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The Forum > General Discussion > Big business -It is the level of uncertainty that is the problem.

Big business -It is the level of uncertainty that is the problem.

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Big business, feeds medium business, which in turn feeds small business.

It's when big business is uncertain about the outcome, due to unstable government policies, that the wheels become wobbly, and these wobbles pass down the entire chain.

Imagine yourself thinking about buying a house, then, you get word that you may loose your job, or your hours may be cut. Guess what, most would pull their heads in, you know, sit on your hands for a while.

Well, big business does not borrow hundreds of thousands, they borrow tens of billions and uncertainty makes them think twice.

A simply exercise.

Take Qantas, a large fuel user.

Find out their bottom line for say 2009, then find out their total fuel usage for that year.

Now, impose an additional 4 cents per litre on their total fuel bill and see what this does to their bottom line.

Now mining is even riskier than Qantas.

There in lies the problem.

We need stable government and that is something we don't have. As without it, big business is less likely to invest, therefore less likely to borrow and less likely to keep those wheels turning. At least on future projects.
Posted by rehctub, Friday, 4 March 2011 7:08:36 AM
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when things go bad
its usaully from the head down

in this case the title is the error

anything the board decides
nust be done by the workers
without workers,nothing gets done

if the worse came to the worst
govt could run any business
it still needs the workers to get the job done

you say business uncertainty
meaning you need govt to subsidise the certainty
business will necver be cetain..if govt is subsidising a select few

we hear of let capital decide
but then polute capitalism with coorperate welfare..[bailouts]

govt hasnt supported the right business..]
there from comes the uncertainty

govt funding solar cells...
has put electricty supply in great danger
[solar cells will last at best 30 years..and then will need more bailouts]

heck the cure
is only a temporary fix
and of no use at all in peak times

dito wind [it never hits its peak productions]
mainly because we mostly dont have cyclonic winds
to push the blades around everyday we need it to supply its power

none of these expensive patchup jobs
have..anywhere near the certainty we consumers require
there is your uncertainty

govt could find and mine its own minerals
workers will still do the 'work'
and then govt [ie all of us
recieve's the proffits..

now going to bankers and organisers
who know how to borrow others funds..for all the proffits
while others do all the work

even this need to insure peoples assets
[where insurance underwriters get paid]
and those paying get told
it wasnt a flood

all govt should pool their themselves
should insure its own people..that way even business
KNOW they are matter what..

either let it THEMSELVES*
or let govt do the lot

who needs a private pension[that goes bust]

if govt pays all of us the same...
and shares its proffits with all of us

the capitalists dream [nightmare]
has gone badly wrong..[it will be clear to all before too long]

heck even bankers
needed to get GOVT to bail-em out
Posted by one under god, Friday, 4 March 2011 11:49:25 AM
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I have to agree with rehctub on this; the more perceived stability we have, the more confident business becomes. Not many businesses welcome uncertainty and we seem to have plenty of that around at the moment.

At the risk of making this sound either political or personal, which I promise I am not, I can't help thinking that we have lost confidence in our government's "leadership" i.e. Julia speaks softly, slowly and without much conviction I feel. Kevin was at least articulate and quite firm in his views and I think that was part of the reason for some of the business confidence that was shown at the time.

World events change everything and we don't control them, we simply have to live with the consequences. Our government can't control them either, and they have to cope with them in their own political way.

Back to the point; business confidence is directly responsible for, and linked to, the level of consumer confidence. Consumer confidence fuels the economy (feeds business) and the growth and prosperity follow. That's the thoery anyway. I hope it works!

One of Governemnts primary responsibilities is to provide as much certainty, clarity and consistency of policy as it can reasonably be expected to provide in order that business can plan and invest with confidence and thrive for the benefit of us all.
Posted by Radar, Friday, 4 March 2011 3:54:45 PM
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up in qld...'someone' [wanting a big business] wanted certainty
thus govt privatised the water
created a franchise

a distribution franchise
govt built billion dollar desalination plants[that dont work]

created an open market for electricity/water
with mandated price increases..its a great cash cow
[of that business is certain]

lets look at the water distributer
[they dont own the 'water' only the pipes
[and importantly the meters]..councils must do the reading
so minimal wages etc..minimal costs..[council still does all that]

first govt mandated councils install water meters
next it 'created ''s/shareholders boards business plans cetainty..etc

mandated water rate hikes
way abouve real cost..or indeed inflation
the ceo has refitted his office costing millions
and the acces base fee really has given allconex certainty

now the ratepayers are revolting
indeed have formed an online petition
they are pushing for dismanteling allconects

so tell me
how much certainty..
will we end up with?

no doudt govt will buy it back
[the sharholders will clean up]
thats for certain

do we feel ripped off

will the petition change any thing
certainly not

of that you may be certain
businesss knows how to set-up win/win
[for itself]

the taxplayer's.. ALLWAYS loose
they never get certainty
why should you?
Posted by one under god, Friday, 4 March 2011 5:08:02 PM
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OUG, without businesses taking huge risks, there would be no jobs. Full stop!

Now while I accept that without staff, business would fail, I ask you to remember that for every job provided in the public arena, some one, or many have taken a risk.

Without the risk takers, there would be no jobs.

It is also said that we have the highest minimum wage in the western world, so I don't know what you are complaining about.

Now many people adopt this 'tall poppy' attitude when it comes to CEO's salaries. Now although I must admit they do sometimes appear somewhat 'over the top', just remember, they all commenced life just like you and I, so we to could have become one of them.

This brings me to one of the problems we have in governments, 'under payment'.

You see we pay peanuts and get the monkeys we deserve, in most cases.

At the end of the day this crazy woman is playing russian rulet with our future, only she and her advisers don't really know the potential damage they may cause if it is allowed to continue.

Take the proposed 3% increase in super.

A medium company (500 staff) with a payroll of say $22.5 million. This increase would result in over half a million off the bottom line.

Say they borrow 100 million @ 8%. A 1% increase results in another $8 million off the bottom line.

Say qantas used 500 million Liters of fuel per year and paid another 4c p/l, courtesy of the carbon tax, that's $20 million off the bottom line.

That is what uncertainty creates. That is what unstable governments create, and that's the risk we take with unstable, reckless leaders.

