The Forum > General Discussion > ALP/UNIONS Solidarity is a dirty word!
ALP/UNIONS Solidarity is a dirty word!
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Posted by Belly, Saturday, 17 September 2011 5:06:58 AM
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Dear Belly,
Warmest Birthday Wishes young man! May your Birthday and the rest of the year hold much happiness for you... Good Health, Good Friends, And many reasons to smile! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! As for Unions. Belly, I support without reservation the right of all working people to join together so as to preserve and protect their livelihoods. Of course Unions need to be more sensitive to the realities of modern economic conditions. And, as you point out - sectarian attitudes and greed serve the cause of Labor badly. I believe a re-assessment of Labor's values is what the Prime Minister is trying to do at present and come up with programs that will move the Party in the right direction - atttracting new members. She's accepted the recommendations of an early report - listing Labor's weaknesses and how to correct them. It's a positive step to change things. Enjoy your day. Posted by Lexi, Saturday, 17 September 2011 9:44:07 AM
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Belly many happy returns.
Belly do you recall my bleating on about a generational thing regarding the quality of our present elected representatives, I stand by that, your generation could well have been the last to produce representatives of the people rather than representatives of the party. Posted by sonofgloin, Saturday, 17 September 2011 10:31:13 AM
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happy birthday ol mate
i guess i allready said too much here so will reply you here ""SOLIDARITY? grubby word used to cover filth!"" no mate..only a means..that powerfull saw as a means to divide us..[mate if you take over the collective..collective bargaining becomes collective deciete ""A nightmare I cannot wake from.'' ME TOO MATE ""a media not intent on truth."" no mate backdoor black suited black guards dressing as lambs while being wolves in sheep skin ""intent on other than constructing news"" no mate intent on spinning a web of lies READ THE LINK. ""can it be we still have not learned?"" so have they..mate we once thought we could control politricks so they simply found other ways to control us..! ""as in the septic tank of the last NSW Government, provided idiots to write anti Labor headlines."" spin merchants...selling us on ALLOWING them to rule..[lord it over us] mate we went to sleep it was let the other guy do it now we seen we shouldnt have trusted them heck read the transcripts its wholsale TREASON but instead you focus on ""at Abbott,"" INSTEAD of..""the lost ground faced by workers,"" cause ""the self help"" of the blackguards what took over the unions to get their bit of 'silver'..their powefull elites to subvert the partyy and the union.. MATE howard thunk of the tax...! and EVERY unionist affectivly cops a pay cut..! paying it plus doubled prices for services thanks to state alp drones[wolves in blue collar] now in black suits.. saying.."we Unions/Labor."" WORK CHOICES RETURNS but no choice re this NEW TAX too true blue..""we let that awful word SOLIDARITY blind us, tie us to sinking ships...[unions/party lines]liberal policy[tax]! It IS..a SCANDAL we allowed the clever guys to do..for you ANYHOW... happy birthday mate we need YOU to have many more..! Posted by one under god, Saturday, 17 September 2011 11:14:30 AM
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Belly, happy birthday. Hope the birds are leaving your garden alone and everything else is fantastic.
My memories of the unions are more of the tactics on the ETU in Qld in the mid 80's. Intent on using workers as pawns in a political game to try and bring down Joh regardless of how low they had to go. - Workers getting bashed for voting against what the union bosses wanted. - Ladders being removed from under people working up power poles. - People being rung in the middle of the night to be informed that their kids were at risk if the parent continued to defy the strike. R0bert Posted by R0bert, Saturday, 17 September 2011 12:21:47 PM
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OUG Kathy Jackson for P.M.
Integrity and trust oozes from this TRUE BELIEVER, she's my kinda gal. Sticking it to Sussex St, I despised them in my Unity Hall days. The "we want our ALP back" sentiment that was apparent after the NSW State conference a month or two back is the only hope the ALP have, a branch driven revolution and Sussex St the first against the wall Posted by sonofgloin, Saturday, 17 September 2011 12:29:47 PM
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Thanks all, been a very good very quite day, markets then garden loving it!
