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The Black hole of Union finances.
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in the 'card' adverts this topic is attracting
the topic of black hole financing..
is a thing not restricted to unions
business has long sucked at that teat
that govt minesters do is beyond dispute
[and not just as with peter rich] doudt many have given gifts of the many cards business and unions and govt hand out for 'tax deductable' nessisities..
and thats the key
its tax the tax payer pays for the personal gain
wether its just long lunches..or just first clas travel..or just entertaintment..or accomidating 'services' the end the tax deduction costs are carried by us all.
what is there to add to this nice free lunch bonus
but that govt loves serving its mates...and mates love serving each what of a cure?
how i see get onto the public purse
you need to abandon..all other income streams
[be actually outlawed of holding other investments and incomes]
and from then purely on audited credit/cards
[no govt largess..if its govt cash or credit..thats only bey those 'on' the card..
the current absurdity has also revealed...that of bailing out blue steel..or subsidisation of mates..from special accounts[like blue stealing..bailout..comming from the carbon credit account]
when the real problem is that coking coal has gone from 50 300 a ton..[as the blue mate has revealed]...[this increase is the fryuit of the generouse govt bailouts cash..looking for a safe place..
thus being abused in 'investing' it into hard 'securities'
[to wit the stuff they know we will need to consume..
thus will need to buy..regardless of its cost]
and thus this resources bubble
that soon too
will bust*
the extra bailout cash..created a pyromid sceme
just like compulsory supper did to the share market
and will do as govt idiots..
[2 party patsie/fools],..are now going to up the theft
sorry dead duction..from 9 12 percent
to cash up the money traiters..and bail the poor buggggers out
so they can issue ever more credit cards to their mates