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Don't read my lips.
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Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 25 February 2011 1:07:28 PM
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I doubt you will get much response hasbeen, as this site seams heavily weighed down with labor followers, many of whom simply think they (labor)can do no wrong. Perhaps with the exception of my mate belly.
You see, they are somewhat in denial as to what has happened in the past four or so years, some even think the waste and mismanagement has been a good thing as it has provided jobs. Anyway, it will be interesting to see what excuses they come up with this time. I suspect they will simply avoid the topic. BTW. Did you notice how madam PM used the Christchurch disaster as a 'smoke screen' for her lies. If our independents are 'true independents', (which I doubt) they may cause some grief for her over this one. Posted by rehctub, Sunday, 27 February 2011 7:36:58 AM
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“There will be no carbon tax”. “There will be a charge on carbon”. Both said during the campaign. Also a commitment to deal with climate change with a charge on carbon. All this was said at the same interview. It was also said that nothing would happen before 2012.
Yes her comment was at the very least stupid, but has she lied or has she changed her opinion to deal with the situation of a hung parliament. If Labor had obtained government in their own right, would there be a carbon tax being discussed now. In her flavour, Labor had rejected the Greens call for a temporary tax. PM Gillard is copping the backlash, she created with her stupid statement. The question that I ask, should she not introduce a necessary tax, forerunner to an ETS or temporary tax on carbon until a ETS could be developed. PM Gillard is copping the backlash, she created with her stupid statement. The question that I ask, should she not introduce a necessaries tax, forerunner to an ETS, because of that statement she made twice in the dying days of a campaign. Does anyone believe that there would not be a charge of some type on carbon. What us being disputed is not a charge but the type of charge, that is a tax being imposed. Does anyone believe that Mr. Abbott's plan is better policy? Does anyone believe that Mr. Abbott's plan will work? Does anyone believe that Mr. Abbott's plan will not cost the taxpayers' money? If we believe that climate change is important and needs addressing, we must be careful not to cut off our nose to spite our face. Posted by Flo, Monday, 28 February 2011 10:36:51 AM
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The positive side of this is that Labor is sliding in the polls, and has dropped 2 points. For a change, the greens have also dropped 1 point, which implies that this is a whole hearted rejection of the bait and switch fraud pulled on the Australian voters. Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 1 March 2011 10:23:47 AM
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private philosophy again equals public performance. Knifing in the back and lying is okay for moral relativist. You can justify anything when you deny absolutes. We have reaped what we have sown with a deceitful, lying Government in bed with the earth worshippers.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 1 March 2011 10:53:43 AM
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Q. Will an Australian tax on carbon reduce the worlds CO2 emissions?
If not, why have it! Q. Assuming it doesn't, can we afford to take this risk and make ourselves yet less competitive on the global markets? Remember, we have only really got two industries left. Mining and aluminium, both of which will most likely be hit with this tax, as well as the mining tax. Is this clever business? Q. Who is going to pay the tax? Madam PM says the people won't, she says that business won't, so it is left up to the 'carbon generators' who will and, more importantly, when they do will they in fact pass the additional costs on to the businesses and ultimately the consumers? Copenhagen was a waste of time and money so can someone please explain to me why this government is hell bent on winning the trophy on emissions reduction when we produce less than 1% of the worlds emissions? In fact, if Australia ceased to exist tomorrow, I doubt the effect on CO2 emissions 'globally' would even be noticed. This really puzzles me. Posted by rehctub, Tuesday, 1 March 2011 3:33:02 PM
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Can these people really believe the global warming con. Dumb as they obviously are, I can't believe they are that thick.
I'm starting to think that it's not even Bob B who is causing this. I think Julia wants a UN job when she's chucked out, just like Ruddy does. Anything he can do, I can do better as the old song goes. Perhaps she'll need it before him, the way things are going. Now that would be poetic justice. Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 2 March 2011 11:13:32 AM
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Hasbeen, next you'll be saying the US Navy is involved in a con job too. Wait, you already have: Posted by bonmot, Wednesday, 2 March 2011 12:15:08 PM
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What if it was called a "pollution fine" instead of a "carbon tax"
would that be more acceptable? There are at least 26 countries which have adapted this method with great success. Carbon pollution is taken seriously by many countries as it affects the entire planet. Carbon has been produced by nature for millions of years and for millions of years natural vegetation absorbed it. Today humans have denuded the planet and industry has generated more carbon. So to bring it back to the levels where nature can cope we could either get rid of industry and restore the forests that existed hundreds of years ago OR eliminate the production of carbon by utilising alternative energy sources. That is the whole point of fining carbon polluters and getting industry to do something about their pollution. Discounting the future is one of the most common practices in the business world. There is an understandable risk aversion, for example, any one of us might not be around to benefit from a good time in the future - so let's have it now regardless of the long-term consequences. It took the medical profession from the 1960s to the present era to get the public, and the government we elect, to act on the toxic, life-taking efforts of tobacco. Eventually sanity prevailed, although it took over 40 years. It is clearly time for economists to commence their campaign for "pollution fines" and getting prices to tell the truth. With all their power and influence in society and government, economists shoudl stop sitting on their collective hands. Posted by Lexi, Sunday, 13 March 2011 5:53:09 PM
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ross garnew[
the ecoomist hired by john howard to bring us a new tax to garnish off income on carbon] was on the news today[abc news channel] for arround half an hour he revealed the new carbon tading oversight body would look much the same and have the same standing and powers the federal reserve.. ie not under federal control not under parlimentry control not even under minesterial nor corperate control ie all powerfull.. [its scary stuff] he indicated the tax "will be" indexed and quite a few other interesting..contention-points [he is a scary dude...john blowhard at his best] sadly i didnt bother looking for a transcript.. but it must be worth reading..this guy thinks he is god* a damm ..e-con-o-mist* also intersting was the recent big idea it was very revealing in revealing the structures of how they have been subverted from activism..into in house 'house servant status' and how the lobby does its omnipotant things [litle realising they were doing it [the same thing]..themselves of course they didnt realise what they were revealing and i cant find a written transcript to point it out simularilly the australian has a piece today mentioned by at least two different sources today [but heck i cant be botherd googling it up] why bother its tim,e others started critical thinking not just consuming ..and having ignorance Posted by one under god, Thursday, 17 March 2011 2:00:36 PM
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"Labor, you have excelled yourself, in choosing this lying woman to lead you. She has rolled over, puppy like, for Bob Brown to scratch her belly, & you have all rolled over with her."
But she, at least, will be safe. Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 29 March 2011 3:42:34 PM
There is a forked tongue behind those lips, & you should not expect to get anything even approaching the truth to issue from them.
So said our Julia, although in other words, when she announced a new carbon tax. After stating, categorically, that there would be no carbon tax introduced by a government she led, just before the election, she now says everyone knew it was coming.
Well, we now know how seriously to take any thing that comes from this discredited mouth in future.
Labor, you have excelled yourself, in choosing this lying woman to lead you. She has rolled over, puppy like, for Bob Brown to scratch her belly, & you have all rolled over with her.
Shame on you.