Big business will simply do their business elsewhere.
Posted by rehctub, Saturday, 5 March 2011 6:29:53 AM
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clubbers business is about minimising risk
only fools bet on risk

here is how it goes
we see an oppertuinity or need or want
we do research
we apply for a loan
the bank takes the risk

we go to our local member
guift him her a few hundred
[polies return no less than 100 fold]

become a main supporter..get their ear
get a subsidy lease or other govt grant or licence
send-out a worker to do the tests with the first loan

use the results to get a second loan...[go overseas if needed with a 'trademission',with govt secure financing]

and the result is clive palmer
investing only a few pennies of his own money
gets a loan of twenty billion reap in 65 billion

that any idiot public savant
could have gotten direct for govt make the insane gain
and that is only one of the many miners refusing to pay their new tax

look at who is willing to spend 25 million..[on adverts]
to save 60 billion of tax

buy a political party
thats how you get certainty

the only sure certainty is owning both
then subverting the minor paries and independants

its not to complicated
business likes certainty

as well as stacked odds
govt licence and others bearing the burden

tax the people
not the coorperation
just look at the many subsidies big busness gets
12 billion just for coal and alumina

heck remember the magnesium plant
[that never got built in gladstione

peter beatup beaty kicked in half a billion
howard kicked in another half billion
just so shareholders could get return

stuff the people

let them get uncertainty
and a new tax
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 5 March 2011 7:34:20 AM
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clubbers business is about minimising risk
only fools bet on risk

here is how it goes
we see an oppertuinity or need or want
we do research
we apply for a loan
the bank takes the risk

we go to our local member
gift him her a few hundred
[polies return no less than 100 fold]

become a main supporter..get their ear
get a subsidy lease or other govt grant or licence
send-out a worker to do the tests with the first loan

use the results to get a second loan...[go overseas if needed with a 'trademission',with govt secure financing]

and the result is clive palmer
investing only a few pennies of his own money
gets a loan of twenty billion reap in 65 billion

that any idiot public savant
could have gotten direct for govt make the insane gain
and that is only one of the many miners refusing to pay their new tax

look at who is willing to spend 25 million..[on adverts]
to save 60 billion of tax

buy a political party
thats how you get certainty

the only sure certainty is owning both
then subverting the minor paries and independants

its not to complicated
business likes certainty

as well as stacked odds
govt licence and others bearing the burden

tax the people
not the coorperation
just look at the many subsidies big busness gets
12 billion just for coal and alumina

heck remember the magnesium plant
[that never got built in gladstione

peter beatup beaty kicked in half a billion
howard kicked in another half billion
just so shareholders could get return

stuff the people

let them get uncertainty
and a new tax increased fees and base charges
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 5 March 2011 7:37:30 AM
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OUG, you are so out of touch with reality.

Sure, you get a loan, but guess what, without security you don't get the loan.

Now while you may think the banks hold the risk, they simply sue you, or at least take your security (assetts)to pay out the loan.

My suggestion, keep dreaming and stay out of business.
Posted by rehctub, Saturday, 5 March 2011 6:06:59 PM
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UOG makes sense rehctub, and I think your "imagine if you were buying a home scenario" , would have a different outcome. If I discovered I was about to lose my job, but had a one of chance to buy a home, I would proceed with the loan and back myself on getting another job.

In fact that's what I would have to do, because no Gov't is going to help me.

In turn, why should my taxes be used for the subsiding the profits and thereby bonuses of corporate executives?. Why?, to ensure that the very same lack of security of employment I enjoy can be maintained?, the very same reason that I can't get that home loan.

Taxpayers supporting Businesses ensures that the little people be contained or maintained to serve their masters, in the absence of any consequences for the masters.

Perpetrating the myth that our tax money is most wisely spent on covering the arses of the big end of town is simply that. A myth. It will not work, has not worked, and does not work.

We will see the effects of the GFC bailout, (giving back the power to the same people), by shelling out large swathes of our money, kick in and take effect soon until the next time.

Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice shame on me.
Posted by thinker 2, Saturday, 5 March 2011 6:50:06 PM
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T2 >>UOG makes sense rehctub

I agree, some of what is said does make sense, however, propping up business is helping to save jobs. Problem is, governments are far less smarter than big business, so the tax payer always gets shafted.

Governments come up with may good plans, it's just that they fail time and time again in the implementation of their plans.

I do however disagree with you on the home buying issue.

Back to the topic.

The underlying problem is one of uncertainty and, it is a problem that comes with huge ramifications if something is not done to stabilize government, and fast.

Mining is about the only industry we have left, and if we burn that through excessive taxes and poorly implemented policy, (lack of clarity) then it's kiss your 'A' goodbye.

Now sure they (mining) won't up and leave their current projects, but it's their future projects that are being tampered with and this is of major concern as these projects are our economies future.

Just remember, there is next to nothing else left.

Manufacturing - GONE! Tourism - GONE! Agriculture - GONE!

I have submitted a new thread called, welcome the the land of missed opportunities. I welcome you all there
Posted by rehctub, Sunday, 6 March 2011 6:25:03 AM
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oh no the topic is poluted with truths
change the topic

lets realise the rich are rch because they have bank credit
there has been cases of extreemly wealthy americans dying
and still leaving no inheritance


name one business that got a loan
payed it back
and now dont lend money

take murderoc or packer
a sign writers loan= maybe a million
buy a news paper a few million
buy an empire a few billion

at each stage money was borrowed
it you look at their owed debt
each year it was bigger

what is collateral for big busines
is the asset they buy..look at alan bond
it all goes into trusts or the kids or the wifes name

its called hide the sausage
allways owe more than you got

i buy a mining lease
thats the colateral to drill a few holes
by drilling a few holes i find it contains 2 billion of ore
i get govt to build a railway line and a port
and all of a sudden they are willing to give me a billion

if local banks wont do it
then a china trade mission will do it
this worked out well for a certain qld and a certain wa miner

uncertainty isnt the problem
its the balls of those who know how to play the money game[on credit]

look at we have a business paid off
but gets put under new financing..thus is under debt

we used to own our public assets[free and clear]

guess what now they are all collateral
some banker will scam off the middle man
owing masive debt...

some even get finance..
with financiers knowing they will default
just so foreign bankers/inverters can get the asset as first mortgauge holder..its a filthy game

little wonder govt gave the fed-reserve to the urury/banking wolves
once you own the money franchise and who gets credit
you own the legal title to the world
and tell govts what to do

and who to do what
or ..not do what
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 6 March 2011 7:07:42 AM
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Manufacturing has moved to China, how are you ever going to stop that. They see the larger margins involved, and away they go. AU is near full employment, isn,t that more important. Manufacturing will move somewhere else when China loses it,s profit margin.
Our exports are in good shape, all we need to do is curb the cheap imports which is driving over consumerism. Life style is in the fast lane, and needs to be braked.
It doesn,t take an economist to see that, just people that are something near normal.
Posted by a597, Sunday, 6 March 2011 7:19:16 AM
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extracted intro from

watch vidio
or read FULL transcript


we begin today with a fraud behind the financial meltdown that continues to be carried out as you and i speak this afternoon. we are talking about it as are leading economists and other members of the media that are starting to address the underlying and very sinister aspect of the way our financial system pays off those in charge and in the process destroying housing and unemployment in this country. even hollywood weighing in last night.

