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Disintergration of the Greens or a New Begining?

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[Quote]National Affairs Greens accuse Lee Rhiannon of undermining Bob Brown

by: Christian Kerr From: The Australian November 28, 2011 12:00AM

ANGRY Greens insiders have accused their controversial NSW senator Lee Rhiannon of white-anting party leader Bob Brown over donations.
The Senate backed a motion by Victorian Liberal Helen Kroger last Thursday to refer the Greens leader to the privileges committee over allegations he used his position to assist Wotif travel giant founder Graeme Wood.

Mr Wood last year became the biggest individual political donor in Australian history when he underwrote the Greens' $1.6 million election TV ad campaign.

The motion asks the committee to examine if Senator Brown sought a benefit from Mr Wood to act in his interest. It also asks if Mr Wood improperly influenced Greens deputy Christine Milne.


In contrast, Senator Rhiannon is seen as a "watermelon Green" -- red on the inside. She had a long involvement in hard-left politics and was a member of the Socialist Party of Australia.

Senator Rhiannon has defied her party leader before, most notably over her support for the anti-Israeli Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement.[un-quote]

Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 28 November 2011 7:33:39 PM
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having met the guy
and finding him condecending and arrogant
its not strange many in his own party arnt decieved

i recall him sitting in front of his house
with smoke belching from his chimminy
belching cancerous woodsmoke

[wood smoke is the highest cause of lung cancer]
noting smoking tobacco..rates 3rd

diesal sooty smoke
is the 2 de highest cause of luing cancer

[i recalled all them global warming scares
showing STEAM belching from chimminies..

NOTING c02 in invisable]

i once allowed the grens to suck an monthly stipend from my savings
till i came accross a m,eting of the greens one day

and was refused entry

the greens are just an other party
party stooges sreve certain adgendas
whats that dudes link to silar..or wind...
or the other govt gifts/subsidies to greenie industry

gren jobs are putting german or chinese solar cells on ya roof
then the dole till they get busted up in a hail storm

or lubricating the wind mill..on the run
all over au..or the the end
chinese will fly in to do the job cheaply..[contractors]

and your green job will be bring them their breakfast
loading and unloading their baggage

anyhow couldnt happen to a more sneaky guy
who are..what you put in your mouth
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 29 November 2011 8:55:03 AM
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It would be a sad day if the Greens followed the other two parties down the track of in-fighting and mixed allegiances. Tony Abbott's own Opposition Front Bench, many who are known to loathe each other.

The ALP is the same with in-factional allegiances and ideological pulls and pushes between the Left and the Neo-Liberals.

However, if there is nothing untoward in the donation (donations are legal as long as they are recorded over a certain amount) referral to the Privileges Committee should not cause any concern.

Wood donated the money out of his personal wealth not from Wotif. And according to the link below did it due to his personal belief that not enough was being done about climate change. He is not a member of the Greens.

What exactly is it that Bob Brown is purported to have 'assisted' with? Without knowing this, it is nothing more than rumour-mongering. But then it is The Australian. More facts please.
Posted by pelican, Tuesday, 29 November 2011 9:56:34 AM
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I know lee indeed is what Australians call a water melon.
A tough fearless lady she is, in my view untrust Worthy.
And in my view, better placed in the COMMUNIST PARTY.
In a thread such as this comments will come from under informed.
From total bias even hate.
Such comment, aimed at ANY PARTY is non productive
I know, based on observations, Greens will dip after Brown leaves not die but dip dramatically.
That new beginning may well come, but not until the body's are buried.
Here, in OLO some claim as an anti Labor insult, the greens are radical/activists walking in the shoes of the ALP of 1950 and the period to 1980.
That is like a crow bragging it is about to eat the python rapped around its neck.
Australia is over such rubbish.
Greens must confront both sides of the house are likely to stop preference them.
And that wise council will push both sides toward Conservation.
To do so, sadly but honestly, that word will need laundering.
80% Of us see the term as dirty , silly harsh blind actions of the greens,fringe supporters are to blame.
You in conversation with a green be told *we are not tree hugger* we have policy's*
It is those policy's, true take a look at them,that hobble the greens.
All in I still think, if they stop being a refugee camp for extreme left, 25% of their number.
And stop loading the platform with extremist radical policy's.
In time, after the wounds heal 20 years?
They may rise again, the double dissolution Abbott plans, no easy thing to say, or to remember Rudd failed the guts test in not have his , is full of promise for me, my country should never be controlled by a minority.
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 29 November 2011 3:52:58 PM
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pity there are any parties that really care about looking after the environment. The Greens have done nothing more than adopted a humanistic (human hating) philosophy whereby they see themselves as some sort of saviours of the planet. Unfortunately their moral relativism blinds them of any true decency.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 29 November 2011 4:01:31 PM
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The Australian is a disgrace to journalism.

