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The Forum > General Discussion > Julian Assange, a true Aussie hero

Julian Assange, a true Aussie hero

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Thanks Lexi,
you're right, I'm not a cynic, or I wouldn't care one way or the other (mind you, Diogenes didn't wear a monocle! Cynicism has fallen into disrepute). Now Yabby is a good instance of the fallen modern cynic, who profits and withers simultaneously. Ebenezzer Scrooge is another--since it's nearly xmas--ho ho ho.
But yes good luck to the lad. (I'm fiftly and still not silver!)
We shall see.
No time for anything more thoughtful I'm afraid, but am an avid admirer of dissent :-)
Posted by Squeers, Monday, 13 December 2010 7:53:28 PM
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*Now Yabby is a good instance of the fallen modern cynic, who profits and withers simultaneously*

Hehe Squeers, I'm touched that you think of me so much, for clearly
I must have gotten under your skin, somewhere.

I watched part of the televised banking inquiry today and I was
highly amused.

If the punters think that their political representatives are going
to deliver them from evil, fight injustice and provide life on
a plate for them, they are in for a rude shock.

Is there really nobody in that parliament, who knows anything about

All I can say is, the circus continues.

Luckily we have private enterprise which makes things happen,
for clearly the smarts don't hang out in politics.
Posted by Yabby, Monday, 13 December 2010 8:33:15 PM
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I am sure that by revelation of this information, Manning, in his particular position, would have broken a law ... just as if someone were to reveal confidential information from an embassy. Disclosures of such material are prohibited, bringing down known consequences. Files are marked accordingly.

Would Assange have weighed the consequences of a conviction against Manning, a US citizen, which he surely would have considered, and the need to publish the material. Rather like the good of the greater outweighing those of the few ... which western governments also invoke.

I remain ambivalent about Wikileaks. So far nothing astonishing ... However, it could be abused so easily. Some have remarked that to see the actual documents is "evidence". Similarly, documents can be forged. If such occurred, one doubts Wikileaks could pick these up, especially if included among valid papers. Wikileaks - what a great propaganda and disinformation tool for governments.
Posted by Danielle, Monday, 13 December 2010 10:46:44 PM
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A Missing Wikileak?

flashed for a short time on Sky News:..a planned Israeli false flag nuclear attack..on 2 American be blamed on Pakistan

:..Dr Ghayur Ayub
Tickers on different news channels were running the bottom of the television screen...It was the evening before the next batch of Wikileaks..were due for publication.

I was browsing through Sky News,BBC,CNN,Al-Jazeera and Press TV. To the best of my recollection, was Sky News which caught my eye.

The breaking news referred to a planned Israeli nuclear attack on two American cities, which were to be linked to Pakistan...America would have had a cause to respond..*in kind and take out Pakistani nuclear sites.

I couldn’t believe my eyes!

I rewound the news to double check what I had just read.

Gordon Duff mentioned this last May……

1.Gordon Duff:..Stage Being Set For “Dirty Bomb” False Flag Nuclear...4 May 2010... attack in America to blame it on Pakistan and Iran. ...execute a false flag nuclear attack on 4-6 major cities in US,Canada and Europe. ...“dirty-bomb”-false-flag-nuclear-detonation-in-a-us-city-times-square-bom...

11 Nov 2010 ...Plans are in motion for a “false flag” attack on America....The most likely scenario is a nuclear attack...Two bombs are....Anyway please show us the Israeli Peace Plan today! ... - Cached

1.How To Deal With The Next False Flag -Pakistani Defence Forum

How To Deal With The Next False Flag,..If Pakistan is blamed....

Israel is believed to possess two Hiroshima sized nuclear ASSETS...
When it happens,..the vast majority of Americans will find the trail left, Pakistanis, Iranians,..all as planned. ... - Cached

Monday,December 13,2010..7:48
Subject: A Missing Wikileak? planned Israeli false flag nuclear attack on 2 American cities to be blamed on Pakistan

Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 14 December 2010 7:03:52 AM
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Ben Eltham has an interesting article:


I hope that you will continue to remain consistant in your postings. They are clever, and like Forrest's, thoroughly enjoyable.
Posted by Lexi, Tuesday, 14 December 2010 8:22:34 AM
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Well put; Assange does seem in that mould, though he’s no Ghandi or Martin Luther King, but more a facilitator of dissent. I understand the US alone commits at least a few “million” matters of public to official secrecy per annum. I don’t think we’ve heard anything yet, or begun to plumb the evil machinations of our masters.
Squeers says he has let you get away with a few unanswered jibes of late so yes, a little pay-back (which you ought to take seriously :-)

Squeers asks me to say that you are very gracious, since he is not always kind. At the nonce he is reduced to working for pay (!) and is commensurately time poor, but he hopes to join in the fun again more fully anon. Squeers and I also read your eloquent posts with pleasure.
Posted by Mitchell, Tuesday, 14 December 2010 8:57:33 AM
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