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Should Australian women be told of Abortion-Breast Cancer link?
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Posted by HermanYutic, Tuesday, 12 January 2010 2:25:42 PM
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Tp perform 75,000 abortions you would have to do 10 a day for more than 20 years, not stopping for weekends or holidays and that Dr. Nathanson's biography says that he was licenced to practice in 1952 and became a pro-life advaocate in the mid seventies, this means that he must have been performing more than 10 a day, every day of his medical career, when they were illegal. It seems he only stopped after they we allowed. I'm surprised that he had time to do anything else (and that he wasn't arrested and imprisoned).
I'm sorry, I just don't find this guy credible. Posted by Bugsy, Tuesday, 12 January 2010 2:44:08 PM
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You continually open my eyes, HermanYutic
>>King Hazza, I'm not sure that the ex-abortionist (above) fits your mold either.<< I expect you have forgotten in all the excitement, but KH was talking about the motivation of pro-life atheists. [KH]"I've yet to see an example that goes outside these parameters- or isn't just simply a Christian anyway." I am sure he is delighted that you are diligently finding more and more evidence to prove his case for him. You are simply trailing before us yet another batch of pro-life christians. >>Here's an interesting story by "a...butcher (who found) a conscience" after performing an estimated 75,000 abortions<< And here's another "interesting story". An interview in which the same "butcher" displays his true ethical colours. Another "my logic is my religion's logic" single-tracker, with just a teeny tinge of self-righteous hypocrisy. Yum. Plus you provide a great example of the kind of thrusting, ground-breaking journalism that has made Fox news the byword for... whatever it is the byword for. Beat-up, perhaps. "Johnson... had no way to prove her allegations about practices at the Bryan branch." The entire weight of Fox resources couldn't cobble together the teensiest scrap of evidence? What a surprise. But without the unsupported allegations, there wouldn't be a story, would there? On the KH test, she's just another god-botherer. As the lady says... "I would say there was a definite conversion in my heart ... a spiritual conversion." And what organization did she join? A "Christian pro-life organization made up of over 60 churches" How does she spend her time? She has "joined pro-life groups in praying outside the building where she once worked." Good for her. But atheist? Don't think so. Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 12 January 2010 3:26:02 PM
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Well spotted; my mistake. When he said personally responsible for I took it to mean personally performed. I should have used the same phrase as him, "personally responsible for". "I set up a clinic, the Center for Reproductive and Sexual Health (C.R.A.S.H.), which operated in the east side of Manhattan. It had 10 operating rooms, 35 doctors, 85 nurses. It operated seven days a week, from 8 am to midnight. We did 120 abortions every day in that clinic. At the end of the two years that I was the director, we had done 60,000 abortions. I myself, with my own hands, have done 5,000 abortions. I have supervised another 10,000 that residents have done under my direction. So I have 75,000 abortions in my life." The Pro-Choice Action Network vouches for his veracity: "Dr. Bernard Nathanson, a former abortion provider turned anti-choice, is a high-profile anti-abortion speaker and author from New York, who advocates the murder of doctors when they are "about to perform an abortion". He is the creator of the discredited film Silent Scream. Joan Andrews-Bell acted as his sponsor and godmother when he converted to Catholicism. CANADA: Nathanson spoke in BC in May 2000 at the Focus for Life dinner sponsored by the Pro-Life Society of BC and the Vancouver Catholic Archdiocese. Nathanson's presence helped raise about $100,000 for the two groups." Periculitis, Nathanson "described himself as a "Jewish Atheist" and later converted to Catholicism in 1996", some 2 decades years after his pro-life "conversion". Posted by HermanYutic, Tuesday, 12 January 2010 3:39:42 PM
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Well he would say that, wouldn't he (apologies to Mandy Rice-Davies.
>>Nathanson "described himself as a "Jewish Atheist" and later converted to Catholicism in 1996"<< But I think both KH and I would concede, he needs an entire "atheist pro-life" category to himself. How about "attention-seeking opportunist self-promoter"? Does that work for you, King Hazza? Here's some insight that, coincidentally, provides support to Bugsy's reservations on the guy. "The Silent Scream was, is, an astonishing mix of half truths, distortion, diabolically clever deceptions and outright lies" Hmmm. That, from a fellow doctor. Can't be good. "I couldnt decide if Nathanson was an outright charlatan, or simply an ignorant but well-meaning crackpot, or if he was a flagrantly immoral opportunist whose pre-Roe v. Wade abortion business had been significantly impacted... and was now eager to cash in on the video and lecture circuit." Tough words. "Trying to rationalize his remarkable turnabout... Nathanson states that ...”In reality, we knew very little about the fetus and had never seen it except as chopped-up, dismembered flesh or as a just-delivered infant.” Dr. Nathanson can make such a statement without fear of contradiction from members of the general public, but... this is an obvious fabrication. Any second year resident on any busy Ob/Gyn service will have seen with their own eyes several, perhaps scores of, spontaneously aborted but temporarily living fetuses in various stages of development outside the womb." Oooo-er. "For Nathanson to say that he had no idea about what was developing in the pregnant womb prior to the advent of obstetrical ultrasound, and that this modality was the reason for his dramatic change of heart is not just disingenuous, but is almost inexpressably silly" The guy's a fraud. Disown him. Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 12 January 2010 4:50:14 PM
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From reading the text watching the videos, I get the strong impression that he believes what he says as he says it, regardless of the actual truth. I wonder if he wouldn't qualify as having Sociopathic tendencies rather than reformed or a Christian. I see him largely in the type of a smart "Chopper Reid". He has and I suggest still would, do/say what ever it takes to achieve his *Personal* ends, what ever they are, and bugger all with the cause. Too many things just don't add up. Hermie has a credibility problem, in that he's representing the extraordinary as the norm. Almost all his 'evidence' is clearly more than two standard deviations from the mean. He cites news paper sensation and poor science as empirical evidence! Likewise, his quotations of the Suras and Koran, As CJ alludes, he sees everything in the extremes and literal and projects that on others. i.e. he sees the world through fundamentalist's eyes and hence assumes fundamentalist threats. Posted by examinator, Tuesday, 12 January 2010 5:45:50 PM
Here's an interesting story by
"a...butcher (who found) a conscience"
after performing an estimated 75,000 abortions:
Here's another one about the director of an abortion clinic
who "found a conscience".,2933,571215,00.html
King Hazza,
I'm not sure that the ex-abortionist (above)
fits your mold either.