>> three years after a horrific financial crisis caused by massive fraud, not a single financial executive has gone to jail and that’s wrong.

>> so why is washington, the president, eric holder, the department of justice, ignoring the problem? how much longer can they simply turn the page? and now, while wall street escapes scot-free, middle class americans are the true victims which is why we’re seeing standoffs at the state level, places like wisconsin, ohio. but the bottom line is simple.

until we see the handcuffs come to wall street, we will not be able to take the necessary steps to end the ongoing schemes, restore fairness to america’s financial system, and more importantly, a square deal for americans. joining us now is the chairman of the financial crisis inquiry commission, operating on a paltry $8 million budget,

i might add. his panel was still able to uncover what looks and smells like evidence of financial fraud and, phil, it is a pleasure to have you back with us. thank you.

also worth a look
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 6 March 2011 7:20:06 AM
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" ... the NSS[National Security State]
is an instrument of class warfare,

designed to permit an elite,
local and multinational,duel-passportholder's..
to operate without any constraint from democratic processes.

This allows the bulk of the population
to be treated as a mere cost of production."--

Edward Herman,economist and media analyst

Who Will Be
the Most_Dangerous Man..In The World?


He has no guilt about the very real pain
that he has caused,by his words and works

whether it is ill-gotten gains, or death-tolls...
or process..or govt..or sense and sensabilties

He is excited by instant gratification,
which gives him more financial..or political power...
or even simple honours accorded him by sheep..

He is extremely smart..and knows how to scheme
and spin situations in his favor...
or others disfavour

He is someone..that is deeply involved
in the business-machinations of debt and war...
media/medicine/science and public relations
[spinning its selective authoritive spin selectivly]

He has an arrogant attitude,is allways wanting to be seen as right
because he is thoroughly indoctrinated into the machine...
they often tell him..he must be right..

can be so ignorant

He is one of the most ardent
and fervent supporter..of this globalist cabalistic machine...
that rots the head..with eternal visions of his need
not seeing..his own greed directly created the need

He is closed off to the truth or opposition
and has pushed away those who loved him...who reveal truths
and suppresed any who would stand against him...and now cannot concieve the most obvious truths..cant tell his truth from his lies
has become enslaved to his own spin and lies..

He has committed legalized crimes against humanity...
suported exploitation of people or resourses human invention and sustainabilty of the whole

even using the most vile systems of oppression
and dictators sadists popularists and overblown ego's

He believes that the ends justify the means.
that the bottum line dont lie

He believes that might makes right.
that histry is wrote by victory

He sees the end of the lie..
but fails to see he is the one lying.

[if only to himself]
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 6 March 2011 8:01:54 AM
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a597>>AU is near full employment, isn,t that more important. Our exports are in good shape,

For your sake, I sincerely hope you don't believe this.
Posted by rehctub, Sunday, 6 March 2011 4:57:27 PM
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inever liked this first line

Big business,
feeds medium business,
which in turn feeds small business.

if that is true

then big fish
feed smaller fish
which in turn feed ever smaller fish

who then plunder the reef
sorry ..feed the reef

big business GOBBLES up
smaller business

that gobbles up smaller business
till they sell-out to investers
who take it into 'private equity'
beyond where any one can fact check

each collecting a bit of cream off the top
at each stage..while adding on more debt
and making less competition

taking bigger pay and bonus..
while sacking the workers
cutting out on maintanance
while adding in a acces/service charge

then getting govt bailouts
when the brown stuff hits the fanny may
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 6 March 2011 5:22:53 PM
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OUG >>let me explain,

Big business,
feeds medium business,
which in turn feeds small business.

Take mining. The mining companies are the 'big businesses', the companies that provide the trucks and equipment are medium businesses and the guys who fix the trucks, do the electrical and mechanical maintenance, they are the small businesses.

Now without the big business, the medium business has nothing to sell and the small business has nothing to fix.

Hope this helps.
Posted by rehctub, Monday, 7 March 2011 6:24:01 AM
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dont edit quotes
there are many conveniant lies

take the issue of tax on wages
[that big companies collude* to collect]
so they...dont need to pay tax..on their income

income isnt wages

IRS Liens and Levys
IRS-The Biggest Lie and Scam in World History

IRS-probably the three most frightening letters in the English language.This deep-seated fear and loathing serves a very specific purpose.

It serves to keep the People
in submission to an illusion,a lie.

The IRS has a horrible reputation and has earned every bit of it, has by their own admissions committed crimes against innocent Citizens,and continues today to be the “Gestapo” of America.

They confiscate more homes,destroy more families,take more money, ruin more lives,and commit more crimes than all the street gangs combined.

They are indeed vivid proof that the greatest threat we face,as a nation,is our own Federal"Government."

Here it is in a nutshell.The IRS is a private,debt collection agency for the private banking system known as the Federal Reserve Bank.

The IRS is not a government agency.
I repeat,the IRS is not a government agency.
Never has been,never will be.

The IRS is formerly the Bureau of Internal Revenue(BIR) situated in and with authority only in the Philippine Islands[Trust Fund # 61), and moved into Puerto Rico(Trust Fund # 62).In the 1950’s, with the stroke of the pen,the BIR was transformed into the current notorious IRS and brought onto the 50 united States. T

his was done without any Congressional authority whatsoever.

There is no Congressional authority for the IRS to exist and operate in the 50 states recorded anywhere in any law-books.

Again,keep in mind,that the IRS is the “Private,debt collection agency for the private banking system known as the Federal Reserve Banks”.

