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The Forum > General Discussion > Help wanted with gender neutral language

Help wanted with gender neutral language

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Seems some feminists object to the word “woman”. It contains the word “man” you see. They prefer spelling the noun that denotes the sex with no Y chromosome as “womyn”.

Now consider the word “gentlemen” as in “Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please?”

Surely this is no longer an acceptable use of language. Surely someone wishing to gain the attention of an audience should start with:

“Gentlepersons, ….”

Where “gentlepersons” takes the place of “Ladies and gentlemen.”

Except that, well, you see, “person” contains “son”. Isn’t it time we replaced “per-son” with “per-child.”

Yes, I think that’s what we should do. I look forward to a time when announcers start with:

“Perchildren, may I have your attention please?”

I think that would do quite nicely.
Posted by stevenlmeyer, Sunday, 6 February 2011 3:32:08 PM
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Sorry, let them eat cake.
PC is a rotting carcase on every ones kitchen table.
A way minority's can force us, most of us to bend to childish stupidity.
This rubbish is foolish,the thought we will fall in line for the few, is worse.
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 8 February 2011 6:27:38 AM
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per means via..[by means of] accordance with

in means divided by a the direction of

per can also mean through all over or pervade

percieve the perception that per capita the percentage perchance percieves perdural perdition per perfect persons

we can speculate till the cows come home
but we live because man...passed on a living sperm

that woeman made into a living huh-man being

what is the fee of the free fe-male?
get over it

you can become a sister or a mother
take the sex out of it

stop pretending to be huh?-man
know your not a per-son
but a per father...[per-fat-her]

i could keep on decribing the vision
but we coverd this long ago...bro

legally a a fiction
but i explained all that before too
any claiming to be the fiction deserve what they get

many claim to be human..[but human defined in legal dictionaries means feel free to use the words the media has taight us to use

by the way
indigenous means sans culture
this is what lawyers know..when they use these type words

and aborigonal ..means AB-origonal
alpha/beta oriogonal

alpha signifying the life giver
beta signifying the improved version that takes a living sperm
and causes it to shape living a life...[get one]

i wasted too much of mine
bering destracted by stuff like this

sticks and stones
when there are real issues
that really deserve our attention
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 8 February 2011 8:03:20 AM
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Gender neutral - what does it mean? Are we all to be homogenous hermaphradites? :)

The 'man' bit comes from 'human'.

Most people don't worry about it steven, I suggest you just keep saying "Ladies and Gentlemen".

Or if you insist on an alternative, maybe "gentlepeople". Sounds better than 'perchildren'.
Posted by pelican, Tuesday, 8 February 2011 9:14:06 AM
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As has been said "man" comes from human the generic name "man", and "Wo" comes from a womb man. Perhaps it is not the man so much they object to but that they posess a womb for children.
Posted by Philo, Tuesday, 8 February 2011 9:41:05 AM
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Well folks... perhaps now you can see my concerns over Dr Peter Singer being on the board of the Melbourne BIOethics school, with this rather lame view of human animal sexual relations.. not to mention his view of 'incest'.

These things filter down from academia...into the public service and education.....

If we don't FIGHT against such trends.. we will be re-shaped before you can say "social engineering"

The important point is.. it won't stop there.. it will just keep on going until they run out of words to change..then.. they will begin working on PEOPLE.. i.e..the 'inner' person.

We will be declard 'unpersons' if we don't speak 'correctly'

Remind you of a movie/book some years back ?
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Tuesday, 8 February 2011 9:49:13 AM
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