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Norway Tragedy
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Posted by one under god, Monday, 25 July 2011 10:07:19 AM
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Norway has supported a Palestinian State
in fact norwegen pm had just announced it If the game plan is to establish tough,law-and-order rightwing governments world-wide..that appear to be protecting the rightwing nutters/hatefull media people while moving forward..[great slogan?].. with the long-range goals of the global agenda, then the people would have to be encouraged to accept such rigid rule.... for their own 'good'..of course the murdoc media quickly spead the al quarda stuff cause that fits their adgenda... its hard to find a time of spin so find ways..of knowing what really happend or at least find out what really could be happening.. if the church insists on retaining the right to silence we dont need to forgive but hate the deed..not the being who has been set up ..just like the rest of us by liars with adgendas..and reasons to make war..and kill Posted by one under god, Monday, 25 July 2011 10:07:50 AM
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Of one thing I am reasonably sure.
There won't be any violent street demonstrations campaigning against the evils of Christianity, as a result of the actions of this "Right-wing Christian Fundamentalist". Which is, of course, as it should be. We wouldn't dream of holding an entire religion responsible for the actions of a tiny minority. Would we? Posted by Pericles, Monday, 25 July 2011 10:19:00 AM
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Dear Pericles,
A slight correction to your statement. There will not be any demonstration against the evils of Christianity in countries that have a mainly Christian population. There may well be in other countries. Posted by david f, Monday, 25 July 2011 10:31:27 AM
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Well, no argument from me on this one, Pericles :)
What I'm finding interesting this morning is the avoidance of the "T" word in the MSM to describe the offender. Here's a guy who evidently planted a bomb in government offices, planned and executed mass murder on political targets, all according to a manifesto which details how he means to start a war. So how is he not a terrorist? Can't blonde, Aryan, Christian types be terrorists? How does this bastard differ from e.g. Timothy McVeigh? Posted by morganzola, Monday, 25 July 2011 10:33:04 AM
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Re assuming it was a Moslem extremist: remember Timothy McVey.
These sorts of actions (could be expanded to include David F's list) basically derive from people's absolute certainty that they are right. I don't think anyone can be certain about anything (well, maybe the law of gravity - not prepared to test that by jumping off a tall building), but especially whether they are right. In fact as a rule of thumb: the more certain you are that you are right, the more likely you are to be wrong. This is why I like scepticism. I think everyone should be taught /encouraged to be sceptical of their own beliefs. I'm not all that keen on the argument that we have to respect other people's beliefs. I'm even sceptical about scepticism, especially where it is used to justify a belief (eg global warming sceptics). Posted by Cossomby, Monday, 25 July 2011 10:33:40 AM
killing mainly xtian children
clearly isnt what christ meant
..when he said LOVE loving neighbour
those who think jesus came to autherise MURDER
in his name are decieved and decieving
[death cant serve the good god
who gives us all our life]
nor serve the message of the christ
who revealed the living loving good
was knowable by his creation
destruction dont serve god
but WHY is the church SO SILENT....AGAIN*
why put the murders thoughts into the media
sems his max punishment will be 30 years
[plus or minus 3 mths for each murder]
so he will in time be a redneck idol..[sic]
but is the state so innocent?
Olso Police conducted bombing exercise days before attack
just talking about this sort of stuff..'tells' madmen..'its time'
Anders looks more like an Illuminati-Freemason
adopting the adgenda of the crusaders...who perverted christianity
in the persuit of wealth/power..
[his 'manifesto' in large part was an plagerised/edited version..of that nutter from oklahoma bombing 'issued'..with blacks striuckout...and muslims put in]..
that again manifesto
helped his selective hatred..
just as vile vidio games helped..and the media helped
but lets face it
why hasnt the church
*spoken about their silence
no doudt he also got the..'its time mess-age'
via the suport for palistein the youth camp
where the shooting occurred..who..had just held a PRO Palestinian Rally the day before!
we know xtian/nutters
support zion's delusions
[ not gods own...who dont god give life to]
jesus was about helping not not taking awa