Consider this fact.

When an IRS agent wants to seize property from a Citizen in a County, they must first contact the Sheriff of the County and request assistance in the seizure.

This is simply because the IRS agent
has no authority to seize..any all.

Posted by one under god, Monday, 7 March 2011 7:42:15 AM
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So the IRS agent bamboozles the Sheriff..into committing the crime for the IRS.[VIA BIG BUSINESS}..When the Sheriff seizes property from a Citizen under the non-authority of the IRS agent,the Sheriff has committed a Second Degree Felony,Conversion of Property.

just as big business commits extortion ext6racting it from wages

A second degree felony is incredibly serious.
However, both the IRS agent and the Sheriff count on the abysmal ignorance of the Citizen who has no idea what their Lawful Rights are.

Bear this point in mind,if the IRS agent has no authority to seize any property at all,[AND BIG BUSINESS HAS NO LAW EXCUSUING THEM TO TAKE TAX FROM WAGES}..then they cannot delegate or confer to the Sheriff what they themselves do not have.

In addition, the Sheriff has no idea that he has engaged in a serious crime... Here is where the maxim applies,"Ignorance of the law, is no excuse for violating the law."

Both the IRS agent and the Sheriff should be arrested and charged with Conversion of property,[AND BIG BUSINESS SUED FOR THEFT}..a FIRST degree felony.

Tyranny is defined as:Dominance through threat of punishment and violence,oppressive rule,abusive government,cruelty and injustice.

What better definition than this fits the abusive IRS...or colusion of big business

America is using a private credit system wherein the medium of exchange are the Federal Reserve Notes..that we call “Dollars”.

Hence, the so-called “Income Tax” is in reality nothing more than a disguised..“User Fee” that business must pay to the Federal Reserve Bank..for using their private credit system.[research Title 12, USC]...

to workers

The legal definition of.."dollar" is "a gold or silver coin of a specific weight and with specific markings".Thus, a Federal Reserve Note,..*is not and cannot,ever be a dollar.

A Note is not.."money",
see Blacks Law Dictionary.

The Federal Reserve use
are mere evidence of a debt*.

The Federal Reserve..*Banking system is not a Federal government agency,there are not..“reserves”..

and there is no real-money.
except COIN

big business knows this*
yet still steals our tax
pays us in bank-notes not coin
Posted by one under god, Monday, 7 March 2011 7:54:03 AM
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The Federal Reserve Banking a private cartel
that has usurped..the authority of the Congress[govt] coin Money.

Federal Reserve Notes..are just as worthless
or just as valuable as Monopoly Money..used in the game “Monopoly”.

If we go to this Constitution..for the united States of America, Article I,section 8,we find that only Congress was given the authority

“To coin money,..regulate the Value thereof,..and of foreign Coin,
and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures”.

our federal constitution
has the same conditional governance terms

This authority given to Congress by this Constitution
for the united States of America..[nor any other styate juristiction]was not to be delegated to any private corporation,..for that corporation’s private gain...or exclusive franchise

yet still steals our wages..[via the lie of 'income' tax]
giving it to their banker's mate the INCOME-tax dept

The authority to coin money was usurped by the unlawful enactment of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

The Federal Reserve Act is a "private law" passed by four Congressmen after the Congressional session closed in December of 1913.Congress can pass both private laws and public laws.

Congress does not have to tell the American Citizens which law is private and which law is public...*We are simply led to believe that all laws are public...This is propoganda and brainwashing at its best...[colluded with..for big business]

This was a silent coup d’ e-tat..wherein the American People became the slaves of the Federal Reserve Bank...The “Killing Blow”,the coup de grace[pronounced gra]..was delivered upon the American People by Franklin D. Roosevelt in removing the Gold Standard from the American economy.

Since then,no American Citizen has actually paid for anything,
nor been 'paid' for anything[its all under lawful lien]..teqnicly its ALL stolen goods

we have just exchanged worthless Federal Reserved Notes
for more worthless Federal Reserve Notes...[debt for debt]

thus now All we do is lease the property..from the “STATE OF NEW MEXICO”, we lease our cars,..we lease our houses,..WE OWN NOTHING.
becauswe it was never paid for..[was in fact..paid by fraud]

Since 1933 no American/austr-alian 'person'
has owned their Allodium
Posted by one under god, Monday, 7 March 2011 8:03:59 AM
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That is why the "STATE"..can take our property..for just about any reason,i.e Eminent domain,failure to pay so-called "property taxes",etc.

For anyone that has ever dealt with a debt/collection agency,you know how nasty,mean and dirty they can be...Now,take that nastiness,that mean-ness and dirtiness and multiply it one hundred fold,there you have the attitude of the IRS.

Let’s continue down the Rabbit Hole.When an American Citizen gets into a dispute with the IRS,the IRS agent will not any of your pleadings,your beggings or your excuses.

Everything you do..or say amounts to nothing with the IRS.
[you begged pay tax on wages
when the company FORCED YOU
TO apply for a taxfile number

apply means beg

If you dig in your heels..and refuse to pay,[now]
the IRS starts sending you threatening letters..with dire consequences for your non-cooperation...your own ignorance now stands against you

If you still refuse to pay,the IRS will file a document called a “Notice of Federal Tax Lien”in the local County Clerk’s office. This is a very deceptive document...
Keep one thing in mind..a “Notice” is not the “Lien”..itself.

The “Lien” is a totally separate and distinct document..from the “Notice”...

The County Clerk,..through abysmal ignorance files the “Notice of Federal Tax Lien” if it was an actual “Lien”.

These are two separate..and distinct documents.

The County Clerk
never requests..the actual..“Lien” from the IRS agent...

If they were to request this document,..the IRS agent would get very irate..and threaten the County Clerk..for their non-cooperation.

Of course,the actual..“Lien” does not exist
anywhere in the known Universe.

There is one more lawful requirement..that the County Clerk must comply with..before they can file the“Notice of Federal Tax Lien”or the actual “Lien” itself.

The Federal Lien Registration Act
requires “Certification”..of the “Lien”..itself.

This would require that the IRS agent file
an Affidavit..wherein they identify themselves,..and state under Oath that there is an actual “Lien”..filed..*based on an actual assessment on form 23C..against the particular American Citizen.