In this post an idea I have been trying to sell/develop will surface Those from every side of Industrial relations, politics ,business, in fact any group. Should not gloat. Probably always but to my eyes from the 1970,s bribe taking/favoritism/criminal acts/ and the special treatment power brings some before the courts has controlled us all. Conservatives hide theirs better and have it done for them. I love my union, and I trust it, think it one day will again be our biggest. I however ask us all, to consider this, if we, in the name of solidarity our group/party hide the truth we neglect the constant improvement and needed change such groups grow on. The current HSU shambles is a total betrayal of its members and the movement. A current court case speaks of half million dollar bribes more than one,given by a criminal construction giant to an equally criminal union. Members? no private donations to a thief. I know of More, hidden from public eyes/members by lies in the name of? solidarity! Far worse a true insult!unions worst failures sit along side our best in Canberra and every state. Hero's like Shorten Swan, Combet sit not far from that loony left Scot or what ever he is. Solidarity stops the very best getting those seats, rewards fools, some times is used to ACTUALLY GET RID of the failures by inflicting them on us all. I do not buy in to the rubbish Labor is so very bad some are, most are out standing, a few will harm my party, because they can not keep out of trouble. Within both Conservatives and Labor high maintenance people, stumble bums exist. Right left center some nearly need a coach to show them about. Why in reform year do we put clowns in the house /unions? Posted by Belly, Saturday, 17 September 2011 3:25:20 PM
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What I am about to say does not make me a hero.
It just confirms me as what I think was once an average working/poor Labor/Union member. Why do people join such movements? Why did unions come about, why did those Unions, mine, form the ALP? Are we aware union members vote no differently than the rest of the community? for every party that ever existed. I grew up idolizing both movements, oh I cringed at some actions of both, grew out of my leftist start in life. In 1972 again in 1995 I was offered a job, official of the Australian Workers Union! Me! no was my answer I do not have the skills and ability for that. 7 years after riding in a lift to my office, in the AWU building, a smarty, self indulgent overly impressed with himself official, trying to start a conversation informed me *our members are scum* He is the only one, still about, still climbing his ladder. I was driving my own 4x4 needed for construction then. Spent $20.000 of my own pay out from the RTA on fuel and repairs. That much again after 265.000 klms killed two 4x4 my money. One day, I hope/know the pure pride in being part of something so good Party/Union will bring the best. One day the upwardly mobile grubs who join to progress to Parliament or business influence or power will not find seats in movements build on the backs of working class poor workers small businessmen/women. Built on the dreams of those who have every right to dream of better. Some out their today had life memberships for ten years of service, to only them selves,some for generating agreements that stole members wages. I lost mine because now and forever I say my union comes first, after its members that is. Posted by Belly, Sunday, 18 September 2011 6:04:26 AM
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belly..""Why do people..join such movements?""
often..its a condition of empolyment others..want a combined voice...speaking on..*their behalf others seek other advantages..such as discount..or oppertuinity to 'lead' ""Why did unions..come about"" 8*8*8*...when capitalists want 24/7 ""why did those Unions/form..the ALP?"" sheep shearers want better bah-cauldren so sat under a gun tree...and decided to act together in time..the workers decided they needed to change govt laws then in time..the blackhearts..took over the unions lawyers got pre selected..public servants/lawyers/bankers[capitalists]..sought regain control..over unions and parties so installed..a complicite media and now manage to sit comfortably..on the thousands board seats telling the rest of clever they are.. how they can hire/fire whoever the heck deliver the next tax ""Are we aware union members vote no differently than the rest of the community?"" yes .."for every party..that ever existed."' yes ""I cringed at some actions..of both,"" i know the cringe...much i lobbied howard and rudd to do they actually did...[in the wrong way].. so gave up giving them wind..[idea's] ""In 1972 again in 1995..I was offered a job...,no was my answer I do not have the skills..and ability for that."" mate had you took it you would find public service is as simple as doing as your told its not what you know...but doing as your told those who try to think get given the job of writing a report that gets dumped on the shelf unread..[reports are to make them THINK..they are making a difference]..when its really just to keep you busy..[and silent].. much like blogging really [you'd be amased how many of 'us' are public/servants..either knowingly..or unknowingly] mate dont sweat on it the system KNOWS how to protect tHEIR OWN..ADGENDA and the muggins..who think wage is income.. dont know any better..nor indeed think at all mad/cow beef paties and feurodated water have done their job well ""I say my union comes first, after its members that is."" and such is why they..repeat repeat repeat the mantra..till we get..who is really..first* to wit ozzie first union second/company/corperation/service/core and the swill canon fodder [grunt]..last Posted by one under god, Sunday, 18 September 2011 11:14:55 AM
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I became a rep for a short while just so I could prevent some union damage. Then when all was ok another Labor cronie became boss & ruined it all again.
