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Climategate 2.0 has landed.
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Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 23 November 2011 5:32:44 PM
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The warmist fools are Amazingly quiet in this thread. What, no intimidation, no far out claims no APOLOGIES?
This is a beauty that shows the kind of people we're dealing with. Posted by RawMustard, Wednesday, 23 November 2011 6:47:04 PM
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Yes a litany of lies and deception.The Greens are treacherous liars who want to use Carbon taxes to finance Bob Brown's " Global Governance".
We cannot trust either of the major parties or the Greens.It is the lesser of 3 evils that we vote on. We need a new party based on Liberty,reducing the size of Govt and elimination of the counterfeiting or our money by private banks. Posted by Arjay, Wednesday, 23 November 2011 7:32:47 PM
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If it's such a blatant hoax, why is Abbott prepared to hand bags of taxpayers money to bribe polluters in order to reduce the production of "a weightless gas" by millions of tons?
Who is really conning who? Posted by wobbles, Wednesday, 23 November 2011 11:37:55 PM
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Wobbles by inference far more than a lost few consider the whole thing a hoax.
And base it on science being the product of lies! Some of the ramblings are quite remote from reality. Some try very hard to prove what no side can, yet. I do not doubt, some true gooses sent these e mails. I have no doubt, please do not kick the reporter!, an existing dislike for greens and some conservationists. Is blinding some to some science truths and a deliberate, yes planned miss information campaign is finding support from some who are unaware of the entrapment they willingly walk in to. I feel you waste your time, we are out numbered here. But the climate change man made in part is real. Ten years from now both sides will agree, it will be policy of both. And Australia will have been pated on the back for its brave actions. We you and I will gain no ground here, if science is jeered at we should not expect to. Posted by Belly, Thursday, 24 November 2011 5:11:01 AM
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its the qualuity of fraud science..that is the real truth
at the link i refute basic science beliefs everyday belief..taught to us as children but belief..that none of you can explain just like many are at a loss to explain the lol[science of global warning]..funny enough the same this one and thats how we got seemingly off topic[there] its like wtf has god to do with cli-mate..[its the peer revieuw...ULTI-mate control by an elect..that validates insane theories[like agw] if its got peers..its become systematicly perverted look at enron..or bernie madeoff with all that cash or that even tony has 'faith' the science [did you note the peer presure there..!] so he comes up with multi billion gifts to the same scamers..that reap the harvest of wind double meanings intended its called spin.,... peer revieuw spin..has ensured peers maniplulating omnipotant forces..[only they can save us from] carbon..or weather..or demons..or a 'venge=full god'..or natural selectors what to do when you got a liar running things issue euro bonds? bailout ever more too big to fail's.. who went broke..on the latest global warming scam? subsidies and a special buy back price..[for those able to afford bying in on the SCEME]..and doubled electicioty water..transport charges..for the peons...[they can pay off..on 25% intrest rated credit cards] all bvecause babnkers make the money but fail to make the ursury that accumulates[compounds]..on it meaning for you to pay your ursury[determined by peers] others need to default..[big time] our elite PEERS..will hyper inflate you back into poverty hyperinflation means the same as quantive easing basiclly it inflates cost and deflates..the value but heck you love lies thats how come priests rape kiddies and peers got rich by making you thing c02 is poisen its the same topic same cause same cure Posted by one under god, Thursday, 24 November 2011 6:32:30 AM
i know it was opposition figures
the cost of unwinding labouite taxes
but your mates have cleverly spun-it arround
the 70 billion is only IF..libs unwind the tax
and much de[pends on just what they cut...and what other savings..[or tax grabs..they decide to instal]
i dont trust neither party ol mate
juliar is spending..and raising taxes
to cancel the tax..well lets hear the cost
but its labratters partly..who forced that..with this insane tax
plus the the water buyback..and so much more 'other that 12 billion green fund
i would simply make all fund it back
ie loan them money..not gift it for free to mates
but mate
why all them lies?
plus so many more to come
plus the predictions/modeling being in time proved wrong
im for making the liars pay..and charged with colluduing to defraud