When the County Clerk fails to verify“Certification”
they violate..the lawful requirements
Posted by one under god, Monday, 7 March 2011 8:15:52 AM
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..of the Federal Lien..Registration Act.

The IRS never files the actual“Lien”
because it does not exist.

This so-called “Notice of Federal Tax Lien” an act of “Financial Terrorism”..because once this “Notice” filed, become a pariah,..a financial outcast, are branded as unfit,

you are no longer a “good slave”, are a rebel beyond the hope of redemption...

Your slave “Credit Rating”takes a nosedive.
..You are practically ruined financially.

Interestingly,Section 803 of the so-called PATRIOT ACT defines terrorism as..“any act intended to coerce or threaten a civilian population”.

So by the very definition of “Terrorism”,the IRS is the largest, meanest,dirtiest,Terrorist Organization in the entire world.

If you still are not intimidated,the IRS will file a “Notice of Levy” with the County Clerk,;;and send copies to your bank(s) and employer*.

The County Clerk,through abysmal ignorance..files the “Notice of Levy” as if it were an actual “Levy”...These are two separate and distinct documents.

Again,keep in mind,..a “Notice” not a “Levy”.

On this “Notice” alone,the bank then hands over
all of your money to the IRS..and you cannot even pay your bills.

*Your employer*..garnishes your paycheck,..and again,
you are the slave of the Federal Reserve Bank.

Your Bank treats the “Notice of Levy”..
as if it were an actual “Levy”.

Your employer also treats the “Notice of Levy”..
*as if it were an actual “Levy”.

The bank and your employer,,*never request an actual copy of the “Levy” itself...Of course,the actual “Levy”..does not exist anywhere in the known Universe.

There are several things wrong with these two scenarios...Both the bank and your employer *fail to verify several key pieces of information in dealing with the IRS agent.

First,they fail to ask for a copy of the IRS agent’s drivers license to verify that in fact they are who they say they are.

..Also,in case,..the IRS agent..*has to be..served..
with legal process,..they can be located/served.

All IRS agents..have been given instructions
to never provide this any-one asking for it.

Thus,the true identity of the IRS agent
is never established. ..Pretty convenient,huh!

IGNORANCE is no excuse
[Big business/..BB]
Posted by one under god, Monday, 7 March 2011 8:27:33 AM
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Second, the bank and your employer fail to request a copy of the “Pocket Commission” from the IRS agent...Every IRS agent receives what is called a “Pocket Commission”.

This “Pocket Commission” identifies the IRS agent’s authority as to his/her actions.The most common “Pocket Commission” what is called “Administrative”.

This is identified with a capital “A” on their identity card.

This means that this IRS agent can shuffle paperwork all day,
but he/she does not have any..“Enforcement” authority whatsoever.

The other “Pocket Commission” is what is called “Enforcement”...The word “Enforcement” might convey the message..that this IRS agent actually has unlimited authority to “Enforce” something against American Citizens.

That is not the case at all...They have an extremely limited scope of authority...In fact,they cannot enforce anything against Citizens.

Both the bank and your employer fail to request a copy of the “Pocket Commission” from the IRS agent in order to establish the authority of the IRS agent.

I am fairly confident that all agents that send out notices to banks and employers have an “Administrative Pocket Commission”.Thus,both your bank and your employer* steal your money and send it to a Terrorist Agency known as the IRS.

Thirdly, the bank and your employer fail to request a copy of the actual assessment on form 23C. ..Again,..never in the history of this country has an American Citizen been assessed an Income Tax on a form 23C.

Without this so-called assessment on this specific form, form 23C, there is no debt. So the bank and your employer fail to verify this alleged debt and thus, steal your money.

Fourth, the bank and your employer fail to request of copy of the “Abstract of the Court Judgment”.

This document would show that you were actually sued by the IRS and that you had your day in court.The Seventh Amendment of the Bill of Rights of this Constitution for the united States of America guarantees you the*Right of Trial by Jury* any controversy where the amount shall exceed twenty dollars.

Of course, were never sued
and you never had your day in court.
Posted by one under god, Monday, 7 March 2011 8:31:36 AM
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Thus, your Due Process of Law Rights are totally violated and again, you are further enslaved to the Federal Reserve Bank.

So then, we come to the end of the Rabbit Hole. You have never owed any money to the IRS. The IRS is simply the enforcer, the debt collector for the Federal Reserve Banking System. However, because you are using a private credit system, wherein the medium of exchange are fancy pieces of paper called Federal Reserve Notes, you owe the Federal Reserve Bank a “user fee”.

By way of information, the IRS does not have a bank account wherein your tax payments are deposited. All of your tax payments are deposited into the bank account of the Federal Reserve Bank in one region or another.

The Federal Reserve Banks and the IRS constitute the single largest sting operation, the single largest fraud and the single largest swindle in the history of the World.

In order to keep this "Alice in Wonderland" illusion going, the so-called "government" developed an entire industry to support and perpetuate this fraud. The tax preparation industry. Tax preparers, accountants, so-called Certified Public Accountants, self proclaimed financial gurus advising about tax loopholes, etc., etc.

All the current paycheck garnishments in the entire country could be stopped by having your employer request the above mentioned documents, to wit:

A copy of the Driver’s License of the IRS agent
A copy of the “Pocket Commission” showing the authority of the IRS agent
A copy of the assessment shown on form 23C against the American Citizen
A copy of the “Abstract of the Court Judgment” that verifies that you had a trial by jury

COLLECTS your wages tax

and avoids paying THEIR income tax

better they collect the cash from you
than opay their cash to the bankers agent's
Posted by one under god, Monday, 7 March 2011 8:37:17 AM
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Well OUG, where do I start.

Taxes, collected for the government, by employers, on behalf of the employee, are all collected by business totaly on a 'no cost recovery basis'. In other words, the collecting, colating and on-paying of imcome taxes is all done free of charge, yet possibly costs businesses billions each year.

Of cause, a better way for us would be to pay the employee the full amount and let them pay their own taxes.

Yea, as if that would happen.

These taxes are then paid to the government either on a monthly, or three monthly basis depending on the size of the business.

At no time does the business own the money they collect from the tax payer and in fact, there are heafty fines in place should these taxes not be passed on.

Now if you work for someone, just show a little respect for the risks they take in providing you with a job.
Posted by rehctub, Monday, 7 March 2011 7:16:33 PM
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Yes rehctub but, in order that employers demand respect, they should also be required to engender some. In order that bottom feeders do not rise to the top in business.

