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The Black hole of Union finances.

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Given that fair work Australia has been "investigating" the near bankrupt HSU and Thomson for more than 2 years, and has only just revealed that several years worth of documentation is "missing". This raises many questions to the level of scrutiny required for union finances. If this union was a public company there would be several people in jail, and a serious tax audit on every director.

Given that these are all funds coming from the pockets of supposed workers needing protection, books of unions in general should be audited to see whether the expenditures comply with firstly the law and secondly the published objectives of the union, and a general statement should be publicly available.

I wonder what other cans of worms are to be found in the books of unions that are not on the edge of bankruptcy.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 29 August 2011 10:07:25 AM
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Any mud will do Shadow, unless it is about your former minister giving his son his credit card, parliamentary credit card.
Yep he got a drubbing but got away with it and a very serious lie more than once.
So too did 6 other tainted ex members who walked away under a white wash.
One a former Deputy Prime Minister Oakshot holds his seat.
However if convicted, does that matter? he should serve time.
A union Branch has a key credit card, controlled by its branch head delegated to its office manager.
I have blown a tyer a long way from any place, and needed to use it, a few times in fact.
I get the car to its fixing place by tow truck get the tyer fitted office manager rings the details of card.
On a trip away[ interstate even] too late to get travel expenses, clear union duty's, accommodation is booked ,sometimes that card is taken to cover a dinner or such with others at that meeting.
Even in my youth some, filth, stole union members funds.
Every time I heard of it I challenged it.
I helped the very boss I was to leave over, do an outstanding job, by removing such a grub, from the position and the union.
I can not say union heads are all angels, I would love to sit on the shoulder of my ex boss chattering away in his ear you are not a God.
But he, and every one I know of, is not a thief.
I reserve the right to keep to myself what else I may whisper in his ear but well done SM your usual muck raking and top grade as usual.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 29 August 2011 11:58:19 AM
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OK Belly,

Let's compare Peter Reith's phone card scandal with Thomson's rort.

1. PR gave the phone card details to his son for occasional contact, not intending to rack up more than a few dollars. His son abused it to the tune of some hundreds of dollars, and the details were stolen and about $50k was racked up.

2. It was picked up by PR the instant the bill came through, and PR immediately referred it to the police, and issued a statement.

3. He then paid the total amount back out of his own pocket.

Now, please try and compare it to the thievery and fraud that Thomson is implicated in, how forthcoming he has been, and how likely the union is to see its money again.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 29 August 2011 1:35:21 PM
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Implicated is the word. Can't anybody wait till this has been looked into, without surmising this that and any other thing has happened.
SM is a serial bog thrower.
Posted by a597, Monday, 29 August 2011 2:03:47 PM
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This thread has been deflected back into my thread on Thomson. As for the word implicated, it means not yet convicted. A man standing over a body with a smoking gun and 3 eye witnesses is "implicated" as is Thomson with the overwhelming body of evidence against him.

This thread is about the union officials who use union funds like their own personal fiefdom. I don't believe the HSU is the only union being ripped off by its officials, and believe that the unions deserve as much scrutiny as public companies.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 29 August 2011 2:24:26 PM
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I think the Labor Party are rotten to the core.Belly holds up Bob Carr as a paragon best labor practise and he was the best that they were.Well Bob called desalination plants bottled electricity and environmentally disasterous.So off trots Bob top the Middle East,does 180 deg turn and then sings the praises of this white elephant.

Bob Carr then resigns and within 6 mths gets a part time consultancy worth $500,000 pa for lining up NSW Govt contracts for the Macquarie Bank.No wonder we are $5 billion in debt.

At the moment ,it is the lesser of two evils and Labor are totally dysfunctional at every level.Jack Lang would be turning in his grave.
Posted by Arjay, Monday, 29 August 2011 7:10:37 PM
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i find much humor
in the 'card' adverts this topic is attracting

the topic of black hole financing..
is a thing not restricted to unions
business has long sucked at that teat

that govt minesters do is beyond dispute
[and not just as with peter rich] doudt many have given gifts of the many cards business and unions and govt hand out for 'tax deductable' nessisities..

and thats the key
its tax the tax payer pays for the personal gain
wether its just long lunches..or just first clas travel..or just entertaintment..or accomidating 'services' the end the tax deduction costs are carried by us all.

what is there to add to this nice free lunch bonus
but that govt loves serving its mates...and mates love serving each what of a cure?

how i see get onto the public purse
you need to abandon..all other income streams
[be actually outlawed of holding other investments and incomes]

and from then purely on audited credit/cards
[no govt largess..if its govt cash or credit..thats only bey those 'on' the card..

the current absurdity has also revealed...that of bailing out blue steel..or subsidisation of mates..from special accounts[like blue stealing..bailout..comming from the carbon credit account]

when the real problem is that coking coal has gone from 50 300 a ton..[as the blue mate has revealed]...[this increase is the fryuit of the generouse govt bailouts cash..looking for a safe place..

thus being abused in 'investing' it into hard 'securities'
[to wit the stuff they know we will need to consume..
thus will need to buy..regardless of its cost]
and thus this resources bubble

that soon too
will bust*

the extra bailout cash..created a pyromid sceme
just like compulsory supper did to the share market

and will do as govt idiots..
[2 party patsie/fools],..are now going to up the theft
sorry dead duction..from 9 12 percent
to cash up the money traiters..and bail the poor buggggers out

so they can issue ever more credit cards to their mates
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 30 August 2011 10:04:34 AM
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The *Black Hole* of union finances ey!?

Well, how do you know she was black *Shadow?*

She could have been some little junkie white girl with tracks up her arms for all I know?


Hmmmm ... it would make for an interesting investigative interview and report though wouldn't it?


I mean, do you know if he liked to brag *Belly?*

(yeah baby, yeah baby, I'll get more! I'll get more!)
Posted by DreamOn, Tuesday, 30 August 2011 12:33:43 PM
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How does one fraud justify another? "Well, so-and-so did much worse." is a commonplace response I'll grant, but such a response is akin to "Yes, we know it is dishonest, but if the other side doesn't act upon dishonesty, why should we?".

Hardly taking the moral high ground.
Posted by Fester, Tuesday, 30 August 2011 6:00:07 PM
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Well *Shadow* I think that you may like to consider getting a willing and able "Troll Foot Soldier" to do an "Under the Covers Mission"

(replete with a salubrious budget)

and get right down into the bottom of that "Black Hole" to give us all some additional perspective whilst awaiting the normal muggle processes to conclude.


Now, I just had the pink sanitary napkins add on the page and I note the "Roll Over for More" option.


Same principal at work here *Shadow*


"Roll Over" for more *Baby!*

Posted by DreamOn, Wednesday, 31 August 2011 3:39:08 PM
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