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The Forum > General Discussion > ALP/UNIONS Solidarity is a dirty word!

ALP/UNIONS Solidarity is a dirty word!

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Thanks all, been a very good very quite day, markets then garden loving it!
In this post an idea I have been trying to sell/develop will surface
Those from every side of Industrial relations, politics ,business, in fact any group.
Should not gloat.
Probably always but to my eyes from the 1970,s bribe taking/favoritism/criminal acts/ and the special treatment power brings some before the courts has controlled us all.
Conservatives hide theirs better and have it done for them.
I love my union, and I trust it, think it one day will again be our biggest.
I however ask us all, to consider this, if we, in the name of solidarity our group/party hide the truth we neglect the constant improvement and needed change such groups grow on.
The current HSU shambles is a total betrayal of its members and the movement.
A current court case speaks of half million dollar bribes more than one,given by a criminal construction giant to an equally criminal union.
Members? no private donations to a thief.
I know of More, hidden from public eyes/members by lies in the name of? solidarity!
Far worse a true insult!unions worst failures sit along side our best in Canberra and every state.
Hero's like Shorten Swan, Combet sit not far from that loony left Scot or what ever he is.
Solidarity stops the very best getting those seats, rewards fools, some times is used to ACTUALLY GET RID of the failures by inflicting them on us all.
I do not buy in to the rubbish Labor is so very bad some are, most are out standing, a few will harm my party, because they can not keep out of trouble.
Within both Conservatives and Labor high maintenance people, stumble bums exist.
Right left center some nearly need a coach to show them about.
Why in reform year do we put clowns in the house /unions?
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 17 September 2011 3:25:20 PM
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What I am about to say does not make me a hero.
It just confirms me as what I think was once an average working/poor Labor/Union member.
Why do people join such movements?
Why did unions come about, why did those Unions, mine, form the ALP?
Are we aware union members vote no differently than the rest of the community? for every party that ever existed.
I grew up idolizing both movements, oh I cringed at some actions of both, grew out of my leftist start in life.
In 1972 again in 1995 I was offered a job, official of the Australian Workers Union!
Me! no was my answer I do not have the skills and ability for that.
7 years after riding in a lift to my office, in the AWU building, a smarty, self indulgent overly impressed with himself official, trying to start a conversation informed me *our members are scum*
He is the only one, still about, still climbing his ladder.
I was driving my own 4x4 needed for construction then.
Spent $20.000 of my own pay out from the RTA on fuel and repairs.
That much again after 265.000 klms killed two 4x4 my money.
One day, I hope/know the pure pride in being part of something so good Party/Union will bring the best.
One day the upwardly mobile grubs who join to progress to Parliament or business influence or power will not find seats in movements build on the backs of working class poor workers small businessmen/women.
Built on the dreams of those who have every right to dream of better.
Some out their today had life memberships for ten years of service, to only them selves,some for generating agreements that stole members wages.
I lost mine because now and forever I say my union comes first, after its members that is.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 18 September 2011 6:04:26 AM
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belly..""Why do people..join such movements?""

often..its a condition of empolyment
others..want a combined voice...speaking on..*their behalf

others seek other advantages..such as
discount..or oppertuinity to 'lead'

""Why did unions..come about""
8*8*8*...when capitalists want 24/7

""why did those Unions/form..the ALP?""

sheep shearers want better bah-cauldren
so sat under a gun tree...and decided to act together

in time..the workers decided
they needed to change govt laws
then in time..the blackhearts..took over the unions

lawyers got pre selected..public servants/lawyers/bankers[capitalists]..sought regain control..over unions and parties

so installed..a complicite media
and now manage to sit comfortably..on the thousands board seats

telling the rest of clever they are..
how they can hire/fire
whoever the heck deliver the next tax

""Are we aware union members vote no differently
than the rest of the community?""


.."for every party..that ever existed."'


""I cringed at some actions..of both,""

i know the cringe...much i lobbied howard
and rudd to do

they actually did...[in the wrong way]..
so gave up giving them wind..[idea's]

""In 1972 again in 1995..I was offered a job...,no was my answer
I do not have the skills..and ability for that.""

mate had you took it
you would find public service
is as simple as doing as your told

its not what you know...but doing as your told

those who try to think
get given the job of writing a report

that gets dumped on the shelf unread..[reports are to make them THINK..they are making a difference]..when its really just to keep you busy..[and silent]..

much like blogging really

[you'd be amased how many of 'us'
are public/servants..either knowingly..or unknowingly]

mate dont sweat on it

the system KNOWS how to protect tHEIR OWN..ADGENDA
and the muggins..who think wage is income..

dont know any better..nor indeed think at all

mad/cow beef paties
and feurodated water
have done their job well

""I say my union comes first,
after its members that is.""

and such is why they..repeat repeat repeat
the mantra..till we get..who is really..first*

to wit ozzie first
union second/company/corperation/service/core

and the swill
canon fodder [grunt]..last
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 18 September 2011 11:14:55 AM
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I became a rep for a short while just so I could prevent some union damage. Then when all was ok another Labor cronie became boss & ruined it all again.
Posted by individual, Sunday, 18 September 2011 12:01:14 PM
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OUG public service? no mate not union job, union job is to SERVE.
Indy, it is not working.
Noticed you are down to two lines trying to keep on track but your understanding of this issue is in another paddock.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 18 September 2011 12:36:44 PM
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belly..those who call on others..[to serve]
..often get all..they de-serve

think of it mate like you got a yard of chooks
and you like to let them go free..occasionally
say to pick at the bugs and snails

lets say they dont come home to roost
[like chickens are supposed to do]..and you gotta herd them back into the pen..because their too know your trying to make things better for them..

you will have heard things we say about our union rep
but try to look at how that hurts them..[so much different..from how the men in black treat them]..who say do us a favour..then give you some gift

or take you to lunch..on their yacht
buy some hookers and they treat you like god
[mate its only too easy to 'get' to the rep..and get the dirt on em

then you got ..your boy
you know nominating him for party service..
means he will do egsactly what you tell him..and if not you will expose he is a thief or a pedophile or credit fiend.

money power gifts and espri de core
put your mate first...dont complain
follow the party line..or take my word
or read this 1000 page report
[or get exposed to the cops and go to jail]

mate its only too simply do nothing
you were smart in saying no

but that dont mean
that...others..more greedy or just dumber..
didnt say yes sir..thank you worries brother..[etc etc]

i have stopped worrying about things i cant change mate
or telling paople fast asleep..the reality
mate they just dont care

so i only concern
about the things of spirit
try to save souls..using swords

sure i cut many with my sharp tongue
but thats what others will do to em...
[in hell]

[you know..sticks and stones../
..but words can never hurt me..

i dont need others saying im this or that
i know what im trying to become..not what i was
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 18 September 2011 1:59:48 PM
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