Therefore we have laws to determine the basis between employers and their employee's.

When those laws, infringe on the rights of one party or the other, the result is more uncertainty for the party taking the risk and the other party loses sight of what it is, that constitutes a real job. Thus was the case with ideological horrors such as Work-choices.

Industrial landscapes where the employee has no capacity to participate in the outcome of their own future,
is one step from total disempowerment, vis a vis, slavery.

Employers like all gamblers are vying for, and betting on, privilege; and therefore should be placing larger bets than the average punter,
and bearing the cost of the risk.

In such environments I presume only those capable of leadership can rise to the top, while the bottom feeders come and go.

Overall rehctub, I'm thinking that business to a certain extent, should be responsible for it's own actions and held accountable for it's own mistakes.

Also, it is nothing more than sheer unproven political doctrine to suggest that certainty should exist for businesses, other than ensuring that the most excessive or extreme tendencies of particularly Big Business be curbed or discouraged.
Posted by thinker 2, Monday, 7 March 2011 9:22:34 PM
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T2, respect goes out the door when one has to 'belittle' staff with silly little notices informing them of a breach that has occurred, you know, written warning.

As trivial as it may seem, it is a requirement otherwise the employer has no leg to stand on.

The days of 'give and take' are all but gone in many cases.

You can thank unfair dismissal laws for that breach in trust and respect.

>>Employers like all gamblers ....and bearing the cost of the risk.

Yes, but it would be nice for them to enjoy their fruits, free from the 'tall poppies' they often encounter, who, by the way, have little or no respect for that risk.

>>Overall rehctub, I'm thinking that business to a certain extent, should be responsible for it's own actions and held accountable for it's own mistakes.

If only politics was this way!

Certainty is the basis of many decisions. It is what many ordinary folk look for when making every day decisions like, what school will we enroll our kids in, or, can we afford to upgrade our home.

Most decisions require certainty by way of 'how secure is my job'.

Business is no different, only riskier.

Although employers and employees go hand in hand, I know many of you think that the ball starts with the employee, but believe me it doesn't. Employees are simply a bi-product of risk and, if you build to much uncertainty into that risk, it is often seen as 'to hard'.

700 jobs gone from Testra call centres and all the government cares about is the employees rights.

Obviously the risk became to much and the risk taker has changed its mind.
Posted by rehctub, Tuesday, 8 March 2011 6:46:45 AM
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companies realised its easier to collect a tax on wage
by pretending its income[by lie and deciete
than to pay tax ..from their proffits
[that really is income]

a busines tells its employee
to fill; in a form..[to get a tax number]
from then on they are officially liable to pay tax[on income]

that business collects tax from wages is by fraud
but the tax dept loves the both shaft the worker

see by applying for a tax number
[this is called gaining an advantage][benefit]
the law presumes we do not apply for a disadvantage

this tax file number creates a coorperate entity..[who do need to pay tax on income..[as income is defined as money earned by no added value[no value added]

a corperation cant add value as its a fiction..
[a legal incorperal entity]

[created to interract with other incorperal entities
[such as states or countries]

[to wit artificial persons
[often called 'the people']

as in when usa
was formed by the states..['we'..the 'people']

""Employees are simply a bi-product of risk""
no they do the work..[are the only reality
that work for the earn income

""if you build to much uncertainty
into that risk,..""

uncertainty..[the workers?]
""it is often seen as'to hard'.

do you even know
what your trying to say?

""700 jobs gone from Testra call centres
and all the government cares about is the employees/rights.""

govts are corperate fictions
people can care..corperations cant

govt as such..dont care a damm..for the workers
let alone employee-rights
[recall howards work/contracts?]

note the jobs arnt gone..!

they went to tender
and the lowest bidder won
those doing the job for lower wages
still arnt liable for income tax

[till they declare they are
a dead coroperate fiction..[by applying for a tax-file/number]

""Obviously the risk became to much
and the risk-taker has changed its mind""

no..the trustees of the howard created coorperation
want more income to go to their shareholders[ie the workers super trustee]

so the jobs go to india
and the super/trustee gets a bonus
and the super/contributors get the shaft
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 8 March 2011 8:12:08 AM
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Bankers Looting Nations Through World Bank/IMF

The World Bank/IMF is owned and controlled by NM Rothschild &Sons plus 30 to 40 of the wealthiest people in the world.For over 150 years they have planned to take over the planet through money.The former chief economist of the World Bank,Joe Stiglitz,was fired in 2000.

He pointed out to top executives that every country the IMF/World Bank forced their way into ended up with a crashed economy,a destroyed government,and some even broke out in riots.Former President of the World Bank/IMF Sir James Wolfensohn,would not comment on his dismissal.

Before Joe Stiglitz was fired he took a large stack of secret documents out of the World Bank.

These secret documents from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund reveal that the IMF required nations:

1...To sign secret agreements containing 111 destructive items. (I’d love to get a hold of that list)

2...To agree to sell off their key assets – water, electric, gas, etc.

3..To agree to take economic steps which are devastating to the nations involved.

If they do not agree to these steps they are cut-off from all international Import/Export.

If you can’t borrow money in the international marketplace, no one can survive,whether you are people,corporations or countries...If that doesn’t work they overthrow the government and rewrite history.

The Argentina Plan
Inside documents from Argentina show the top-secret Argentine plan. This was signed by Sir James Wolfensohn,the former president of the World Bank...Argentina has had six presidents in five weeks because their economy is completely destroyed.

This happened because they started out in the end of the 1980s with orders from the IMF and World Bank to sell-off all their assets, public assets,

like their water system...
banking/media/electric/phone/legal systems

Then they taxed the people...
levies/fees base charges...gst
[even policing]..compulsory supper and insurances
[health/vehicle govt infastructure insurance]

They created big government and big government handed it off to the private IMF/World Bank.

They pay off the politicians billions in Swiss bank accounts.

Read Full Article
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 8 March 2011 9:56:32 AM
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What do you suggest? We halve the minimum wage?

How is that going to help the economy when a good portion of the buying power is reduced and we have to ramp up the infrastructure to support greater poverty.

Telstra went offshore because it is greedy and our economy is geared to shareholders and Boards rather than employees and consumers. These companies that go offshore are often earning billions in profit prior to those decisions.

