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it is wearying..rebutting the same delusions..

peak oil is a lie[as surely must mow/be bleeding obvious,,just in one...'oil-spill'..where the talk is/on millions of gallons..freely flowing from a defective well..[under its own presure]

there is no energy shortage..mankind has long known of freenergy...but special intrests..have become expert in spinning their spin...charging as much/ the CON-sumer will bear

as for the missing pension funds..stolen by their trustees,..thats grand for green-jobs,..,lol...spain has revealed the joke of that

so what will fix the problem...isnt complicated...

before the bankers stole/..the worlds federal reserves...and got a franchise over money creation...govts simply issued bonds

[ok it still does..but the fed takes this VALUE...and charges ursury on it..lending govts their OWN money..[in the process stealing all the silver /gold coin-age]

thing the old days..ONLY GOLD/silver had value...but today the in our infastructure..[that bankers are slowly stealing as well...the usa national/parks are now owned by china...but we have known of this..for a long time

the criminals have long decieved us all
they are adept at spin...chosing who we can vote for/via controling party selection

by globally controling two party choices,,that are no cghoice
that...set us up for ignorant by the elite..who run the public service...who own media...give us lue of news

who set up globalist cartels..give huge their mates
who as builder -bnergers..think they are the elite/destined to rule it over the sheeple/the serfs...

who control what we can think about..even mondate what we save[think the compulsory super funds..buying up the them selves the gain..via bonus

but they have gone too far...done treason..globally...

first by stealing the right to issue money...[used to fight the worlds natzie's/poll-pot/georgia etc]...but later to enslave us all in easy debt...then stealing our business/lands/houses assets

as well as our gold/silver currency...then as we built the assets..they demand a bailout...

yet we lend..from bail them out!
how clever they are

now its back to usual
Posted by one under god, Friday, 11 June 2010 9:41:39 AM
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thing is the bankers have to further endebit/ demanding yet more bailouts...

further binding the people..into these measure's..that are causing so much angst globally

see the debt is owed to criminals...who via lie..have stolen all the wealth...who gave easy credit to endebit...not only the people..but every major instution...EVERY level of govt/state/country/assosiation

but they did it..*via criminal act..

thus the terms..ODIOUS/ cannot be the criminals...thus the very state/thus its people,...from which it was missappropriated...neat

look the assets/..have been created...
they NOW are the value..upon which govt can create more credit...

of course..inflation was the tool..of the criminal..and govt creates its free..

the only ones that loose/..are those fools..who thought to take it all...under threat of destroying it all..!

every penny we repay...goes to reducing the debt...
ursury is vile..[noting the loving christ...was upset only at ursury/ursurors[ok and the lawyers/judges/taxers..

the solution is clear...any debt/owed will/must be repaid...
any ursury stolen..must be repaid..[being/..proceeds of crime]..

look...WE HAVE BUILT IT..and the building..IS PAID FOR...
the only the debt created by criminals/
by criminal act..thats LEGALLY/lawfully..its odious debt...

learn about the law...criminals CANNOT be allowed to kep the proceeds of crime...if you go to jail..

.but you can only owe/that you owe,..,NOT URSURY

those who owe pensioners..payup..or go to jail..
you who owe debt..payup...

bankers have long used our create the fiction of 'fiat/money'...[money by govt decree]

its only paper/cyber credit...but by abuse of the franchise/they stole our gold/ our well as our homes

they took our mortgauge/ a security/ value...
and gave us...*our own credit/..then tied us up into paying back..that our paper created...

enslaving us into the ursury/banking system...BY LIE


dont let the criminals/..who bought off the law/system...
who own/the media...who didnt teach us/the the schools THEY OWN...who own it all...WAKE-UP..

who enslaved work/beyond retirment?
[who mortgauged your business.../home/pension...wages/govt]?

DONT let them/decieve you...any longer
Posted by one under god, Friday, 11 June 2010 9:42:47 AM
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I have a question for you, one under god.

Where is the money now, that has been stolen from us?

In whose bank account? Generally speaking, of course, I'm not asking for names.

Is the bank paying interest on the deposits?

Just a simple, generalized answer will do.
Posted by Pericles, Friday, 11 June 2010 2:03:33 PM
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I have a question also.. to anyone who can answer it.

"If the richest countries in the world.. including America.. owe more than their GDP..."

"who" was/is rich enough to lend them that amount of money ?

I know some Oil states and China have helped..but its nowhere near the total.

"Who" can be richer than the richest ?

aaah.. where is our resident conspiracy theorist Arjay?

If anyone wishes to postulate a 'they'... all I ask is that you provide well documented evidence...not 'arguments from opinion or silence'.

The next question is obvious. "If there is a 'they' who have this amount of money..and now control this amount of debt.. does that not make 'them'... defacto rulers of the world" ?
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Friday, 11 June 2010 3:19:53 PM
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I'm not sure it works that way, Boaz.

>>"If the richest countries in the world.. including America.. owe more than their GDP..." "who" was/is rich enough to lend them that amount of money?<<

The answer is "anyone with sufficient lending power".

First of all, don't get carried away with the concept of GDP - it is a measure of annual flow, not of physical worth.

Also, lending isn't actually based on physical securitization any more. Which is, in fact, what gets Arjay and Peter Hume's respective knickers in a twist.

They still yearn for the days where every banknote represented a promise to pay, in gold. And the gold in question was in fact safely tucked away in a bank vault, with the issuer's name on the door.

We have moved on from there - much to their bewilderment and consternation - to a different place entirely. The asset that stands behind a loan - or a banknote, which is precisely the same thing only slightly more "official" - has become separated from the money that is lent in its name.

The game now is the interest stream, not the asset itself. So if your uranium mine borrows a billion dollars from, say, China, they won't look at the physical asset itself - that's far too risky.

After all, if you defaulted on the loan, and the Chinese company went for the asset (the mine) the Australian Government would call in the FIRB, and they would lose everything.

Much easier if they were to simply evaluate your forecast cash flows, EBIT, etc., and made their lending decision - not on the basis of the asset, but on its earning power.

Same same countries. Who cares if the US owes more than its GDP? That's only a measure of one year's "revenue". And it is after all only a fraction of the total value of US assets, and it is their repayment-power that is the critical factor.

Hope that makes sense, and please feel free to pick it to pieces. It is only a layman's view, not a professional opinion.
Posted by Pericles, Friday, 11 June 2010 4:38:11 PM
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Anyone who believes that exponential growth can go on forever in
a finite world is either a madman or an economist.
Kenneth E Bolding

Which are you Al Gore etc
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 11 June 2010 5:32:53 PM
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