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low wages in australia

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Yes it is me, a trade unionist till death and ALP active member but we can fix this low pay stuff.
Not with more welfare, but making better use of what we already pay.
Let us, including those on my side of the political fence be realistic.
What we do now is not working.
Ignore runner and Rich, they want us to live by rules of a phantom God, and seemingly do not understand his views on the poor.
Have any of us been truly hungry?
And not knowing a way out?
I lived such a life and right now others do.
So what would I do about it.
Change social welfare for unemployed, give real jobs, ones that demand commitment, in local government and conservation projects , INSTEAD of dole.
Not half jobs or half wages but a job on fair wages.
Do not farm them out to business let their work outcomes be true public service.
Instead of contracting out forests parks RTA local government positions make them give value back to the community.
We know that anyone can make it in Australia, and surely that anyone can fail too.
I CRY yes I do to think some bosses get deals that betray workers.
Pay under award rates , with no concerns, my view of unionism is if it kills me, fair go mate , minimum wages should be auto matic not sold out for some.
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 13 March 2010 4:10:49 PM
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Dear Belly and Individual,
I meditate on Gods word "Lord what do you mean in Deuteronomy chapter eight when Moses says if I obey your word I will make wealth" "Does that mean Lord that I can do my own thing". Proverbs chapter 3 " My son keep my commands, Honour me with your possessions so your barns will be filled with plenty, And your vats will overflow with new wine". "Please explain Lord". Malachi chapter 3 "Pay your tithe so there may be food in MY house and !" prove ME "! says the Lord of hosts.
This is the only way he allows and invites us to test Him and his word. In the making of wealth.
Me I choose to believe Him and take Him at his word. I have tried and tested it for over 30 years and it works. The word says we have not for we ask not or we ask amiss. Obedience is better than sacrifice.
Wisdom cries out every where. Repent (turn your mind around), be baptized for forgiveness of sin, and you will receive Gods free gift the Holy Spirit and He will guide you into all truth.

In Robert Kiyosaki's book Rich Dad Poor Dad he asks the question " How do you make wealth, buy a loto ticket or get knowledge", you have a choice. Stephen R Covey said that "there are 3 constants in life,
change, choice and principles. If you focus on principles you empower everyone who understands these principles to act without constant monitoring, evaluating, correcting or controlling." give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach him to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
Hosea speaking to the Jews said " people are destroyed for lach of knowledge"
A proud haughty person hearing never hears, seeing never sees for he has the wrong focus which gets us back to choices. Chose to remain poor and blame your lack on others or take responsibility for your choices and get knowledge. Your move in the journey of life.
Posted by Richie 10, Sunday, 14 March 2010 6:17:11 AM
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So Individual as you can see you don't have to be evil to make money you have to be open to new ideas. God is good and his way leads to abundance. The thoughts of mans heart are only evil and lead to lack and poverty. Focus on life not good and evil.
Belly broaden your tent pegs and learn new ways to skin the cat and you may be plesently surprised at what you acomplish without having to take from another. When you use a big stick to acomplish your your goal it doesn't last. Kindness and acts of engouragement with understanding sets change in concrete.
Posted by Richie 10, Sunday, 14 March 2010 8:34:17 AM
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Richie 10,
Whilst I am unable to prove religious people neither right nor wrong I do question their integrity. I know quite a number of people who, at every opportunity bring up the values of their faiths but when it comes to giving or declining anything to do with money then religion appears to shift from the front row to the back. going back to low wages, Living in a so-called remote community I am constantly arguing with those moron consultants , bureaucrats & academic types that, as long as the remote communities are not allowed to regain the social cohesiveness that was until about 1980 & ged rid of this idiotic CDEP program then wages for ordinary working people will not improve. You see, by not affording locals the opportunity to to gain qualifications & constantly bringing in short-term career public servants no community can get ahead. If only the Governments put the excessive remote area allowances, travel allowances & whathaveyou allowances into qualifying more often than not far better suitable local people for these positions than it could only be positive. One of the reasons for low ages is that too much is being syphoned off for people in positions who are utterly & totally incompetent & yet our so-called "experts" can't see anything technically or morally wrong with it. Even the unions are totally useless because there aren't enough people to warrant a visit. I have asked a union official & that's how he explained it. Yes, very caring indeed. Do you have any inkling at all how much funding is being misappropriated by bureaucrats ? Do you know how much funding is wasted by incompetence ? I have yet to hear of a religious group, unions etc to put serious pressure onto Government to stop this.
Posted by individual, Sunday, 14 March 2010 8:41:07 AM
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I came to this thread late so have not contributed, but I must say that I agree with your views, in your last post. I have worked for bosses that exploit their workers and also have seen workers that rip off their bosses and sabotage the business. I have no time for either of the above.

You must have, at the least, interesting discussions with your workmates and other party members.

I think you and Yabby and Rehctub have more in common than you think. Mainly based on common sence and a fair go. I recall butcher saying, on another thread, that he pays his employees well above award wages, but he expects loyalty and good work in return. I do not think you would have an issue with that.

If more ALP members thought like you, we would have far better government that we have at present, at all levels. One question. How do you set up a scheme where the unemployed do meaning full work in return for social security, easier said than done.
Posted by Banjo, Sunday, 14 March 2010 10:44:29 AM
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Dear Individual,
I understand exactly what you are talking about.
My mother was a christian and she died when I was a teen. She honoured
my father and never ever said anything about God or Jesus to any of her 4 children. But she read the bible and an every day with Jesus type book and prayed. Today some 50+ years later 3 out of 4 are followers of Jesus. My fathers father was a religious man and for punishment he put his children in the corner facing the wall reading the bible aloud. In my fathers 11 year my Grandmother cooked a real feast for the family xmas dinner. Difficult when you live in the bush in the 1920's. To cut a long story short the old man came to the table and blessed the food and then did his christian duty and wrapped it up in the tablecloth and went and shared xmas dinner with the next door neighbours and Gran made fried bread and syrup for the children.
My father told me that story shortly before he died as it was the reason he couldn't trust God. Don't let the Hyprocy of others run your life. Remember it is your choice.
Posted by Richie 10, Sunday, 14 March 2010 1:40:54 PM
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