Posted by individual, Sunday, 18 September 2011 12:01:14 PM
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OUG public service? no mate not union job, union job is to SERVE.
Indy, it is not working. Noticed you are down to two lines trying to keep on track but your understanding of this issue is in another paddock. Posted by Belly, Sunday, 18 September 2011 12:36:44 PM
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belly..those who call on others..[to serve]
..often get all..they de-serve think of it mate like you got a yard of chooks and you like to let them go free..occasionally say to pick at the bugs and snails lets say they dont come home to roost [like chickens are supposed to do]..and you gotta herd them back into the pen..because their too know your trying to make things better for them.. you will have heard things we say about our union rep but try to look at how that hurts them..[so much different..from how the men in black treat them]..who say do us a favour..then give you some gift or take you to lunch..on their yacht buy some hookers and they treat you like god [mate its only too easy to 'get' to the rep..and get the dirt on em then you got ..your boy you know nominating him for party service.. means he will do egsactly what you tell him..and if not you will expose he is a thief or a pedophile or credit fiend. money power gifts and espri de core put your mate first...dont complain follow the party line..or take my word or read this 1000 page report [or get exposed to the cops and go to jail] mate its only too simply do nothing you were smart in saying no but that dont mean that...others..more greedy or just dumber.. didnt say yes sir..thank you worries brother..[etc etc] i have stopped worrying about things i cant change mate or telling paople fast asleep..the reality mate they just dont care so i only concern about the things of spirit try to save souls..using swords sure i cut many with my sharp tongue but thats what others will do to em... [in hell] [you know..sticks and stones../ ..but words can never hurt me.. etc i dont need others saying im this or that i know what im trying to become..not what i was Posted by one under god, Sunday, 18 September 2011 1:59:48 PM
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looks as though you're down to desperation stage ? I must say your tenacity is nothing short of unbelievable. Shame it's nothing to do with integrity. Posted by individual, Sunday, 18 September 2011 2:34:45 PM
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Belated happy returns from me too Belly.
Like you I remember those heady days back in the 70's but I am a bit dismayed at some of the remarks people make nowadays in complete ignorance of what was happening back them. To many, history only started with Howard and all that happened before is a mysterious dark and sinister period but it is extremely relevant to what's happening today. I'm also disappointed with the 21st century version of the ALP but based on my previous experiences I know I will happily go to my grave in the knowledge that I will never have voted for that alternative bunch of corrupt, power-hungry and hypocritical opportunists who have become even worse in the years since. I vote of the basis of what's good for the national long-term interest and not what's in my own best interests in the next few months. The reason Unions were formed in the first place still exists today but it would be good if the ALP can be seen to be more independent of those internal interest groups. Corruption and undue influence exists within most organisations. The LNP/AP are no different - it's just that theirs remains better hidden from public and media scrutiny. Posted by wobbles, Sunday, 18 September 2011 5:32:27 PM
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Unions did a great job, there's no arguing about it. But they also did a lot of really bad damage, no arguing about that either. Just look how the public service was turned into the worst economic cancer thanks to Unions. When Whitlam's gang started to make inroads the unions went from being a benevolent organisation to a benign one. Posted by individual, Sunday, 18 September 2011 6:13:30 PM
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Thanks wobbles I can see you lived then in your posts.
Well every one tells me to ignore trolls, some even remind me a set of descriptive terms tells if a person is a troll. I I truly do, it is not in my nature to turn away from deliberate flaming. My integrity is questioned time and again by Indy. I could get the verbal tennis racket out and hit a few back across the net. But Indy, you seem unaware you let so very much verbal junk fly. And in truth I do doubt you can do better. My honesty is of more value to me than any thing I ever had, the respect and lifetime friendship of my past members badge of honor to me. My ability to soak up your childish spite is of worth, your view is not. Posted by Belly, Sunday, 18 September 2011 6:18:00 PM
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If we look at the Catholic Church, or any Church, any religion.
