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The Forum > General Discussion > JFK.E Howard Hunt Ex CIA, Accuses LBJ

JFK.E Howard Hunt Ex CIA, Accuses LBJ

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Pericles has refused to provide even one example of a post of mine that consists only of cutting and pasting other peoples' words without my having put any of my own thought into it.

This hasn't stopped him from repeating his unfounded claim on other forums. See Pericles' latest 'contribution' to the forum "Australia, Afghanistan and three unanswered questions" as an example:

"Your tactics, which consist of endlessly cutting and pasting from other people's conspiracy sites, are designed to kill any discussion with tedious repetition." (
Posted by daggett, Thursday, 18 February 2010 9:26:19 AM
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Still wittering on, I see, daggett.

>>Pericles has refused to provide even one example of a post of mine that consists only of cutting and pasting other peoples' words without my having put any of my own thought into it.<<

Do you really, really think that anyone cares?

Are you expecting a sudden rush of sympathy, as the scales fall from everyone's eyes, and they cry with one voice "you're right, daggett, oh so right. That Pericles is nothing but a fraud. Oh, what a silly, deluded person I have been not to believe you in the past... I'll not doubt you again, I swear..."

(They do actually go on a little longer than this, but they are so choked with emotion, their words are practically incomprehensible...)

What a waste of space you are.
Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 18 February 2010 2:40:23 PM
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Note how Pericles has, yet again, failed to substantiate his claim that I don't put any of my own thought into my posts (which, in itself, I consider a ploy on his part to avoid discussing the issues).

Pericles wrote, "Do you really, really think that anyone cares?"

Obviously you care enough to want to spend so much of your time doing everything you possibly can, that is, other than to argue with facts, to discedit me.

It's important to me, and I expect a few others that I be regarded as a great deal more credible than, say, yourself or Christopher.

If you were ever to substantiate any of your many accusations against me, then, perhaps my credibility would deservedly suffer.

But, of course, that has never happened and I don't expect it ever will.
Posted by daggett, Thursday, 18 February 2010 3:20:28 PM
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Who exactly do you think you are talking to daggett?

>>Note how Pericles has, yet again, failed to substantiate his claim that I don't put any of my own thought into my posts (which, in itself, I consider a ploy on his part to avoid discussing the issues).<<

It's just you and me here on this thread. And possibly your puppet Arjay.

Talk about delusions of adequacy.

>>It's important to me, and I expect a few others that I be regarded as a great deal more credible than, say, yourself or Christopher.<<

(Christopher? Who he?)

Of course it is important to you, daggett. But I strongly suggest that the "few others" you refer to may be long gone. Bored to tears, probably.

But here's a thing.

So long as you continue prattling on about this or that conspiracy, or New World Orders and similar garbage, your credibility will stay firmly where it is now.

Totally absent.

Take it or leave it, it's your problem and not mine.

>>If you were ever to substantiate any of your many accusations against me, then, perhaps my credibility would deservedly suffer.<<

Similarly, if you were ever able to substantiate any of your many conspiracy theories with anything remotely describable as "evidence", then your credibility would improve dramatically, and mine disappear.

But the fact is, you can't. So it won't.

I just hope that when the day dawns upon which you relalize that the time you have wasted on these fantasies can never be regained, you find some way to come to process the fact.

Apart from anything else, what will you find to occupy your waking hours?
Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 18 February 2010 9:44:48 PM
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What's the more substantive issue here?

Whether or not people other than you and me are reading this, or ...

Your dishonest claim that I don't put my own thought into the posts I make here and on other forums?

Now, I know for a fact that I put a lot of thought into all of my posts.

So, if you wish to claim to the contrary, then I think I am entitled to have you substantiate that claim.

But you have not and in spite of that repeat that accusation elsewhere (


In any case, Pericles, if you are so sure that no-one else is here, then why are you here?

It couldn't possibly be that you hope to make me seem a fool to others, by forcing me to argue with one (
Posted by daggett, Friday, 19 February 2010 12:18:06 AM
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You do ask such tough questions, daggett.

>>Pericles, What's the more substantive issue here? Whether or not people other than you and me are reading this, or ... Your dishonest claim that I don't put my own thought into the posts I make here and on other forums?<<

Gee, I don't know.

Can I phone a friend?

>>Now, I know for a fact that I put a lot of thought into all of my posts. So, if you wish to claim to the contrary, then I think I am entitled to have you substantiate that claim.<<

Entitled, daggett?

You haven't substantiated a single one of the fantasies that you burble on about so tediously. What on earth makes you think you are "entitled" to anything?

Your "research" consists entirely of scouring the internet for the latest twisted take on perfectly straightforward and explicable events, and repeating them here ad nauseam. Your idea of substantiation is providing a URL to some obscure nutter's creative perversion of circumstances, and to then stand back and expect the world to say "ooh, daggett, you're so clever and perceptive".

It is obviously some kind of ego trip for you, to see your name associated with such "exciting" interpretations of history. Your defence, when questioned, is simply to restate your case with an avalanche of irrelevance, then get on your high horse and accuse others of "ad hominem" attacks when the ridiculous nature of your theories is pointed out to you.

>>In any case, Pericles, if you are so sure that no-one else is here, then why are you here?<<

So that we can have this quiet conversation about your annoying irrelevance without being distracted.

Why are you here?
Posted by Pericles, Friday, 19 February 2010 7:16:02 AM
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