The problem is not just 'one' thing it is the whole system including the pressures of global agreements reducing the sovereignty of individual nations (often with huge built-in disadvantages for the weaker positioned partners).

What is happening to our mindset that we seek to be on par with the underdeveloped and developing world.

The only light at the end of the tunnel is that these countries will eventually raise living standards and put us all on par and we can go back to electing politicians that represent our collective interests rather than that of a small powerful elite. But I cannot in all honesty predict the future - the bubble has to burst sometime.
Posted by pelican, Tuesday, 8 March 2011 10:08:51 AM
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Telstra goes offshore for no other reason than the bottom line. AU can,t compete with the peanuts that gets handed out in asian countries.
Call centers are labor intensive, if you want that fixed it will have to come from legislation. It,s a world market, so you just be careful of imported soup bones rectub.
Manufacturing has not gone offshore, the mass produced items that was developed here has gone offshore, for cheaper labor. It,s all got to do with the bottom line.
Posted by a597, Tuesday, 8 March 2011 11:34:55 AM
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extracted from

at this very moment, state and local governments are contemplating signing contracts leasing their infrastructure for 50, 75, or even 99 years.[or have signed contracts]..that restrict their rights to inspect/repair or replace infrastructure paid for with public money.

rather than making money on just tolls and fees, private contractors make their money through big tax breaks and by squeezing state and local governments for payments..for the life of the contracts.

In fact,tax breaks explain why the deals last generations.

One tax break for leases that last longer than the useful life of the infrastructure allows investors to write off their investment in just over a decade.

A second tax break lets private companies issue tax-free bonds to finance their deals. While tax-free bonds and tax breaks make it less expensive to finance these deals, the downside is that governments lose tax revenue.

Losing tax revenue puts government budgets deeper in the red and worsens problems privatization was supposed to fix.

But that’s not all. Infrastructure privatization contracts are full of “gotcha” terms that require state or local governments to pay the private contractors.

For example, now when Chicago does street repairs or closes streets for a festival, it must pay the private parking meter contractor for lost meter fares. Those payments put the contractors in a much better than the government was. It gets payments, even though Chicago did not get fares when it had to close streets.

Highway contractors can be entitled to payments if there is an accident on the highway and if the police, fire, and emergency crews do not give “appropriate” notice and do not perform their emergency work in a way that is “reasonable under the circumstances”. And, given the vagueness of those standards, states and cities may end up paying just to avoid the costs of litigation.
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 9 March 2011 7:04:25 AM
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Highway privatization contracts also often include terms that forbid building “competing” roads or mass transit. Some even require making an existing “competing” road worse.

All of these contract terms put the public safety and well being last and the investors’ profits first. And, although infrastructure privatization proponents claim that the deals transfer risk from the public to the contractors, a fair reading of the contract terms shows that this is not the case. State and local governments lose control of their destinies and communities, while giving private investors power over our new dollar democracies.

These problems will persist even when the private contractor does a good job in maintaining the infrastructure and providing good public access to it. But contractors have not always done a good job in keeping their agreements.

Shortly after it took over the Indiana Toll Road, the private contractor put sand-filled barrels in turn-arounds with no notice to the state. State officials begged and pleaded for the barrels to be removed, so police and emergency crews could get to accidents and deal with other public safety problems as quickly as possible. Those pleas fell on deaf ears, while the turn-arounds remained blocked for months.

Or consider the poor people of Auckland, New Zealand. Their government had become enamored of privatization, because they had been told that the private sector always provided better service at lower cost. The private company that bought the electrical service for Auckland decided to save costs by eliminating backup power, by not replacing parts of the system that were years past their normal life, by doing no maintenance, by having no electrical cables in reserve, and by terminating its repair crews. When they were terminated, the crews left NZ to find work elsewhere. All these decisions were made to increase company profits.

Those decisions may have lowered the company’s costs, but at a huge price, most of which it did not bear when the power cables to Auckland’s central business district failed
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 9 March 2011 7:09:14 AM
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Banks, stock exchanges, restaurants, and all functions that depended on electricity were hard hit. Water, sewage, and all systems went down, and the power outage lasted nearly two months, because it had no repair crews or replacement components on hand.

Auckland's businesses lost millions of dollars. Companies tried to stay open by using generators, office workers climbed stairs in skyscrapers in mid-summer, and generator noise and diesel smoke filled downtown. At one point Auckland was provided power to essential facilities through an electric cable plugged into a large ship in the harbor.

You would think that New Zealand privatization advocates would have rethought their positions after they saw the carnage created by Mercury. But that was not the case.

They actually claimed that the problem was caused by not having privatized enough infrastructure. While ludicrous, given what they had experienced, that view is not unique.

Consider that they are agreeing to sign away their ability to protect the public interest and are setting in motion the same sort of disaster that Auckland faced, while the federal government is offering tax breaks to promote privatization.

The lesson and warning for states and local governments who are being wooed by private contractors is to do their due diligence. Read the contracts. Demand explanations and information.

Ask for evidence that the public sector cannot do what private contractors do — and at lower cost – since the public sector does not need to pay dividends to investors. Get advisors who are not beholden to the privatization industry. And use common sense.

If you had thought the miracle of infrastructure privatization sounded too good to be true, now you know it is.

You can find more details in Crumbling Infrastructure, Crumbling Democracy: Infrastructure Privatization Contracts and Their Effects on State and Local Governance.

It was first published in the Northwestern Jounral of Law and Social Policy at 6 Nw. J. L. & Soc. Pol’y 47 (2011),
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 9 March 2011 7:09:53 AM
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Pelican >>What do you suggest? We halve the minimum wage?

Well, yes, but not half. Hear me out

You see the businesses are bearing the brunt of people 'life style' choices.

Many now have plasmas and other gadgets that they really can't afford, so, the governments answer is to increase wages, to the point where the unskilled are being paid up to $25 per hour and that's at normal time rates.

What should be happening is the government offers assistance to the 'needy', but the 'greedy' should either find a second job (without being unfairly taxed) or, do the extra hours to make up for their lack of skills.

There are billions of spare dollars out there of tax payers money to assist people, it's just that collective governments would rather either 'waste it' or give to someone in another country, most of whom can't control their breeding habits.

There is enough evidence to suggest that simply increasing wages because times are tough results in businesses finding an alternative in the likes of China.