Or any political party. Maybe and social organization from Country Womens to , well any group. And if that look is honest, we will see protection of individuals, and the group. Big business even fails to prosecute thieves, because it may damage the brand. In all these cases hiding crimes/ wrong actions/poor actions, because he/she is one of us. Or because we do not want to damage our brand is. Well folks it is building a brick wall right across the street blocking all chance of better. And that wall, built on such foundations often falls right on those it was meant to protect. HSU may never recover from its damage, maybe it would be better if it never did. But with effort and commitment it may bring better to others. Posted by Belly, Monday, 19 September 2011 7:17:04 AM
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Many Happy returns Belly,
Must meet up with you some time on 40. 7105 on Friday afternoons was it not ? I was a member of the ETU a long time ago and I never had a complaint about them. Never had to call on them for anything important but unions are like insurance policies, you just never know when you might need them. Posted by Bazz, Monday, 19 September 2011 8:16:18 AM
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Bazz 7100 2 meter band positive off set any day 4.30.
Because humanity is much as my last post said in every matter. Because maybe we drift away from most religions, our once barrier to poor behavior we drift without anchors. And in time that will put us all on the rocks. Forget my trade union/Labor back ground. If I was a lifelong Liberal, my roots would be in Sir Robert Menzies mold. A man who lead at a time the West Minister system meant some thing, who would today return to his grave rather than sit with those who high jacked his invention/party. What future for any of us if truth and honesty no longer matters. Posted by Belly, Monday, 19 September 2011 5:35:00 PM
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Menzies supporter or not I think we can both see how badly we have been served by all politicians of all persuasions over the last decade or so. Gone are the days when a train driver or shopkeeper can rise through the ranks. All we have now is a series of ex-shop stewards, second-rate suburban accountants and ambulance chasers all out for building a career on the back of the public interest. Get elected for a couple of terms and you're set for life super-wise. Most of today's bunch are actually ex-staffers or Party apparatchiks who inherit seats from their ex-bosses when they retire. Even those who are serious soon become chewed up by the Party Machines or are weeded out in favour of those who are prepared to toe the Party line. The standard of debate? Well there isn't any. No more Fred Daleys or even Jim Killens anymore. Not even close. They all behave like insurance or used car salesmen eager to make a sale. The PM's job is now like something out of Australian Idol or the X-Factor where charisma has replaced competence. Maybe it would be easier if the PM's job is given to the previous year's Gold Logie winner. Personally I couldn't care less how well they "perform" - as long as they were competent and did the job with sincerity and integrity. Maybe things need to get a bit worse before they start to get better. I hope we both get to see that change during your next 66 years. Cheers. Posted by wobbles, Tuesday, 20 September 2011 12:36:25 AM
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wobbles "The PM's job is now like something out of Australian Idol or the X-Factor where charisma has replaced competence."
Overall I agree with your post but it's been a while since we had a PM with any charisma, Hawke maybe. R0bert Posted by R0bert, Tuesday, 20 September 2011 6:18:41 AM
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Wobbles you will remember we called the bloke Ming, and before that Pig Iron Bob.
