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Julian Assange, a true Aussie hero
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Posted by csteele, Friday, 10 December 2010 1:07:57 PM
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It's easy to be fascinated when people like Assange seem to appear out of nowhere. they seem to possess a kind of avant-garde eccentricity which gives rise to uncommon foresight and determination.
Below is an excellent article on the background and formative influences of Assange. Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 11 December 2010 9:48:47 AM
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I guess part of keeping him locked up is hoping the interest in him dies out a bit.
I came across this one which made me smile: “It doesn't mean he gets a free pass on the allegations against him in Sweden, but it should mean that at the very least those moronic politicians and media celebretards in the US who've been calling for his murder should be getting a visit from one of our consular officials, preferably an ex-SAS or Commando Regiment old boy, to have a quiet word in their shell-like about how seriously we take incitement to murder our fellow little Vegemiters.” Posted by Jewely, Saturday, 11 December 2010 10:24:38 AM
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i hear the ansuss accord is a bit...shokking
seems we quietly...[on the qt]... can now exchange info...with nz[zzzzzz]..again pist...dont let the people know [pass it on][govt must keep this secret] ie only talk about the weekly pss-up at the usa embassy the people might hit the oh and the vat=i-can...800 mess-ages exchanged there not of course formal policy...just usual its tghe gift that keeps on giving so much like watching slutious housewives..or these are the..'days of their wives' like sand through the hourglass like fat sliding off ya thighs these are the secretss for those with...only eyes never put this stuff...onto a ga ga stick or for julians sake..dont get caught tghis page will self destract in 10 minutes 4 three...2 one...pooof this message is now messanged [you...downer..stop massaging that sussaage] havnt you got some gossip..for the yanks... they expect your fiction..not ya friction where is kim beastly...kimbo used to be our best boy why you not much anymore... you have changed mate.. [buddy] wonder you dont get invites ooops sorry bluey...i.forget where you live now, keep up the spin....buddy boy missed your last drop how we going to get ya[info] Posted by one under god, Sunday, 12 December 2010 4:56:02 PM
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The Age newspaper in Melbourne had an interesting editorial on Julian Assange and the Public's Right To Know: Posted by Lexi, Sunday, 12 December 2010 5:11:04 PM
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Dear Lexi,
I found the following very powerful. Posted by csteele, Sunday, 12 December 2010 5:41:30 PM
Have we found our 'gold sash' especially when adorned with golden wattle?