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The Forum > General Discussion > The "local dog catcher" I'm over it!

The "local dog catcher" I'm over it!

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The “local dog catcher” I’m over it!

To those beleaguered souls out there who run the gauntlet dodging the local dog catcher (Modern-day Ranger), while attempting to achieve that “quality time” with fido, leading him on his daily walk to wherever; my sympathy.

This lucky pet owners “special mut” is a sheep dog with not the slightest mal-intent towards anything or anyone, save the local cat population which, I have noticed on many occasions, gives as good as it gets. Then why must “fido” be the constant target of Local Council officialdom with purpose built anti-canine bias, staffed with remnants of Hitler’s Gestapo, aimed directly at dogs and their owners?

Who or what is saved by the raft of laws surrounding an innocent pet such as a sheep dog, Maltese terrier, Chihuahua, collie or any of the vast majority of innocent dogs possessed as pets in most normal households in Australia?

Surely the time is ripe to end mass discrimination by authorities using blunt “blanket rules” applied to all dogs and dog owners ascribing to all such the status of “monster”. In a society forced by rules to be tolerant to each other, why are dog owners picked off and singled out for vicious and authorised attacks on a civil right to walk unattached to their animals, even in remote areas (in my experience) only accessible by four wheel drive vehicles? Where is the sense in this?
Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 20 January 2011 9:03:00 AM
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You lot sound like a broken diff, all you do is whine. Do the right thing and you won't get caught. Dog owners and serial speedsters, exactly the same. You would be targeted because someone has dobbed you in. The worst thing is dogs crapping where ever.
Posted by 579, Thursday, 20 January 2011 11:15:39 AM
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I love dogs, have two little mini Foxys both de sexed girls.
I try, mostly succeed in keeping with in the law, always.
Granted some dog catchers are, well unkind, one was seen opening a gate to let the dog out.
Then impounding it, it was his work, well mate is not the word dog.
I know a bloke who ran foul of the rudest ex police Sargent in the world.
His new job was dog catcher.
This bloke bucket in hand pooper snooper in other still gets half a bucket a night and puts it on the lawn, that bought on the blue.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 20 January 2011 3:24:36 PM
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I have two 'special mutts' Diver Dan, male and female King Charles Cavalier Spaniels.

The reason why we have dog catchers to uphold rigorous dog laws is simply because one person's 'special mutt' is someone else's nightmare!

There are many people in our community who don't like, or are frightened of, dogs, any dog. If friendly-mutt-sheep-dog bounds happily up to any of these people, then they will be scared because they don't KNOW that dog.

I am a supporter of dogs being on leads in public because when I am out walking my dogs, I don't want to have strange dogs running at me or my dogs, because they could be coming to eat us, for all I know!
Posted by suzeonline, Thursday, 20 January 2011 11:47:09 PM
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Dog is man's best friend

But only under control

Otherwise vermin
Posted by Shintaro, Friday, 21 January 2011 12:28:03 AM
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Unfortunately many people who own dogs are irresponsible and let their dogs run where ever they like. They don't take the time to train them. When we had a dog it was taught to crap only in a certain place in our garden, it was taught to never cross a road without a command, it was taught to "come" when called and "stay" when told and to NEVER jump up on people and remain within the confines of our small property. In other words to be obedient. A trained dog is a happy dog and doesn't get shouted at. If people don't have time to do this they should keep a dog on a leash always outside their house or think again about owning one. In my neighbourhood they they just roam everywhere, across roads and crap all over the nature strips. I hate it.
Posted by snake, Friday, 21 January 2011 11:47:14 AM
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