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we/they ideas
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Posted by david f, Thursday, 17 February 2011 3:55:19 PM
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"Unfogging", Boaz?
>>Periscope.. you're welcome. But faith in Christ has a rather unfogging effect on the brain.. truly.<< Then perhaps you will be so kind as to unfog this for me. "...Belfast, where deliberate confrontations between the two religions were engineered in order to establish 'territory'. Which faction - Prods or Micks - were 'outside of the unity found in Christ', I wonder? More importantly, from an us/them perspective, on whose side was God?" Both sides professed to a "faith in Christ" - as indeed do you yourself - so one has to assume that their brains were unfogged as they beat the living daylights out of each other. What was it that they saw, with such unfogged clarity, as they watched their on-the-wrong-team Christian brother's kneecaps dissolve in a mass of bone and gristle? Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 17 February 2011 4:04:21 PM
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Dear AGIR,
I suggest you go to the site of the Evangelical Sisterhood of St Mary. The Guilt of Christianity Towards the Jewish People After the horrors of the Holocaust were revealed, the question was raised: How could it have happened? The shocking truth is that the Holocaust was the culmination of centuries of hatred and violent persecution, often inspired by Christian theology. <SKIP> A Call to Repentance The Catholic priest and historian Edward Flannery, reflecting on Christian anti-Semitism, observes: 'It is a tragedy in which Jesus participates, crucified again in the person of His people at the hand of many baptized in His name. The sin of anti-Semitism contains many sins, but in the end it is a denial of Christian faith, a failure of Christian hope, and a malady of Christian love. And was not this Christianity's supreme defection: that the Christian people to whom persecution was promised by its Master (John 16:2-4) was not the most persecuted people in Christendom, but rather was it the people from whom He came? And the ultimate scandal: that in carrying the burden of God in history the Jewish people did not find in the Christian churches an ally and defender but one of their most zealous detractors and oppressors? It is a story that calls for repentance.' In the same spirit Mother Basilea writes: 'Today let us take our place at Jesus' side and look upon His people with His eyes, full of love and mercy. Then our hearts would ache to see this chosen people of God wandering through the centuries, wretched, despised, shunned, ostracized and afflicted with pain like the suffering Servant of God in Isaiah 53. Then, looking on them, we would be reminded of Him.' Go to the site. Read what I have skipped. The truth is shocking. I don't suppose you will ever be enlightened to your evil. I do not use the word, evil, lightly as it is not a word to be used lightly. I have used it because it is the most appropriate word I have to describe you. Posted by david f, Thursday, 17 February 2011 4:25:03 PM
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Well I don't know you from a bar of soap, AGIR, but I don't you're any more "evil" than the next person (I don't think any of us are anything so grandiose), you just have a common human failing: conviction.
Isn't it more humble and less potentially dangerous to just admit that ultimately you "know" nothing? Works for me :-) Posted by Squeers, Thursday, 17 February 2011 6:11:06 PM
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yes david your so correct
you have proved your case please nuke the vatican and any nunneries lot wish to take down you were right all along jesus isnt the messiah you lot are quite correct in taking any land that you want god gave it to you..we have your word on that.. and your word is god you have led the world to the new way who needs peace ..or peacemakers.. setle it any way the settlers want to let's serve the god of war lets make the globe the walled city of israel the banking cartel has no links to zionists and even so the holocaust justifies anything chose to do go ahead use ya nukes its time the goys learnt who runs this realm learnt just who owns this world ..learns who owns the mediterainian or learns just who controls the us nukes too or ..who can travel through ..the suez sewer fly wherever you like.. what makes the lowly jordians or them lowly palistinians..think they own their own airspace lets forget who the first terrorsists were i couldnt find the directive to bloggers to blog israel in a good light anyhow good night you serve your masters well Posted by one under god, Friday, 18 February 2011 7:05:37 AM
I don't apologize for the truth. The Evangelical Sisterhood of St Mary, Bishop Spong and others have faced it, but you want an apology for it.
To repeat:
Evangelical Christianity and radical Islam want to make them like us. When they want to stay as they are EC & RI may feel justified in murdering the infidel. The Holocaust was partially a consequence of hundreds of years of Christian resentment at Jews wanting to continue to be Jews.
That above happens to be true.