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The Forum > General Discussion > The Big Day Out and Unfashionable Flags

The Big Day Out and Unfashionable Flags

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Disappointing followup question, but fine. I am a heterosexual male who has sex with heterosexual (and sometimes bisexual) females. And yes, facetious would be fairly accurate. What were you trying to be? Interesting?
Posted by spendocrat, Wednesday, 31 January 2007 8:11:16 AM
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I'm rather amused by the lack of amusement displayed by many posters. What seemed to me to be a reasonably piss-taking effort at giving deserved scorn to yobbos who drape themselves in the flag is being treated as a serious issue.

If pinko means having a consistently facetious view of the world, then fine. I'll call myself a pinko.

(I'm aware that pinko was a derogatory term for communist sympathisers, and that I am not... normally I wouldn't have to explain that, but here it seems necessary).

A bunch of drunken fools draped themselves in the flag, and thus sullied it. Let us criticise them through humour.

And yes, we can say the flag looks dumb when worn like a cape.
So does a tarp, but I happen to believe tarps are very useful devices for keeping out rain.

They still look dumb when worn like a cape.

And now to the serious response:

To JSP.... judging by your posts I can only assume you're a caricature of the white australia bigots, and don't actually believe the earlier "unite for a white austalia" drivel. Very subtlely done, I commend you.

To Arjay - okay, some of the violence was due to friction with lebanese muslims, and this is a problem. Fair enough.
On the other hand... were the white, beer swilling yobbos who were hitting people just expressing themselves?

Take a chill pill people. Calm down and enjoy yourselves. We live in the lucky country, and I thought we were known for being laid back and laconic.
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Friday, 2 February 2007 2:55:16 PM
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I see that your original statement that you have sex with heterosexuals has been amended to also having sex with bisexuals. I can't wait for your next amendment.
As for you asking if I was trying to be interesting, I don't know if that would apply, as my statements seem to be over your head.
It's funny how you are on your high horse, considering that you started this thread with snippets like " Invasion Day's just around the corner..." and comparing flags with capes. Ehh? Did you expect agreement?
I should have asked if you're an Abo, as Invasion Day is one of their inventions. You also invented the stick, didn't you?
Posted by JSP1488, Friday, 2 February 2007 4:50:47 PM
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Heterosexual or bisexual women have the same anatomy. Sex with a woman who is bisexual doesn't make you gay by some weird form of partner osmosis... hell, even if that were the case, then by that very osmosis, you're sleeping with girls who dig girls.
That's gotta be good somehow right?

Yes, I'm operating on some kind of warped logic. But no more warped than the apologists who jump out to defend violent drunken cape-wearing fools.

Funny that. Those people defending them are so quick to point the finger at those who they call muslim apologists.

Makes it all seem less about the real issue, and more about reinforcing existing prejudices.
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Friday, 2 February 2007 5:09:19 PM
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It all comes down to a basic fact of life. If a White offends a non-White, it is classed as racism. If a non-White offends a White, no-one cares, the police don't see it as race-related and the media see it as "assertiveness".

So why is it that no-one seems to accept a backlash? If there is a perceived acceptance of "gay pride" and "black pride", how can anyone object to "White Pride"?
Posted by JSP1488, Saturday, 3 February 2007 10:37:14 AM
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Hilarious. This guy can't *not* have the last word. He's like a fly that enjoys being swatted.

JSP: I never made any amendments. Refer back to my earlier posts and you'll see it was in fact, additional information. It retracts nothing I said before.

And you guessed wrong again. I am not, an 'Abo', as you so charmingly phrased. I am a white male who instead of focusing on how I differ from others, instead chooses to learn and understand how we're all essentially the same. Your perceptions are born from fear, and mine are from love. I don't blame you, fear is very powerful - bred into our genes because it provided an advantage for survival back in hunter gatherer days. But if you ever choose to jump the fence, you always get a warm welcome on the side of love. We'll party - and trust me, that's one thing I know how to do well.

And just to clarify - I'm talking to you like a child because you're talking like one. And I'm much, much smarter than you are.

It's fine to be proud of who you are. You may have noticed though, that the term 'white pride' carries fairly negative connotations, as it historically (and currently) tends to be associated with nazi's, neo-nazi's and the KKK. Juxtapose this with 'gay pride', which was born from a culture of being persecuted, rather than being a persecutor, and maybe you'll start to understand why the two can't really be compared. I suggest just being proud of yourself, instead of the skin you happened to be born with.

Anything else? I can keep answering stupid questions as long as you keep asking them.
Posted by spendocrat, Monday, 5 February 2007 3:13:15 PM
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