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The Forum > General Discussion > A mandatory surcharge will fix the problem.

A mandatory surcharge will fix the problem.

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@ bridgejenny: perhaps the family who own the bakery might be better off spending their weekends together, you know, as a family? Why not buy your bakery supplies on Saturday and have a picnic on Sunday?

From your description, the only people who are losing out are the casual staff who might want to work on Sundays and Public Holidays. I guess the cyclists might also be inconvenienced, but I'm sure there are alternatives.

Mind you, I'm not opposed to a surcharge to cover penalty rates on Sundays and Public Holidays. However, I suspect that custom would also drop off as prices increase, somewhat negating the profit motive for opening.
Posted by morganzola, Wednesday, 20 April 2011 12:51:58 PM
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Rechtub lives in a world other than the real one, he considers workers nothing but another product to be used then thrown away.
Growing conflict?what growing conflict?
Have you Rechtub been caught up in the tax office blitz on Queensland small business?
Rechtub owns butchers shops, just how many he has never said.
And says as part of the contract in big shopping centers HE MUST TRADE on weekends.
This growing conflict, the one that never existed, is based on penalty rates,along with a mixed up totally dysfunctional view, large pay packets in mining are across the board.
Penalty rates have existed for far more than 50 years.
Are not new,and those chops and snags ,and coffee and hamburgers, weekend trading is built on,are priced in to costs, by the better traders.
Less wages equals less sales.
Rechtub may well be one of those famous two truck drivers.
Selling water Mellon's for one dollar, buying them for one dollar.
One said we are going broke what will we do?
The other said lets buy a bigger truck!
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 20 April 2011 1:42:21 PM
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The only problem I have with the proposition is the word "mandatory".

Shopkeepers should be free to charge in line with their assessment of what the market will bear. It is no business of government, or anyone else, whether they choose to keep a single price list, or have a different price for every day of the week.

Why would bridgejenny's bakery not choose to put up their prices at the weekend?

Or, better still, raise the prices across the board, and offer a 15% discount, Monday to Friday...
Posted by Pericles, Wednesday, 20 April 2011 2:59:03 PM
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Just one point I'd make in response to morganzola's post about "businesses could simply choose to close their doors for those days" whilst that's valid for the independant shops, I understand that in the big shopping centres, shops don't have that individual choice, they are required to open whenever the shopping centre is open.
Back to the point of the thread though, a standard "uplift" on normal pricing would be simple, just so long as that gets passed on to those doing the work and not withheld by greedy shop-owners.
I wouldn't want to work weekends and public holidays, but I reckon those that do want to should be paid for it.
Posted by Radar, Wednesday, 20 April 2011 4:23:49 PM
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On Sundays in NSW Butcher shops are not open in big shopping centers.
Unless they are part of the big chains in built store.
Rechtub is aware I a very long while ago worked in a service job,visiting great numbers of such shops.
Friday and Saturday too are the best trading days, as penalty rates have been paid during my entire life time I am baffled by his claims.
Are trading laws different in QLD? sea side traders do have surcharges on weekends and holidays here.
A sit down meal from open hamburger up costs $5 more and signs or menus warn of it.
As for the bakery, 240% never saw that in my life as a union official.
Many quite wrongly think triple time can be earned too.
A rostered day off can be paid penalty rates then the day taken later but double time is the most I have seen on weekends.
However that bakers shop [family is it] will not win custom if it takes award conditions from workers.
Rechtub is banging his tin tub again every problem is workers/union/labor and investors /risk takers are hero's to be rewarded if its good and saved if they fail Socialism for the wealthy.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 20 April 2011 6:15:47 PM
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OUG, may I suggest you read this line of my post >>Sure the percentages can be tinkered with to get the mix right.

Then rethink your response.

At no stage should the business be better off, just repaid the additional wages they are out of pocket for.

You see, with a surcharge, which by the way is illegal in QLD, the wage earner gets their loading, the business owner get reimbursed for their out of pockets and the consumer, who chooses to shop on these days pay for the privilege.

Belly, I must say your negative bias towards employers is shinning like a neon light my friend.

How very typical of you. It's not your fault, you're a unionist! It's in your blood mate.

Back to topic.

Any surcharge must be mandatory to avoid predatory pricing and, it must also be charged and recorded in audit-able form.

Just remember, all I am suggesting is a fair system for all.

BTW, the suggestion of a 'built in' surcharge every day with discounts mon - fri has some merit.
Posted by rehctub, Wednesday, 20 April 2011 8:36:01 PM
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