In my youth I would have choked on words of praise for him. He however was a statesman,and compared to todays LABOR party a lefty. He believed in a workers right to be represented by a union to have a fair wage and so much fewer believe in now. The father of a man I truly despise Frank, father of Simon Crean can be added to your list. I fear the evidence, in plain sight,our politics is getting worse not better. Wobbles I will sound like a conspiracy nut but I see us failing, the human race,to deal with most issues. Just maybe in those 66 years the UN may get to be our only government. Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 20 September 2011 6:26:23 AM
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This link is about the very heart of my reason for posting this thread. It is critical of the public silence of other unions in the HSU scandal. For much the same reasons I am. That sullied and dirty word , once so sacred to unions solidarity is a lie. From once inside the union movement, not now,nothing is so ex as an ex, the movement dumps its past quickly. Truth is left and right unions, even attempts to unite them in self interest help most their brother unions. Afraid of inventing new roads new reality's new ways, the movement clings to terms like Comrade and brother, but its members in only the smallest numbers do not regard that as childlike. Some warned me, if that bloke calls us comrades once more we leave. I HIGHLIGHT this those women/men I still think of as Friends see the HSU as enemy,they connect all unions to this sinking ship. Hate me if they must, on the next time these union heads it together think as you pull those chairs out. You sit in those chairs to serve the membership and the union. To serve those who sat there before you and after you. A poor union out come should be squashed solidarity is to betray your reason for existing. Foot soldiers, officials who will never rise to your hight but ARE the union ,suffer every day at the hands of slugs, who are unfit to be unionists. Posted by Belly, Thursday, 22 September 2011 4:54:12 AM
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your up early today again my brother
yep me too...[im not sure if its a blessing or a curse] i just sephens topic [see last link] thats the only reason im up but now its back to my dreams as i tried to explain at the last post here that got me banned last as for what stopped me from sleeping has been this has put my mind at rest and now i can my only true joy sleep love ya bro i hope you can take naps or talk of what is desturbing your rest please look after yourself mate you fought hard for the 8 hours during which we sleep insist you get 8 hours [i think the only thing keeping me going] without my ten hours per day..i rekon i would pass over i should write an ode to sleep but in truth its an ode to dreams [its not the sleep so much as the dreaming thats important...just to get away from the dreadfull everyday reality...sleep is my 'safe place'] but we are all different love you my brother good night or perhaps good moring see ya after 9* 12 to 9 is me time Posted by one under god, Thursday, 22 September 2011 5:37:09 AM
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On the off chance, just maybe, a once poster here, Bill Shorten watches.
On the off chance my old college's visit, or some as committed to labor as I and my generation are read. It is time! Never forget why Labor /unions exist, never be sure contary opinions are always wrong yours right. It was my duty it is yours, to first serve the movement. I still serve the ALP. Why? It frightens me less than conservatives. 5 maybe more sitting on our bench's would better serve the party selling chook raffle tickets. But 25 sit opposite who serve nothing. Labor has its fools, Simon Crean,if you forget I will not, that grinning Gillard fan and fool Fitzgibbon a pale shadow of Pyne but as foolish. Solidarity? or the need not to remind your selves putting Gillard in this job was a huge Muck up! Tony Abbott rides his horse seated the wrong way round spreading lies we feed that horse we give Australians as reason not to see the swaggering bandy legged arm swinging snake oil salesman he is , Julia Gillard. yet we pretend we can tell Australia she will be right mate? It never will be,Gillard must go or each of you forever know you serve only your self interests not ours. Posted by Belly, Thursday, 22 September 2011 1:08:17 PM
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Politics is boring. We should avoid talking about it. This link tells us what those attitudes bring. Every member of Parliament both sides. Every voter both sides. Should read this. Then tell me. Is this the best our country can do. Is Australia served by two third rate leaders propped up by gutless followers who seem to hope this joke we be ok in the end? Posted by Belly, Thursday, 22 September 2011 7:09:19 PM
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OFF to market day today, my third this weekend.
I was like a kid waiting for Christmas waiting. But the edge has gone now,still go,still have the union shirt. ALP country badge. But taking this mornings story about that union with me. Like a mouth full of bitter fruit. Seems the very person who put us on notice things had been done. May have been acting as a result of facing charges, for the same thing, even the same brothel 2 years ago. I am UNION not industrial warfare union. Not kill the boss union. I know why we have unions. I would today if needed again be an official, unpaid,using my car,at my costs. That is the belief and passion EVERY SINGLE OFFICER OF ANY UNION SHOULD HAVE. we will one day, see bigger unions, smaller egos running them, and less slugs as bad as the very bad bosses they exist to defend workers from. SOLIDARITY? do not swear women about!Q Posted by Belly, Sunday, 25 September 2011 5:41:41 AM
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have a good day ol mate
anyhow while your gone do remind people of how importand unions are[and they are] let face this''But 25 sit opposite who serve nothing."" mate they serve the boss just like the alp serves big business..[ie the boss] ""Solidarity?"" yep mate the bosses have solidarity both parties come to them for money then they have control of the public service..too [even got public service unions].. how come..*their union got such gweat super and we get shafted?] ""Gillard must go or each of you forever know you serve only your self interests not ours."" mate without ..'a' nomination no one gets near govt its all too clever ""Politics is boring."" thats how you LEARN to vote the party line... its easier to vot as the wip tells you than read 900 pages of public service goobly gook ""We should avoid talking about it."" thats what the want..! ""both sides...Should read this."" mate im over it i too dont read much any more Posted by one under god, Sunday, 25 September 2011 12:27:19 PM
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""Is this the best our country can do.""
