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Why the tax is wrong

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Morgan, if the demand wasn't there these goods and services would not be provided.

Another underlying problem may well be the fact that our competitors will not have the same taxes to consider. This could have dire results, don't you think.

At the end of the day most people want something done, but for us to move while others dont is here the problem is.

As I hav said before, this will add to our costs, reduce our competetiveness and achieve nothing in terms of global reductions.

Surely even you can see that.
Posted by rehctub, Friday, 15 July 2011 7:42:53 PM
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Ah yes subsidy's free trade & all other other dirty tricks pulled on Australian farmers and Australia itself AND thats why we need a Trade Minister with some balls and stop sucking up and putting up with this unfair playing field.

Thats why the US and others should liberalize their farm policies irrespective of whether developing nations lower their trade barriers.
Not just to help poorer nations, although it would do that in a way that adds to world economic efficiency and trade. Freeing agriculture would also help consumers and even many farmers in Australia.

Whether subsidies to agriculture raise or lower prices to domestic consumers depends on the form the subsidies take.
So we must have the same subs for local plants & we give $ for $ to overseas in our so called assistance.
Subsidies to farm exports also raise domestic prices by artificially diverting production from the domestic to the export market.

Either way the public have had enough of USA screwing our farmers and our government shutting up about it.

So Australian farmers & Abattoirs are now putting their hand out for the SAME subs & $ for $ gifted in many different ways and scams to overseas.

There will be plants here- The world is changing its just the nationals and perhaps USA who are left behind havent got the message yet- but they will.
Posted by Kerryanne, Friday, 15 July 2011 9:51:06 PM
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Kanne, the though of processing plants here, if that's what you refer to is a nice dream, but reallity is, it is simply that, a dream.

We simply can not compete with our wage system and our remoteness to the rest of th world. I doubt that will ever change.

Thebfact of the matter is that we export because we have to while many other countries expot as they choose to.

Our population is to small to sustain our lifestyle.
Posted by rehctub, Saturday, 16 July 2011 6:52:13 AM
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I've just looked through this discussion so must apologized for a late entry. All thoughtful analysts agree that an inevitable result of the "carbon" tax will be rampant inflation. Most commentators assume this to be a side issue. I believe it to be the sole purpose. Oz enjoys one of the best standards of living in the world, and one of the most benign social environments, both of which are largely irrelevant to the Globalist agenda. However, Oz salaries and wages are probably the highest in the world based on A$ equivalents, and this IS a problem for the Globalists. Even worse are the rights of Oz landowners, given the bother of cheap coal lying under prime agricultural land. The obvious solution is to lower Oz wages and disenfranchise the landowners. How to do it? Inflation, of course.

I'm putting together some material that will eventually address these issues directly. If you don't mind looking at a work in progress, try this:
Posted by Beelzebub, Monday, 18 July 2011 1:49:09 PM
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I worked for the Gov for 10 years in computing analysis. If you draw NO benefit of any kind, your deemed to be employed and thus are never counted in the unemployment figures. The REAL unemployment figure is what the government quotes X 3.
Posted by pepper, Monday, 18 July 2011 2:12:17 PM
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Now does anybody with more than half a brain think that anybody is going to promote a moneymaking scheme where the basis of it is the alleged REDUCTION of the commodity that drives the scheme? The idea that is being sold to a gullible public is a carbon tax or an emissions trading scheme that will eventually eradicate man-caused pollution and thus save the world. So why would anybody invest in something that is going to be wiped out in the medium to long term?

Of course not. The moneymaking aspect of any scheme relies on it continuing and growing, therefore the sponsors of this scam are really relying on two things - that the human-caused carbon dioxide emissions will continue and increase, thus increasing the profits from the scam and secondly, that the value of the carbon credits themselves will rise, just like stocks and shares, reaping huge financial rewards for those who trade in them and especially those who control the trading.
Posted by pepper, Monday, 18 July 2011 2:15:12 PM
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