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low wages in australia

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Richie ten, in time you will understand I do not share your views.
I want to live a life without hurting anyone other than in self defense or defense of another or country.
An honest life owing no one on death.
To be accountable for my every action
And to share my luck in life with others.
not to abandon my life and need to be a better person to A God THAT NEVER EXISTED.
No intent to hurt you but I once was a Christian, true the start of my awakening came on hearing a man of your God saying good money could be made from his point of view in his church.
Some how I feel the God Myth Followed had better things in mind for the poor.
Richie are you quite sure your representations of your God do not do more harm than good?
Or that he is as unconcerned at the very poors plight as you are
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 17 March 2010 5:05:03 PM
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Absolutely Belly because I have chosen to follow Jesus and when I got confused and started to follow mans teachings my world collapsed and I only had Jesus and his word to lean on left.He has never ever let me down and as I have learned to take him at his word the understanding comes.
There are only three constants in this life; change, choice, and principles. We have to go with change or it destroys us. We have to learn principles to make the best choices in a changing world.
Regards richie 10
Posted by Richie 10, Wednesday, 17 March 2010 5:58:46 PM
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So Yabby, you keep refering to 'imported cars' and that we should stop importing them and build cars here.

Great idea, except the unions continued intervention makes employing people here to build cars almost impossible.

Now on the subject of 'imported cars', the majority of farmers drive 'landcruisers', do they not?

In any case, most cars built locally should be labelled, 'assembled in Aust from local and imported components', don't you think?

Now as for greedy butchers and the fact that I have put that argument to bed, our very own consumers struggle to eat lamb as it is simply too expensive and, these are the very persons who pay their taxes, just so our poor farmers can stick their hand out when they are doing it tough.

Don't talk to me about poor farmers, esspecially when they take our hand outs then bypass us for live export.
Posted by rehctub, Wednesday, 17 March 2010 7:03:01 PM
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Rehctub, I did not say that we should ban imported cars, I said that
you should not be a hypocrite. There is no more reason to ban live exports,
then there is to ban imported cars. You seemingly don't
understand your own contradiction.

Farm handouts nearly all go to the Eastern States, live exports
nearly all come from WA. Once again you are confused.

*Now as for greedy butchers and the fact that I have put that argument to bed*

Lol Rehctub, you have done no such thing. We hear about all the
money that you have made from your butcher shop, we hear about
your butcher friends earning many times what the PM earns. Clearly
there is a rip off going on, as some people support the "little man"
Little man my arse lol. Greedy pigs as far as I am concerned.

I am selling lambs next week, 4.60 a kg. It costs 1$ a kg to
knock em off, the meatworks get the fifth leg for free, 1 $ a kg
to cut them up and they could be home delivered with a handsome
profit for another 2 bucks a kg. Total cost 8.60$ a kg is hardly
too expensive for the housewife. But perhaps that would not be
enough margin for our butchers.

Yes, 4.60 a kg is a high price in historical terms. Reason being
that our sheep flock has dropped by 60%, because people could
not make a quid. The last data that I saw from Abare, the average
lamb grower earned around 50 k$ a year. They are hardly rolling in
it. Luckily for me, I do this stuff purely as a hobby and I don't
depend on agriculture for a living. But I'm seeing plenty of our
best farmers pack up and leave, they have had a gutful of you
blokes. The only ones showing any kind of honesty in the saleyards
relating what they can pay to what they can sell their product
for, have been the live trade. Now pricks like you want to shut
it down, for your own little-selfish-interests.
Posted by Yabby, Wednesday, 17 March 2010 8:21:41 PM
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rehctub, "Don't talk to me about poor farmers, esspecially when they take our hand outs then bypass us for live export."

Specifically what handouts would those be?

What you should be getting edgy about is the domination in the marketplace of the big two, Coles and Woolworths.
Posted by Cornflower, Wednesday, 17 March 2010 11:46:15 PM
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Banjo, you still think I am bit bit like rechtub?
Maybe I should sell the PC and get out more.
Rechtub please,cars even in America are being outsold by over seas ones.
This country going way back to the very first Holden has supported car manufacturing here with tax payers cash, too much cash too little return.
While I am not involved with the union you defame they are not the reason we build less cars here.
And can reason get involved in the live sheep export thing?
WA prices are less than east coast.
Transport is the reason, hight transport allows buyers to control prices.
Live sheep market is a far different one than prime lamb.
I very much doubt Australians could eat enough sheep meat to bring about an end to the need to export.
Farmers ,like you, have every right to earn a living and droughts and other things get us tax payers helping we can not after all live without both food and exports.
sorry rechtub but at times you appear lost and unable to see views other than your own.
Mate it is my honest view the worst thief in Australia is not dole bludgers, not welfare cheats no doubt at all, high income earners who avoid paying tax are indeed grubby people.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 18 March 2010 3:23:13 AM
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