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Missing link? What evidence would sway creationists?
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Posted by Severin, Sunday, 18 April 2010 11:08:43 AM
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Maybe this will convince the creationists And even if it doesn't, it's still worth watching Posted by stevenlmeyer, Sunday, 18 April 2010 4:46:16 PM
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Lol, stevenlmeyer! I loved that clip.
Severin is correct in suggesting that if Creationists believe in all the other silly fairy stories in the bible, then they are most surely never going to believe in any 'missing link' that might disprove the creation theory. Posted by suzeonline, Sunday, 18 April 2010 5:56:24 PM
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missing link ..what a joke
we have one of them every few years or so recall lucy..ended up to be a bit of creative pr recall the pig teeth and the many other doudt a few more as i read the posts..abouve...i seen many of these missing links but no transitional has persisted...teqniclly there should be thousands...but not one transitional has survived..even then the list of so called under ten...its a joke there are no means for genus to change genus where the fish coldblood/mammel/transitional..then there are the other absurdities...[life crawling out of the salty sea..[see salt came from couldnt have been salty..pre life but we have these genious types avaiding the species barrier..and forgetting its many fold more so for genus/ has even decreed..first life is of the agenda..see life comes from life..fullstop anyhow i go to read the gloaters..who gloat ignorant of the facts inherant in THEORY...who grasp at fraud support thier hopes..not the science fact thuink why a true scientist can look at a single hair..or fish scale and decide its a new species..each creation is the genus level..thats science... but think why the darwin godhead wrote ...the THEORY..of evolution of the ...SPECIES.. because genus dont evolve..its the boundry of species anyhow will read and repeat the previous rebuttals of the science wanna-be true-bies..but then again..why interfere with those..with so little to believe in..they grasp at in science is faith all the same some put the prophet/messenger intoi their it dorkins or jesus..they have many faith alone Posted by one under god, Monday, 19 April 2010 4:47:00 PM
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Grim and Severin,
I guess one main difference between the Beatles, including the fifth, and aliens is, the latter are typically folliclely challenged. It is rare to have full agreement on an OLO thread, yet, surely it is universally agreed that Mars Attacks in fun knee. On the other hand, Nelson Eddie and Jannette McDonald’s, “Indian Love Call”, might go down there with worst films ever made. My money would be on the “Indian Love Call” killing off the unadapted aliens over microbes (War of the Worlds). Even we terrestrials have only built-up immunity to listen to it, three or four times in a decade. The existence of this song runs against any argument for intelligent deign. Likewise, if such music is produced ex nihilo, how could one claim God compassionate? Stevenlmeyer, Nails work better at confounding one, as to the true state of ex-parrots, than do the creationist claims to fasten ex-folk tales on their perch. Moreover, nailed ex-parrots act as an effective metaphor of Genesis. Was the parrot’s name, “Adam”? Spindoc, It could be more confronting with 12.4 billion Messiahs, each wishing martydom at the hands the other 12,399,999.999. "Kill me", "No, Kill me"... Posted by Oliver, Monday, 19 April 2010 5:49:29 PM
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Hey Oliver, I'm folliclely challenged, and I can't sing like Nelson Eddy (although I could probably act about as well as he could); is there anything to be made of that?
As for Mars Attacks, I thought it was a little heavy handed, in true American fashion. I prefer Doug. Adams (books, not movie or series) and Pratchett. OUG, I agree about 'missing links and transitional species; load of crap. Is a sugar glider a 'transitional species', on it's way to becoming a marsupial bat? Only time (about a million years) will tell. In the mean time, I think they are perfectly happy just being possums. Posted by Grim, Monday, 19 April 2010 7:17:36 PM
One of my favourite comedies is "Mars Attacks".
Great point about the floor length robe - no 1950's Sci-Fi would dare to be without them - they were also very useful for indicating someone of high status. Tight fitting shiny suits were more a '60s thing.
With special effects reaching the standards attained in "Avatar" I guess the days of egg-heads and rockets dangling on a piece of fishing line are long gone.
There is no stopping evolution in film or life is there