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The Forum > General Discussion > Time to close down the CSA

Time to close down the CSA

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Gee, Divorce Doctor admits there's no CSA gender bias.

Robert, you claim there's CSA gender bias against males. I'm trying to help you get to the nitty gritty in order to conclusively show that this is factual. The ONLY way to approach this is through **FACTS**. If you present the facts, and only the facts, and back them up with substantiated evidence then your opinion regarding CSA gender bias would carry weight. Think about it. Going away doesn't help your cause.

Maybe a class action against the CSA is a good idea. I'd imagine that would give non custodial fathers who have had decisions and personal treatments go against them, who believe it was because of gender bias, a good chance to show that what they claim is correct. How about it folks?
Posted by benq, Friday, 4 June 2010 4:23:38 PM
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R0bert, it's yet another iteration of JW, SallyG,etc. My recent correspondence with the Agency must have resulted in her getting another prod with the "why did you screw up so badly, Judith?" spurs.

Poor thing. I wonder how long before her contract is terminated and the work internalised?
Posted by Antiseptic, Friday, 4 June 2010 7:12:45 PM
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Could someone please interpret for me what antiseptic just wrote. Antiseptic, as I said earlier to Divorce Doctor, it's necessary to talk in clear English if you wish to adequately make points and have it fully understood, so that people can reply.
Posted by benq, Friday, 4 June 2010 7:20:56 PM
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Bye Judy.
Posted by Antiseptic, Friday, 4 June 2010 7:42:32 PM
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Benq, I like your no nonsense style, and the way you have the anti-feminine males of this site on the run! LOL.

Never ask antiseptic what he means....that is just asking for trouble!

The CSA was created by the male politicians of this country years ago when they got sick of paying single or separated mothers money to care for their kids on their own.

Given the choice at the time, many fathers just didn't feel the need to pay for the upkeep of their kids, because it meant paying money to that b**ch who dared to leave them or had their child by 'deception'.

Naturally the male politicians would prefer that the fathers paid some money for their kids, rather than use the public money- and fair enough.

Of course, the separated/ divorced men of today feel very hard done by this CSA.
How dare they make them financially support their own children!

So now these men are blaming the women for the Government's expectation of paying for their own children.

I looked up the CSA site- and there were male employees named there, so I guess it is not all run by these 'feminazis', as we are led to believe by some aggressive males on this forum.

It is time the CSA cracked down even harder on some of these fathers.
Posted by suzeonline, Friday, 4 June 2010 7:46:34 PM
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I'll not comment on those 2 posts unless someone can inform me what the last 2 antiseptic posts mean. Anyone knows? It seems straight talk is now not forthcoming from antiseptic. I don't know why.

Antiseptic if you are "really" interested in discussion, how about talking straight instead of in riddles.
Posted by benq, Friday, 4 June 2010 7:51:35 PM
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