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The Forum > General Discussion > Drunken Ben Bernake Finally Tells the Truth.

Drunken Ben Bernake Finally Tells the Truth.

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  10. All You can see pictures to support this story. Ben Bernanke has aparently got very drunk at Elwood's Corner Tavern and finally admitted how stuffed the US economy really is.He however did not take responsibility for the demise of the US economy.

Ben said that the economy would not recover no matter how many stimulus packages they created.We heard all the lies about green shoots and the GFC was over but many of us who know about the fundamentals of economics knew better.

Unlike the USA,we own and have some control our Reserve Bank of Aust.The US Federal Reserve is privately owned and only has Govt representatives on its' Board of Governors.

We will soon need a courageous leader that will make the RBA the lender of first resort to get us through this crisis.We can legitimately create our own money to equal growth without creating inflation.Money costs nothing to create and our real wealth is in a skilled and knowledgable population.Govt spending in non productive areas must be drastically reduced but the real productive economy must not be starved of cash.

Our pollies appear to be economic illiterates and lack the courage and will to do what is necessary for our survival.
Posted by Arjay, Friday, 5 August 2011 9:03:04 AM
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i blame it on flawed modeling
that never predicted the known known
that every fiat based ursury system ever created eventually failed

who was it that said

""give me control over money supply
i care not who rules""

well absolute power corrupted absolutly
BUT ...leaders..think

the assets are built
we now only need wages
to keep consumers going

govts can run the business now
after all it was now apparent the assets are proceeds of crime

we dont need the elites
its them who now need us

our super just got stolen
next year you will again be told
one third of your COMPULSORY super..was gambled into debt
cause it was only based on paper promise*

who's promise holds more weight
an elected trustee..[ie govt member]
or some banker selling euro's and yen

bonded promises...for odious debt bet's..
for assets...for-closed for pennies on the dollar
then liquidate the assets...

and sell the industrial revolution for scrap value
to the big 3..running the scam..

by the franchise right to issue paper $$$$
and cyber credits...with an unlimited check book
unchecked by any auditer

audit the fed
demand the and silver be returned
by those who stole it..stole the real assets
of the worlds federal reserves

govt needs to seize back the assets
keep the consumers in jobs

or at a minimum..jail those who prevented the audit
Posted by one under god, Friday, 5 August 2011 10:54:01 AM
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C'mon Arjay.

This is satire.

Not even particularly funny satire, at that.

Which is probably why you thought it was real.
Posted by Pericles, Friday, 5 August 2011 11:12:19 AM
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Do you not think the essence of it is real, Pericles?

< Then after a while he just sort of stopped and I couldn’t tell if he was laughing or crying.”! >

I was laughing…. with tears in my eyes. Well….I think I was laughing.
Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 5 August 2011 11:43:40 AM
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Yes Pericles,if you read the caption,at the top is said filed under satire.

We are however going to have to make some tough decisions soon.Unemployment will rise dramatically and the Labor Govt have knocked what little confidence was left out of our economy.With inflation about to break out in the USA the Fed will raise rates to cut the losses of the elites further weakening our economy.The share market is stuffed and gold is on the rise.

People like Gerald Celente,Prof Michael Hudson and Webster Tarpley predicted this collapse long ago but the money changers continued to lie and cheat their way into our savings even more.With civil unrest at home they will try to use war as a distraction and steal resources to shore up their investments.The masses will pay the price for their greed,in both money and lives lost.
Posted by Arjay, Friday, 5 August 2011 11:46:48 AM
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Arjay you spend an awful lot of time bashing the US.In fact that's all you do.You posted on this forum..."The USA is controlled by the Federal Reserve the private group of banks based in Europe.These banks own and create all the US currency, so Obama and Congress must obey them.Currently they are piliging Greece and the other PIGS by artificial debt creation.They through the IMF are counterfeiting the EURO."

Now that's just too stupid for words. Actually the Soviet NKVD is still working underground, and they are financing the Greens who are all members of the Communist Party in Australia which is still secretly based in Marrickville.Their plan is to gain control of the Australian Government and working secretly with al Quida and the Communist Chinese government they will with impose Sharia Law here and all three will share government.That's the absolute truth because I would never make anything like that up.

And why would the US wage war for oil in the M.E. as you stated when they could just roll over their border to oil rich Mexico and Venezuala.They wouldn't have to fire a shot with these banana republic armies and the greedy US government and their greedy oil companies would have no casualties and lower transport costs.
Posted by kman, Friday, 5 August 2011 11:56:20 AM
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