End result. We loose!
Posted by rehctub, Thursday, 10 March 2011 6:53:51 AM
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i know thinking is difficult for you clubber
so i will keep it simple

increasing money to the poor
only makes the slum landlords increase the rent
so you want to help the poor cancel rent asistance[the capitalists feeding off them will then need to either drop the rent[or sell off their slums]

furthjer your suggestion to half wages is not only insane.,.but will ebnsure that small/medium business goes bust all the faster

see by halving the money [or rather credit] they have to spend
they ...more than need to halve their spending

no big plasma power consuming tv's
to chew up the power bills

no latest style jeans
or buzzbox vidio phone or computa
nor watch a movie
or get a cup of coffee
or buy some bakers treat
or a drink at the local boozer

they then also need to default
on their intrest only credit card repayments

and join the credit poor on the floor
and get out of their appartments and go visit the slum lord
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 10 March 2011 7:21:27 AM
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rectub What is your defenition of wasting money.
Posted by 579, Thursday, 10 March 2011 7:52:58 AM
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>>rectub What is your defenition of wasting money.Posted by 579

Well, where do I start.

QLD Government.

1. The bicentennial bridge, quoted at around 13 million, actually cost $63 million.

2. Lang park. About five times the original quote.

2. Brisbane floating walkway

3. Traveston dam. Uoops, we forgot to seek permission first.

4. The bungled health pay debacle.

Billions, never ever to be seen again.

Need I go on.

Federal Labor.
Solar, insulation, fuel watch @*&%$, sorry, fell off my chair because I was laughing so much, grocery watch, Copenhagen, stimulus...

Need I go on.

Grog, ciggs, gambling, often at the expense of kids who were actually the intended recipients of that welfare.

Now the real doozy of them all is those of you who thinks it's all ok because at least it has all helped create jobs.

Boy I hope you respond to this!
Posted by rehctub, Friday, 11 March 2011 5:51:54 PM
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Sorry, typo.

1. Was the Goodwill Bridge.

My concern is that this type of waste and miss management simply does not occur in the 'real world' and if it does, the company goes broke. Or rather, as happens in most cases, they simply refuse to pay the inflated bill. Not governments though.

As usual, in government, those who sign off on these 'stuff ups' are simply not accountable. So the waste continues.
Posted by rehctub, Saturday, 12 March 2011 6:13:50 AM
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re tubbers quote..""There is enough evidence to suggest that simply increasing wages because times are tough..""

mate thats insane
who is suggesting increasing wages

were you paying attention its because 'times are tough'
that workers didnt get wage increases
recall howards wages czarr..etc

then you go on
""results in businesses finding an alternative in the likes of China.""

that might be your spin
[based on a clear lie..[errant precept]
but the fact remains

HENRY ford..decided to pay his WORKERS reasonable wages
[about double the going rate]..

he said he wanted to produce product..

it was that REVOLUTION
[not the industrial revolution alone]

if china workers CANT afford to buy the product they make
it all falls in a heap...[it was japenese workers buying their own product..and banking extra wages in the bank ..that made japan great]

that it is today in ruins
and wont rebuilt..anywhere near as great as it was only yesterday
is a reflection of the greed is god..that is killing the worjkers skilling and willing to work a days work..for a days pay

888 mate
not 24/7

leave loading and a day of rest FOR EVERYONE
not extra work to pay extra to the bankers

if busines wants certainty
buy worker-loyalty..

[without workers
there can be no business]

sack bosses*
before sacking a single worker

we need capitalists to [put up the monety
and workers to do the work

we dont need ignorant bosses
getting bonus..for just warming a board seat
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 12 March 2011 7:39:46 AM
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Ok god botherer, I to can play 'name games'.

You said >>mate thats insane
who is suggesting increasing wages

Explain then why wages increase, if not to keep pace with the cost of living?

>>that might be your spin

No spin about it mate, it's fact. Many businesses are still doing business, it's just that they no longer employ locals to do the work.

Wake up and smell the roses mate!


Arr, which decade are we talking about. My recollection is the they are flat broke.

>>if china workers CANT afford to buy the product they make
it all falls in a heap

They don;t buy these products, they export them.

>>leave loading and a day of rest FOR EVERYONE

Just remember, you can have anything you want, so long as you are prepared to pay for it, and pay for it we have.

>>if busines wants certainty
buy worker-loyalty..
Not possible without a level playing field.

>>[without workers
there can be no business]

Correct. It's just that they don't have to be locals. do they! And that's my point.

The jobs are still there, it's just that Australians have 'out priced' themselves and no longer represent value for money, esspecially when the floor sweeper is on $25 an hour.

>>we need capitalists to [put up the monety
and workers to do the work

Which is exactly what happens. Capitalists are here, the workers are in the likes of China and India.

I hope you enjoy your 'leave loading' and smaller working hours.

The Chinese are grateful for your never give in attitude.
Posted by rehctub, Saturday, 12 March 2011 9:24:42 PM
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re chub
note quote..""they don't have to be they!""

when the industrial revolution BEGAN
there was no 'other'[non locals] buy their product

*no 'richer country to export to"

so it was the needs of the workers/consumers
and their ability to buy your product..
or have no sales for your product..

And that's my point.

""The jobs are still there,""
no they arnt..[some of the factories are still there
but the machines and knowledge..thats gone overseas

""it's just that Australians have 'out priced' themselves""
thats bull...[many workers get more than aussie workers]
and pay far less for basics like housing/food..and get more holidays and shorter work lives..[and buiggerr pensions and better health care]

your just spinning your generalised spin
without providing any proof

how many jobs you created this year
last year..

whats your proof?

in my opinion
[your just a paid to blogg opinion blogger for the system]

talk is cheap
there arnt many sweeping floor's at wollies for 25 bucks an hour

by the way
average wage was howhards buzz word[spin]
the real key is minimum wage..

[in usa its been fixed at +/- 6.50]
how come your yank tank is so expensive
why arnt the yankies in full employment?

you can buy 3 yanki homes for the price of one aussie home
[and still the real unemploy-ment rate is over 20 percent
even officially its still over 10%]

so just via usa numbers
your loose spin/bias.. is revealed and refuted
the rich pay the least they can get away with..thats a fact

capitalists park their credit where they get the most return
thus the vile in the world gets its funding[who ya think pays for wars?
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 13 March 2011 8:13:56 AM
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