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The Forum > General Discussion > A mandatory surcharge will fix the problem.

A mandatory surcharge will fix the problem.

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So Rechtub you have joined the group who, unable to debate issues slander me with BIAS.
It is a fact such people impress me only with their own blindness.
This issue grew from your thread on back packers.
That thread grew out of a an extreme position on workers being paid too much you have displayed from day one.
Now take a seat,come with me on this journey, this failed business man has a few thoughts for you.
Are you your own accountant? hope not.
Costs in running your business can be calculated, maybe meat prices are not stable,but you should be in control of your expenditure.
Now,those fleas in your under pants your workers, beggars insist on earning a living wage.
You know to the last cent how much you will pay, how many weekends, just not always what workers will be paid,true.
So sneak in to your accountant,ask him/her how much you can increase your profits without sales dropping.
Now anti business, you do know, don't you? that statement is wrong, silly childlike?
And do you understand it was my union that said a fair days WORK [not anything else should bring a fair DAYS PAY.
I can not put any more value on your intellect after that comment than a kg of you best snags.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 21 April 2011 6:34:39 AM
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Small business is not alone at the wailing wall.
Crowds of self interested business and other groups constantly scream we want more.
And those who inhabit the lower end of the gene pool soon gather to chant along with them.
What is a small business? hundreds will jump in and tell me it is saint like,a provider of employment and service.
Oh? risk takers Rechtub words are kind friendly community minded folk.
I fail to control my self,just have to laugh those most opposed to ANY socialism insist on it if a profit making enterprise fails/has to Complie with fair work Australia.
Every year maybe thousands of small business go to the wall,other take their place, is it governments roll to protect them?
How many are poorly researched poorly run and bound to fail.
We have history of socialism for high income earners in this country,is it fair,was welfare not only a safety net at the bottom.
I every weekend, walk past stall after stall in area local markets.
Meet people who grow those plants you pay five times as much for,after they are near dead in those big shops/tin sheds And with the plants I buy I get story's of just why market days are better for me and those I buy from private Enterprise at work.
Last,country town isolated, 20.000 people wages drop 5% do five percent of sales die? yes indeed wages are oil for small business.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 21 April 2011 6:54:11 AM
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Just as an example of the profit over employee mentality of big buisness. During Howards short workplace agreements lunacy Spotlight Australia submitted 620 new workplace agreements of which 614 were rejected by the ombudsman as completely un equitable.
Posted by sonofgloin, Thursday, 21 April 2011 7:48:13 AM
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have you ever heard of proffit sharing
[those getting a share
somehow seem to be better 'workers]

and im not suggesting giving them a free
or discounted ham at xmass]

meat is one of them things
where for a little bit of extra care
a higher yeild cut can result..[where you work for a scrooge
the oppisite is the more usual]

we hear much about fresh is best
the cuts at the end of the week..
can in no way be regarded as being prime
at best you should see slaving at weekends as a cost recovery exersize

where you get a last shot at charging higher price
for what will be next weeks petfood..but i feel anything i say to you is a waste of my free time..times are tough...but a butcher can slaughter his own beasts..make his own value added cuts

but if it dont begin with giving a fair shake..
to those doing a fair job..[a fair return]
then you know your working for a miser
and your work will be done in misery

bah humbug
why bother

you just want to blame govt
make govt be the bad guy
look within bloke..selfishness and greed
follow from one life to the next...

your doing fine

can your slaves
ahhem..em-ploy-ee's..say the same..

somehow i doudt it
[that you do to the do to god]

24/7 means no family life
8 hours work/8 hours play/8 hours sleep
no more than 40 hours per week

treat your workers..better
than you treat your other meat
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 21 April 2011 7:49:30 AM
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Two very true posts, I am awestruck at the need to blame workers/unions for every problem.
Let us face some facts, while I treasure the gains unions gave Australian workers more than 3 in 4 are not unionists.
Mostly those the ACTU fights for in minimum wages cases are not unionist.
We had once a thing called mate ship in this country.
On battle Fields far away or at home mates helped mates.
Get out on the street after a fire or flood and see this fact, those who can afford it least are giving the most.
I feel I have to justify being proud of my Union,and disgusted with some others, one pandering to Greens radicalism.
Yet my union has given to so very many,people not even unionists in trouble, my contributions over my life to such individuals is more than I will ever see again.
People are frightened, spending less saving more, paying off loans far too big for far too long.
Some INSIST! it is high wages bringing about business problems, how much worse is it going to get if the customers has to take less in wages?
IF we control wages we MUST control prices, surely.
I do not agree with that, let the market set its own level, in both.
But take heart,understand mate ship is not dead we still pull together, most of us, we are still the same people most of us.
And last remember you local butcher, the bloke who looked after you? before the big retailers cut prices and quality, you will soon be able to buy a pre packed lot of tail tags soon, every other part is on sale.
That local bloke in my area has the good will to still want to give a service only one home battling along but no way I would swap
mateship loyalty binds me to him.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 21 April 2011 12:19:34 PM
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*Crowds of self interested business and other groups constantly scream we want more.*

Which of course includes unions and their self interested leaders,

Its a debate going on in the WA gas industry right now. Specialists
were earning 300k$ plus for 30 weeks work, unions now want 400k$
for 30 weeks. Union self interest and greed is right up there
at the front of it all.

Only unions have a gun to put to others heads, which other
organisations simply don't have, mandated by Govt.
Posted by Yabby, Thursday, 21 April 2011 1:18:15 PM
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