In fact the Greens are consolidating their support in Australia , simply by loaning the policies of the Labor Party from 20 yrs ago. Which is precisely why I will be voting for the Greens at the next Federal election, despite the fact that I have conservative concerns about their social agenda.

My above scenario does not show up in opinion polls advertised by the Australian.

Did the Australian identify todays assertion by ratings agencies that the Australian economy is now sound and of the highest AAA rating because of work done by Gov't in the 80's and early 90's. All at time before the Howard Gov't, that actually and instead weakened the country through the sale of essential services assets to consign debt. Debt that was not very high then as it is not very high now.

In fact the one thing the Gov't could do too damage the economy now would be to bring the budget back to surplus through cuts. Exactly what Joe Hockey was telling us we should do on radio today, whilst denying the $70 b black hole in their stupid budget.

The only time the LNP ran a surplus, (for what that's worth) is when they sold our essential infrastructure to their buddies in the business sector, whom now control our economy.

I am sick of credit not being given where it is due, by instruments of media propaganda like the Australian, in support of the myth that the LNP can manage the economy.

The real architects of the modern Australian economy the Labor Party, (meaning Paul Keating), is now advising the Chinese Gov't on their economy from the board of the China Development Bank.

How stupid is that ?. It was media outlets like the Australian that supported the election of John Howard (who could not get a job on a cricket board) over one of the proven best economic minds of the modern world Paul Keating.

I would not use Murdoch's Australian newspaper to line the bottom of a cocky's cage.
Posted by thinker 2, Tuesday, 29 November 2011 6:22:02 PM
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Thinker very much agree,runner my true deepest sympathy.
I have held the view for a very longtime Greens are over represented in any online forum.
Not an insult but a truth.
And that members/supporters are a rare mixture, any even brief look at lee R will show a person unlikely to be excepted by most of us.
I also note greens are ok with insulting Labor, but hostile, extremely so, to my views about them.
Mixed with,yes true, Socialist alliance , left of left unions, academics and ABC presenters are green.
But it is a strange thing, some are not even aware the beast they push or pull has real problems.
If free to implement its policy's it would kill this country.
Bob Brown? he is purely a radical, I oppose every thing about him.
And if his supporters knew him they may too.
Greens are, it can not be hidden,disliked and distrusted even despised by far far more than ever would vote for them.
Democrats fell but so did one nation.
Greens live only on Labors refugees and dreamers who in truth do not understand the truly extremist radical nature of this mob.
Now the dislike will bury Me, but face it, my words are true.
One day a greens party that is only conservation/environmental will rise again.
But first the crash.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 30 November 2011 9:04:19 AM
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I wish! yes true,the greens would stops stampeding away from threads that displease them.
It to me, is intellectual surrender a form of self assurance that is cowardly.
I think the greens, a different greens will rise again, in some future time.
Here, no Crystal ball involved, is my reading of the form guide to our political future.
Labor will fall at the next election.
Greens are an enigma, they can get a further one percent or find them selves back on ten, I go for ten maybe 9.
A Liberal Government will be unable to keep its promises and fall at the next election, badly.
Greens in that election will be decimated,SHY by then will be as well loved as Gillard! not at all.
After that,Labor and Liberals have the reigns, if they see conservation as benefit it may kill forever the greens,5% never rules.
If not? they will bring the greens back.
A clear headed look at the policy's of the greens will scare little children.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 1 December 2011 5:48:28 AM
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Meanwhile there are reports from Victoria that Rhiannon is white-anting Brown and courting the Vic Greens, whilst singing the praises of Hanson-Young, (who has her own set of ambitions).
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 1 December 2011 7:32:39 AM
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SHY a beautiful woman,until she opens her mouth is preferable over the other just.
This country has always, rewarded the big mouth small brain folk.
Flying peanut for one, it comes with the bib and brace overalls and straw hat.
So both may rise before falling LEE is a danger, so far left she is lost.
However too 12% is not much of a base and if Australian gets to see and hear more of these two? 8% can be the number all too soon.
A sales man/woman wanting to sell some thing should think about those who do not currently own one, keeping party members happy and others angry seems unsellable to me.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 1 December 2011 3:59:52 PM
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I'm not so much talking about the Greens and their status as radicals Belly, so much as Labor failing to recognise the drift too the Greens occurring at their fundamental support base.

If the Greens gain enough drift to decimate the Labor Party electorally, but fail to win enough support to attain Major Party status, the LNP will win.

