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low wages in australia

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*I have mates with butcher shops who make many times that of the PM with limmited educational backgrounds.*

*Live export is another well beaten example of a wasted opportunity to create jobs for the jobless.*

Now you know Rehctub, why the live export trade is critical to

Fact is, certainly in WA, the meat industry is all about this cosy
little club, with few competitors in the saleyards, who in the past
could basically name their price. Only the live trade offered them
any real competition. When Mr Fletcher offered 20 bucks for cast
for age ewes, there was nobody there, to offer 21.

How did farmers eventually respond? They got jack of all this,
year after year, sold their sheep and bought big machinery, to grow
more crops. When they added it up, suddenly the States sheep population had dropped 10 million and the numbers arn't there
anymore to run the meat chains.

So we have howls of protest about the live trade, when it was in fact
one of the few reasons why farmers still bothered with sheep.

The live trade is there to keep you meat industry people at least
a tiny bit honest. That is why it has so much farmer support.

Whilst you drive an imported car, don't preach to farmers about
the live trade.
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 14 March 2010 11:24:02 PM
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Banjo think with me on this.
You seem to think my views as an ALP member and proud unionist are strange.
Can we all forget the idea those we are opposed to are any different than us.
This country has always been governed by the wishes of about 80% of voters.
The last 6 elections have proved we think about voting.
Abbott has dropped his parental leave ace on Rudd's King,
Who would have thought it could happen?
Howard, not Rudd started the hand outs baby bonuses for a start.
We want the same outcomes a better country.
And some blindly will defend welfare, my party was branded even by the church of England for child welfare.
I t again should take the lead in change we must have/make work.
Yes those schemes wasted cash, are you aware in Queensland those jobs went to farmers having hard times?
I truly honestly, think local government and state government authority management is not working.
Giving anyone a job that lets them fail but get paid forever is not going to work.
And can we talk about why we say 5% unemployment is full employment?
Get of yabbys back live exports is a different market one that we can never make meat exports
The true path for this country has to always be constructive change.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 15 March 2010 5:38:55 AM
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We however rechtub can NEVER build government factory's.
That is Socialism and defeats the required results , it would take work from private enterprise.
Jobs created should give dividends back to the community.
That could mean increasing state government jobs in parks forests and road building by 50% now and more soon.
It could see greens teams paid to build rest areas and amenity's at creek and river Banks.
A whole new way of welfare.
Not give away jobs or money true work true pride in a job.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 15 March 2010 5:46:04 AM
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Dear Belly,
You and I both want the best outcome for Australia. period .
This is our country and we would both give our very best for it.
The only disagreement we have is the source of life and the source of death. There is always a better way to do things. I think we would both agree on that.
Could you please listen to a short talk on the constitution and give me your opinion of it. It is found at http://larry/
Richie 10
Posted by Richie 10, Monday, 15 March 2010 8:41:27 AM
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Raw Mustard,
Sorry, my last post was ment for you and Belly. I got your initials wrong and apologise. I welcome any input you may have.

I don't think your ideas strange, but, from my experience with unionists and ALP members, I think your views would be in the minority within those groups.

I agree with your concepts of giving people meaningful work for social security. The difficult part is in how to achieve that.

It seems to me that the work has to be mainly manual and that which cannot be done more efficiently by machine. Your ideas of 'rest areas' on roadsides is good but limited.

Recently there has been talk of bringing in thousands of foreigners to pick fruit so why could that not be done by locals. Its very hot and hard work, so give no-tax incentives as an encouragement. Some opponants will find the no-tax thing unacceptable, but the money will soon be back in the main economy and at least it stays in the country.

People used to take their holidays to coincide with the fruit season and it was all cash in hand. Those without other skills could better themselves by working hard and that has to be good.

That is about the only area I can think of in which to implement such a scheme, but there may well be others.
Posted by Banjo, Monday, 15 March 2010 9:39:38 AM
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"How do you set up a scheme where the unemployed do meaning full work in return for social security, easier said than done"
Introduce National Service & get those Drongo kids of Drongo parents into doing some thinking. Presto, there's 90 % of your dole que gone. The older ones can be absorbed in Government funded local Council schemes. I mean, if we can afford bureaucrats who achieve next to nothing then we can afford to support councils to get unemployed people into a financially unviable workforce & start building a more sesible society.
Posted by individual, Monday, 15 March 2010 7:15:24 PM
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