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The Forum > General Discussion > Lifting of posting limits

Lifting of posting limits

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This is notice to let you know that we've decided to increase the number of times that you can post in a 24 hour period. The original limits were put in place to ensure that discussion was orderly and polite. Originally there were no limits and some of the posts were "short nasty and brutish". The limitation on posting limits meant that it was less rewarding to do these sorts of posts.

But time moves on, and over the last six years I think we've developed an ethos on the site which encourages longer posts and more intellectual engagement than most other sites, so we've decided it is now time to lift the posting limit to allow conversations to flow more smoothly.

However, if things do regress to where they were originally we will reinstate the more stringent limits. It takes a long time to get the ethos of a community right, but it can be destroyed in days. We don't want that to happen.

The new limits are 10 posts on article threads and 4 posts on any one article and 20 posts on general threads and 8 per thread.

I'm interested in your feedback. While I moderate the site, it really depends on the emails I get from lots of you to ensure that this moderation is effective.
Posted by GrahamY, Wednesday, 24 February 2010 11:06:43 AM
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While I'm sure this decision is probably more to do with the quality of my posts and the desire for more content from me (Not to mention the extra advertising revenue), I still say you should keep the limits the same.

People need to learn to save their ammunition. Like any war, there are limited resources and you need to use them wisely. There's nothing like drawing enemy fire and extinguishing the threat, then going on the offensive and watching your enemy writhe in pain, helpless and unable to respond for 24 hours until new ammunition is available.

Less IS More. Especially from some posters.

Though "short nasty and brutish" does sound very appealing.
Posted by Houellebecq, Wednesday, 24 February 2010 11:39:30 AM
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Hi Graham

I see it as a good idea.

This way if you have proven your point and people just try to turn it into spin then you can at least Answer those questions being posted.

So well done graham.
Posted by tapp, Wednesday, 24 February 2010 11:42:19 AM
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Ever one to keep an eye on the Technical Support area of the Forum, I was fascinated to learn that early on in the OLO epoch the absence of posting limits favoured the prevalence of "short, nasty, and brutish" posts. Here was I thinking that brevity was the soul of wit, and that the real enemy of the Forum was too many (gamboge?) words. One lives and learns.

Thank you (I think) GrahamY, although you have now diluted somewhat the latent challenge residing to make the most of the 350 word limit in any given post. At least the more technical, or perhaps more obscure, points can be made at relevant times in a (hopefully civil) discussion, like what Ludwig often tries to do.
Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Wednesday, 24 February 2010 11:51:39 AM
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Hi all, let's just keep a watching brief on it. The other problem we had early on wasn't just the short "break wind and leave the room" type posts, but the people with time on their hands who could post ad nauseum and wear everyone else down - effectively bully them into submission or out of the argument.

But some topics do invite a bit more engagement, so I'm hoping that people will use with restraint.

It's easy enough to reinstate the old rules, so make sure that people on threads understand. You might even use some of your new allocation to do that if you feel the need.

Maybe we could even look at according some people "senior" status to help police manners in an understated way?
Posted by GrahamY, Wednesday, 24 February 2010 3:15:58 PM
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'aybe we could even look at according some people "senior" status to help police manners in an understated way?'

Oh man! I vote Foxy and Examinator and CJ! They're made for the Job!
Posted by Houellebecq, Wednesday, 24 February 2010 3:57:16 PM
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Excellent news.
I have seen more than one freeflowing and productive discussion come to a grinding halt as people hit their post limits.
Its hard to keep up the passion when you have to wait 24 hrs.
Posted by mikk, Wednesday, 24 February 2010 5:28:21 PM
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Thanks GY I think it is a good idea and that I will rarely get to the new limits.
Did fall out with the old one at times.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 24 February 2010 5:35:53 PM
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I think that this is probably a good move, however I suspect that it will be abused by one or two of our 'usual suspects' - whom most sensible people tend to ignore anyway.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Thursday, 25 February 2010 10:01:19 AM
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I may have to pay more attention to the rule that posts must be relevant CJ, so any of you who warn me of posts that need attention might take that into account.

As moderator it is going to make things easier, because I am subject to the posting rules too.
Posted by GrahamY, Thursday, 25 February 2010 10:23:28 AM
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<< Oh man! I vote Foxy and Examinator and CJ! They're made for the Job! >>


God help us Houelly! ( :>)

Very good Graham. I am pleased with the expanded opportunities to post, although these days I post considerably less often than I used to.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 25 February 2010 11:53:47 AM
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CJ is there to define the 'established' OLO users. Apparently you must give more respect to the established users. He's a patriarch at heart.

Besides, ask any chick on OLO, they'll tell you he's never abusive.
Posted by Houellebecq, Thursday, 25 February 2010 12:45:58 PM
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Yes Graham, I like the idea of allowing us more posts.

However, I think we need to be more vigilant in reporting
abusive or nasty posts quickly.

This will ensure that maybe the abusive poster will cut
it out if they want to see their words up on the screen for long?

Well, I can live in hope can't I?

Cheers, Suze.
Posted by suzeonline, Friday, 26 February 2010 12:04:50 AM
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Ludwig, I'm watching you >:-|. he he he he he

Seriously folks,
I don't see what's so hard to do/understand. Plain ordinary respect, that doesn't exclude being who we are or light hearted jibes (colour) as above.

Think of it like your car/property, would you be happy someone trashing or graffiting it, by those who you permit to ride in it??

Keep in mind, it's GY's property, its existence relies on it's credibility and therefore, the tone of our comments, amongst other things. Trash it and you trash the livings of him, staff and families.

BTW OLO hardly a big insensitive Juggernaut business, that can afford or deserves that sort of treatment. OLO/GY is hardly so biased that they don't publish most reasonable/reasoned, topics/comment.

GY, as moderators go is better than most,so frankly, extreme fringe zealotry and/or vandalism (abuse etc)is simply the height arrogance and puerile self-indulgence.

No biggy simply follow the rules, they are neither onerous nor restrictive to substance.
Posted by examinator, Saturday, 27 February 2010 11:47:39 AM
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Have no fear Graham.

I am here.

If any posters get out of hand, I shall beat the crap out of the odious swine who have the brass necked gall to even TRY to be naughty on my watch.

These grubby so and so's will wish they'd never been born.

I am a great believer in decorum at all times....
Posted by Ginx, Thursday, 18 March 2010 1:10:57 PM
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G'donya Ginxy (:>)
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 20 March 2010 9:36:23 PM
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I hope you have returned to post.

I have often thought about your previous contributions; so darned funny. I also recall your application of 'Mantra'.

Looking forward to reading more of your work.

Posted by Pynchme, Saturday, 20 March 2010 10:00:04 PM
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Thank-you my wee chickadees!!

Nah! Pynch, I was just passing through-I take a teensy squizz at OLO on rare occasions nowadays.

I do love a good stoush, but pay a hefty price for it,-I end up utterly knackered and stressed out!

Take care both.
Posted by Ginx, Sunday, 21 March 2010 4:52:37 PM
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Be still, my beating heart

It still the same old story. A fight for love and glory. A case of do or die...

Do visit again soon, won'tcha
Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 30 March 2010 1:20:18 PM
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