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B.i.g deal?
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Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 24 May 2011 9:21:06 AM
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i know its poor form
to not wait for a reply before posting again but ignoring propriatry..i will try to explain my concept.. we are told we need a big MANDATED..NEW TAX TO 'HELP US'..STOP POLUTING so govt needs to hit us where it hurts in hitting us.,.where we hurt...the big poluters ..will change their polution...[lol] dumb is govt? plus we are taxing them...not you your going to get a bailout...[but so too are those ..mere 1000 paying the tax...:they took from us] in short its a grand scam direct from howards previous/devious mind a sceme that creates a new...NEW*..carbon trading elite [i guess thats what im upset about] see currently we have oil/ and big business KNOWS...shortage creates a big windfall.. [for the wise trader]...but the traded floor price is only speculative its for future delivery its trading..WITHIN its own bubble on stuff that is likely not to egsist..and certainly now [only egsists ON a promise to deliver x ammount by y time] everyday 3 times the ammount of REAL gold is traded THAN EVER EGSISTED..! HOW can this be? its only a paper promise ONLY held for a day..or a week ONLY HELD CAUSE THE PRICE....might go up in fact its even worse..we can make bets that the price will go down...[and there are the issues..behind trading in carbon]... see how carbon credits are the ideal get our money.. YOU MUST PAY THE GOING RATE..! you MUST pay WHATEVER THE GREE$DY MONEYMEN say a carbon dollar is worth today Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 25 May 2011 9:21:41 AM
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i tried to get away from *their market lore
by issing a govt licence to emmit..THAT is issued to all of us..*as a basic right.. but that can be 'bought/sold'.. use less you get money use more pay more im trying to take the money men away from doing..that they now are doing ,.{to great hurt globally].. ie speculating up the price of food/oil and soon the carbon permit you need to buy* carbon credits...will be the next bubble in fact they need the carbon bubble..because this one is going bust soon.. the reason is the ab/use of spin... *BIG SPIN too many promises...not enough gold like gold..carbon credits will reduce..DE-creasing supply govt should not be giving away money..[12 to 45 billion] [money it can only get from lending from] so the nEED limit govt to,.. only carbon permits.. [a licence..others might pay for] using their own money.. but my way..the poor get theirs too... plus [a new carbon allowance every year] no more charity..but income.. given to all equally..! credit that allows the conversion..into whatever the market then..can convince consumers to buy think big this short term..small minded thinking isnt working for many of us...indeed serves only the few Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 25 May 2011 9:27:35 AM
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Perhaps this website may help you: Posted by Lexi, Thursday, 26 May 2011 7:11:31 PM
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In keeping with your "BIG" theme, here's another link: Posted by Lexi, Thursday, 26 May 2011 7:39:13 PM
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And the sound of cricket songs wilfully play, as tumble-weeds roll on by:)
LEAP Posted by Quantumleap, Thursday, 26 May 2011 8:42:05 PM
small minded small thinking people
love using..[ab-using]..the word big
thinking calling a thought big..that in reality is small
[OK SPIN WORD...for this year..
is '''*BIG""..
OR is big a LOADED WORD?
A..test marketed 'word'
[you know 'big tobacco'....only]
and or .."big poluters *only..will pay"}
seems the little minded party
is picking on anyone..they call...'big'
is govt getting too big
for its role/purpose?
oir too much small minded..[petty]..thinking
when is the big issue
going to become managable?
when is a nanny state
getting too big for its boots
why cant govt issue free licences
that we then can real cash...
[if were not a big ab/user..]
once the last tax dollar
gets spent employing public servants
or solar cell's..[solar sell's?.]..on ya roof
yeah i know they arnt free...
till you payed back ten %..of their true price
and reaped in a nice top-up..[inputs]..resale price..for sunlit inputs
but how about this
govt stick to issuing 'licences' for carbon polution
via its own carbon bank...issues us each and equal share
of carbon credit..[held in trust in OUR own carbon account]
and a market
to sell your 'credit on'..
at tax pay using them...
you simply forward your account your energy suplier
who auto deducts from your carbon credit account...
[that deducts auto from your money account..
if your TOO BIG a user..[abuser]..
of your free carbon credit/limit