mate i spent most of my adult life reading govt rubbish hansard science papers contracts ""But the edge has gone now,"" thats not your fault mate you got passion...but they only need passion..*on election day ""Seems the very person who put us on notice [of]..things [that]..had been done. May have been acting as a result of facing charges, for the same thing,"" you got it mate its FAR easier to play dumb to give yup and do as we are told heck who can blame them..anything 'we' say..only gets ignored ""I know why we have unions.'' so do the masters thats why they sent in their two party stooges '"I would today if needed again be an official,"' good on you mate ""That is the belief and passion EVERY SINGLE OFFICER OF ANY UNION SHOULD HAVE."" to be honest mate./...most [when they statrt out really are trying]..but soon learn the sad ugly truth..and either submit..or leave.. ""we will one day, see bigger unions,"" no mate..the workers know that guy in the black best mates with the boss only doing time..till he gets get on the party line ""smaller egos running them,"" they soon puff you up make you feel important bring you to parties..introduce you into the masons get you fre loans...good mates...selective info[talking points] ""SOLIDARITY?"" be a mate follow the mates party line ""do not swear women"" cause as juliar reveals...they want you now they know you allready do as your a goodlooking guy who knows how to get the 'best'..from any woman...whatever it takes you want a fulltime hair dresser who wont whine..or complain you got it ha...cute kids..[and cute guys].. can make mummy do anything Posted by one under god, Sunday, 25 September 2011 12:28:21 PM
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OUG sorry bloke, this issue is bigger than the sins, and many exist, of the ALP/Union movement.
We like to use old fashioned words like mate ship solidarity and such. Brag about the tight and solid mate ship of our armed forces, once our country. The self serving self interest I target here, and in past threads about NSW ALP, about the powerful Murdock media, is a symptom. We once could bank on the honesty of the average bloke. Now, if some doubt me research it, our police are more Criminal at times than those they chase. Politicians, courts judges business men driven by greed and self interest destroy the very world that made us great. Lack of integrity blinds them to the end results of a world that sees no one able to trust any one. I had a great day rained and prices came down, so I spent and became the customer that made the day worth while for most plant sellers.Too wet to even unload now. Posted by Belly, Sunday, 25 September 2011 1:50:27 PM
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have you read this from sortos this is also worth reading this too the last one is huge each topic is worth its own thread lateline has done some good stuff lately Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 5 October 2011 10:47:18 AM
I with pride and certainty am both Unionist and Labor.
Yet those 66 years [still feel 40] have not always been good for such as me.
I live today back in 1972 to 1975.
A nightmare I cannot wake from.
Labor then and now faced a media not intent on truth.
Not intent on other than constructing news .
It also, can it be we still have not learned? as in the septic tank of the last NSW Government, provided idiots to write anti Labor headlines.
Look, take the briefest look, at Abbott,the lost ground faced by workers,the self help we Unions/Labor .
WORK CHOICES RETURNS we let that awful word SOLIDARITY blind us, ties us to sinking ships!
I will be a SCANDAL, rather cuddle a rat than Belly!
Yet my party has too many rats still in its ranks.
We are better, so very much better , but why are some Unions in festered with white collar criminals?
This snotty nosed kid dreamed of unions, now they are a ladder for traitors, not all, to a seat in the party.
SOLIDARITY? only the best must serve, we are an outstanding movement sometimes served by rats in suits.
Voices like mine are ignored , unless leading a group in a fight.
We must not wrap our party in ribbons and call it reform.
Workers hate own goals,unions must become more open , we need less but bigger unions, they must stop being stepping stones to Parliament for fleas.
Labor needs a few less white collar mice and rats, and more who understand the simple truth.
Serving Unions/Labor is an Honorable thing,each time they sit down first remember it is those who put them there they serve.
And those who come after.
SOLIDARITY? grubby word used to cover filth!