This process disempowers voters of course and allows a window of opportunity, for the cream of the Neo Right to regain control of Australia. They will ensure that we wont get rid of them this time and entrench themselves.

I don't think it is extreme to have onshore processing of refugees, I don't think it is extreme to go further in reversing the confrontational Industrial System introduced by the Howard Gov't and restore some rights in the workplace. I don't think it is extreme to be anti-war or pro conservation. I don't think it is extreme to *include gold in the mining tax*. In fact these were the policies of the Labor Party I grew up with and loved, 20 yrs ago or more Belly. *And indeed was the policy of a recent labor PM beginning with R.

I am one of the Labor core drift to the Greens only because the policies of todays Labor Party resemble those of the enemy conservatives 20 yrs ago. Having a Labor conference about gay marriage are we ?, and exporting uranium to countries that are not signatory to the nuclear non- proliferation treaty ?. I wont be buying the paper on monday Belly.

The Murdoch press will be having a field day over this one, as it continues to promote smear, intrigue and innuendo disguised as political coverage, to voters already confused by their Labor Party already.

The Greens in my view Belly, are the least of our worries.
Posted by thinker 2, Thursday, 1 December 2011 7:20:44 PM
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Thinker 2 all understood.
If you put together enough to open a small business would you first research.
Ask is there a market.
Would you take out advertising and try to attract the attention of the customers.
A business like everything comes down to maths/ numbers.
Why do you think the ALP has moved to the right.
Why the Liberals?
Did they both move then try to create a market.
Or did their research, ongoing for both party's tell them what the customers wanted.
National Party,a servant of Liberalism is not green like.
It largely follows its masters footsteps.
Strengthening its whole.
Greens, minority, and many, too many, like you wanting to drag the ALP in to no sales land, weaken the whole.
Well not the whole Conservatives love them..
You,your fellow travelers will not drag Labor back to lost election land.
Like the Liberals they have made their investments built their shop front and passing trade knows them.
Any chance we can truly look at greens numbers?
Right now at the top of a wave, discontent with both party's.
Both sides know they have much to gain, by stopping the silliness that saw Liberal preferences put your only member in the lower house.
One Nation fell to Abbott you will be hurt badly in the next two elections.
Harsh? I think a million Australians who vote Labor would vote Liberal before the Greens, include me, no heat no anger just understanding
Australia is not ever going to have such a radical government.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 2 December 2011 5:36:13 AM
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I, for one, would not mourn the disintegration of the Greens.
Posted by stevenlmeyer, Saturday, 3 December 2011 12:24:42 PM
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StevenIMeyer if you and I wanted to craft a poll, here in OLO about the greens it would be no easy task.
First problem what is the question how to put it.
Those two points can make the outcome go one way or the other.
Second, IMPOSSIBLE! but we would ask every one to not let their feelings about the greens color the way they answer.
Then? no easy task,see online, greens are over represented , as opposed to in the whole community.
Say the question was one of these.
Do you think the greens have peaked.
Have the greens a long term future.
Would you ever vote green.
All, in fact any question would be bound to see some answers based on private feelings.

This much I am sure of, if after any of those polls, we started three threads.
One Greens public acts and statements
Two the back ground of greens members.
And three policy's of the greens.
Then ran our poll again.
Greens votes here would cave in.
I think with certainty many do not understand the intentions and nature of the party they support.
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 3 December 2011 4:26:24 PM
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The greens are the party with lofty ideals with no regard for consequences.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Sunday, 4 December 2011 7:12:47 PM
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Shadow Minister wrote:

>>The greens are the party with lofty ideals with no regard for consequences.>>

What on Earth does that mean?

If you have no concern for the consequences of your ideals they can hardly be considered "lofty."
Posted by stevenlmeyer, Sunday, 4 December 2011 7:22:37 PM
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Well yes Steven but both points are true.
They, and some of them are, THINK they are looking after the planet.
But every single policy's they have can be challenged by the effects it has on us all.
Not proud of this,I always warn a great difference exists from one union to another.
My workplace enemy union,funds in part the greens, pushes the wheel barrow for them, gives them a platform.
And in my view,is harming both the union movement, because it is in practice a thugs and mugs criminal union.
And because it flakes off ALP support to drive militant agendas.
I note I carry the biggest load in countering the greens here.
But in truth both party's must understand,Australians do not want minority's forcing policy's they intensely dislike down our throats.
Greens are not a conservation party but extremist and radical.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 5 December 2011 5:38:45 AM
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"If you have no concern for the consequences of your ideals they can hardly be considered "lofty.""

Got it in one. Their policies can best be described as aspirational goals. The Greens have yet to actually cost their policies, probably deliberately, as this would show that they are actually impossible.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 5 December 2011 6:13:43 AM
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