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Time to close down the CSA

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After someone compared me to a racist on this topic, I then announced in this thread that I was happy to take bets that eventually some of the nut cases here would compare me to a nazi, a fascist or a communist.

Even "I" couldn't envisage that one of 'em would compare my posts on the CSA topic to 40 million dead aids victims.

Full moon tonight Divorce Doctor?

Come on buddy, you can do better than that.
Posted by benq, Monday, 7 June 2010 1:09:07 AM
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congrats benq,

It took a little worm like you, feeding off the govt teat, to divert me from my work back to NOT rejecting [with apologies] the latest inquiry from a CSA victim.

So tell your mentor Rotweiller FM that The Doc is Back and is SERIOUS, and is "A Cumin at Ya Agin", at a court near you.
Posted by Divorce Doctor, Monday, 7 June 2010 7:07:36 PM
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Hmm, you're not a very good communicator are you DD.

You'll need to do better than garbled language, talking in riddles and non existent syntax. That is, if you're serious about 2 way communication (which I doubt very much).

Care to repeat what you just wrote? This time in English maybe?

If you can't talk straight, then why bother?
Posted by benq, Tuesday, 8 June 2010 1:53:26 AM
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I reasonably suspect I am being baited by a person keen to take a free kick at a stranger, to satisfy their desire to exercise moral superiority and play the devils' advocate. Its something I should be more accepting of, as I would mercilessly return the favour should there be a thread about big girls with hairy legs and bad breath...

Now, 2 points that have been raised which I feel have been distorted to support a pre-existing set of prejudices. "Most kids live with their mother and I have no issue with that" does not mean I wish to have no further contact or input into their upbringing, it means I could imagine how they would prefer to live with their mother (especially at a young age) and that it is about what is best for the children not the squabble between parents.

"Why wouldnt you want to use your degree to provide resources to your children" (sorry I cant remember the exact wording), Misses my point entirely. If I gave the CSA $1000 per week, my children and ex's will get none of this money. It goes into consolidated revenue, not to the mother or children. I guess it is like this because if it wasnt, I'd just pay it each week and she'd just pop it straight back in my bank.
It is purely an option of paying %75 tax, and if you decline that option you're labelled a "deadbeat dad". If you take that option up, you will be lucky to be able to pay your rent each week let alone provide something for the children's upbringing.

I dont suggest it would be any better if it was run by a bunch of 40-something men, and I believe most of the women that are currently running the show are genuine in their motivations (even if a little oblivious to their own lack of objectivity).
Posted by PatTheBogan, Tuesday, 8 June 2010 8:43:23 AM
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you are just so new to all this it is hard to know how to explain.

but the term Cash for Comment was coined about 15 years back after John Laws was caught taking bribes from [inter alia] The Banks to give them better press to overcome the fact they were "on the nose".

everyone got a slap on the wrist with a wet tram ticket and it was said tut tut those commercial things like banks really should make for better example, especially as the kiddies use banks and have piggy banks etc.

what is not generally known however is that a certain govt dept was in there with the banks from day one AND it was none other than the CSA.

So 15 years later the CSA is still handing out the cash to droogs like you to give them better press.

It's just the way it is but it really smells
Posted by Divorce Doctor, Wednesday, 9 June 2010 10:45:18 PM
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DD wrote, "The CSA is still handing out the cash to droogs like you to give them better press".

Gee DD, let's see now - - - - - according to DD dozens of thousands of "good" fathers have committed suicide because of CSA "illegality" since the CSA started in 1988, and according to DD my posts need comparing to 40 million dead aids victims, and according to DD I am in receipt of money from the CSA for the purpose of giving the CSA good publicity, and according to DD I'm a "droog". Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

DD, was it a full moon for you tonight again? If you really want to be taken seriously (I'm sure you don't) then you have to actually **COMMUNICATE**. I realise communicating effectively is something beyond you, so maybe you should seek assistance in this regard.
Posted by benq, Thursday, 10 June 2010 1:36:16 AM
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