppo richard crainium leader
didnt get any media air play..out of
this stage managed event

more as a topic does..or dont form
and we follow..the in spinner

[noting the party hack/bloggers
and call-in mob..are on]

the can do
is learn from it..[the issue of rights/recognition..etc is a different issue]

i have personally hosted..5 deligations
where the nt/wa..first people..sent envoys
to lobby polititions..and stayed..*at the embassy...

[an embassy..that has nought to do
with local first people]..cause that's not..what embassies do..

does aussie govt rule..over
the us embassy..of course not..

the embassy
*dont local first peoples

its not there..*for locals

so when the museum shreds
[to help iron-bar..and get a nice new stone circle monument
and museum..instal;led..on a..*dead protest site..

the anti racists..racists first/people...
tried to deliver..a terra nullious tent..embassy

yes masta'...
stir sir?...yes of course..boss/maam

here is a chance..
to set the record straight
come visit the embassy..[lets just sit and listen]

cuts both ways
Posted by one under god, Friday, 27 January 2012 8:05:40 AM
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Mr Swann has stated "Australia has full employment"! I would like to know where and how he can make this statement.

We regularely hear of mass redundancies in the work place with the result being more on unemployment benefits.

I was made redundant from my job on 10 October 2010 (not due to any fault of my own) and have been a recipient of Unemployment benefits since.

I want to work and earn an income which I need to exist, pay my mortgage, rates, utility bills etcetera all of which I cannot do on welfare.

Many of the threads depict people on welfare benefits as bludging no hopers. I agree that there are some on welfare that would fall into that category but not all.

Every day I apply for jobs, not just in my normal field (heavy rigid truck driver) but also labouring, factory worker, storeman etc. All to no avail. Since being made redundent I have only secured approximately 20 interviews with potentional employers without any luck. I beleive this could be due to my age 60 and currantly 62.

Most of my welfare cheque is taken, before I see it, by the bank which has my mortgage. Often I do not eat for days and when I do it is usually bread and butter vegemite sandwhich.

Every day I exist with the threat of losing my home to the Bank, as the interest rate is higher than my payment now. The local council because I cannot pay the rates.

Threats of my power being disconected and my water being restricted because I cannot pay the bills.

I am not a dole bludger and find some of the threads offensive. Our government should assist genuine Australians in need instead of donating billions of the tax payers money overseas.
Posted by gypsy, Friday, 27 January 2012 10:53:10 AM
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