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'Suffer little children'

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To me, this incident is just another in a very long line that helps demonstrate the stupidity of people attending church and allowing themselves to be 'ministered' to - especially by people so undeserving of any respect and only able to earn it through the antiquated notion of priesthood.

Sorry Foxy, but hopefully these incidents will help people see the folly in trusting themselves and their families to advice (and much more) from bible bashers wearing expensive robes and living comfortable lifestyles funded by others.

Sure, paedophiles are found in all walks of life, but churches definitely have more than their fair share. And one can only wonder how many more would be exposed if the churches didn't go to such elaborate lengths to close ranks and protect their own.
Posted by Bronwyn, Friday, 21 August 2009 12:53:19 PM
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Hey Bronwyn,

That Catholic thing with the confessional… if a Catholic off the street walked into church for a confession and confessed to being a pedophile then they have to take the confession don’t they and let them go all forgiven?

I have no idea if that is correct, I know zilch about Catholics. But if it is correct then they also give confession to each other and aren’t allowed to nark? Must be a hell of a quandary for them.
Posted by The Pied Piper, Saturday, 22 August 2009 12:22:42 PM
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Gday Jewely I think under Catholic laws the answer was once yes tell no one, maybe now some would tell but how many?
Lets not forget in any Church, any religion, some would protect that person not the victim.
I think this is a fault with humanity, we protect those we are linked to.
You have seen it, so have I mums and dads saying not my child, the victim egged them on, is at fault.
Never acceptable EVER, we each owe it to children forever to protect them.
A Little blond headed child, soon to be loved by is Grand dad and Grand mum like life itself, his uncles too.
Grew into a fine looking bloke, cried at grand dads death and nearly broke down after the death of his only mother he really had, his grand mother.
Still loved and protected by his uncles one carried the load every time he dropped it for him.
He one day broke that rule, he is a pedophile, his victim? his step daughter.
Uncle has not seen him for 15 years, wrote to him in prison but never heard him say I did wrong uncle.
Each and every one of us has to understand children must never be so badly treated, kids are our reason for living.
This uncle never gave up on that blond headed kid, can not ever do so, but Love is not a word I use now.
And I doubt he will ever understand why I think he should stay under lock and key.
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 22 August 2009 5:01:34 PM
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Seems like my last post killed the thread.
Such things happen.
It is like real life we cringe away in embarrassment and mumble need to know.
I remain convinced I did no wrong.
That my pain at those events, hardened over the years.
To hurt, but not something I can not live with is a fact.
I wanted to highlight, UNDERLINE we all MUST never hide the facts.
Child abuse is awful, ALWAYS and a crime that should always be punished.
WE each of us, must never ever let our love for our own stand in the way of the law, no mater who, how much they mean to you, people who do such things must pay every time.
That was meant to be the lesson of that post, some hide evil because of love and become evil too.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 24 August 2009 6:26:30 AM
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You didn’t kill the thread Belly, I thought you’d more ended in on an important note about when and when not to forgive.

Belly you did the right thing and continue to do the right thing and I wish there were more people like you out there.

You are right, some people should feel not just the weight of justice but also the rejection of family and peers for what they have done.

It is a shame the Catholic people remain supportive of their own churches while they allow abuse of children to continue within Gods house.
Posted by The Pied Piper, Monday, 24 August 2009 7:11:32 AM
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You are asking about 'Absolution' where a priest formally forgives a person for all the wrong doing they have committed. Often conducted by Catholics prior to death, in order for them to enter heaven as cleared of all their sins and also during a confessional - for example, "Say three Hail Marys and you are absolved of calling the boss a c^nt". Foxy could probably answer this better than I. However, this absolution is like a 'get-out-of-jail-free' card. Just think of those priests who abused little children being absolved of their crimes. It explains why so few of them are tried by the law of the land and are protected by the church.
Posted by Fractelle, Monday, 24 August 2009 9:13:23 AM
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