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Kyle and Jackie O - a win for public opinion.

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TPP: “300 points every time someone calls him an idiot no matter how many words they use or how subtly implied”

That’s a bit much. Have you lost all sense of relativity, or are you just trying to encourage that particular behaviour?

Antiseptic: “They quoted a couple of the usual victim-riders, including Karen Wills of the NSWRCC who said "it's actually the second worst crime that you can commit next to murder" (referring to rape, not the general principle of responsibility to juveniles).”

That sounds about right. Termination of human life is generally a more serious crime except perhaps when sanctioned by the state.
Posted by Seeker, Sunday, 9 August 2009 5:30:31 PM
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“Frankly TPP, you should have had enough fair dealings with me not to put me in the position of having to explain myself like this. Perhaps I have misunderstood your intent and if so I apologise, I have not read all of your post or others apart from a quick scan because I have a lot to do today.”

You got it right, it was a throw away comment in a smart arse message that I didn’t think too deeply about as I rattled it off.

I guess an opinion that ends up supporting another user is inadvertently lending someone a hand/picking sides?

Sorry Cornflower.

Sorry Benk (incase needed soon).

Sorry Anti (incase needed soon).

Sorry Seeker (what’s relativity?).

I still think it’s funny though and I take nothing back!
Posted by The Pied Piper, Sunday, 9 August 2009 5:48:21 PM
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It seems to me that in many instances some people appear to misunderstand that social conversations have a number of assumed rules.
Amongst them are that not all topics are apposite to all people and all situations.

Likewise like it or not if you ignore the rules you solely bear the consequences.

think of it like this we are all in the animal kingdom. Animals defaecate and fart but while this is natural if someone wantonly did so in the street their behaviour would be considered abhorrent. Functionally it says more about the selfishness of the individual than the point being attempted.

This means that questioning rape as a real offense is a valid question but not in the current context and certainly not by a 'in your face' style.

I have seen reasoned debate on this subject that highlighted inconsistencies in logic and morality BUT it was in a context that those who could be offended could avoid the topic and not be ambushed.

No one should have that right to ambush another by hijacking or injecting a potentially offensive thread out of context in social conversation. The topic should set the assumed parameters.

I am aware that GY allows a wide path for various threads to emerge but corollary of this is that it allows agenda seekers and axe grinders leeway to offend. In my observation this tends to create conversations that spend more time insulting/defending and therefore unproductive rancor than eventually arriving at some meaningful accommodation or understanding.

I have no problem with virtually any topic in CONTEXT but the above axe grinders tend to go a bridge too far. Which is precisely what the KS/Jackie O, shock jocks and Chasers tend to do. Inevitably this just offends and tends to be counterproductive.
It is one thing to challenge current mores but the old adage "softly softly catchee monkey" is far more productive.
Posted by examinator, Sunday, 9 August 2009 5:55:12 PM
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MaryE: “The seriousness of rape should not be diminished, regardless of one's personal agenda. The consequences of rape can last an entire lifetime for the victim. Yet there are still people in our society who trivialise rape, or don't see it as a "real" crime.”

Totally agree. So tell us again why the police aren’t investigating it? Just who are they protecting and why?
Posted by Seeker, Sunday, 9 August 2009 7:55:18 PM
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Hello examinator, what you wrote "questioning rape as a real offence is a vaild question" is a statement that is fundamentally wrong, at all levels of decency, humanity, spirituality and objectivity. I of course realise you added "but not in the current context". But I say that to question that rape should be an offence (in any context) is a statement that in all liklihood comes from someone who has never been, or loved, a rape victim. Rape is a crime, and rightfully so. Rape is bad and is NEVER anything other than bad. There's absolutely nothing to question regarding the evil nature of rape, and whether or not it should be a "real" offence. Thank you.
Posted by MaryE, Sunday, 9 August 2009 8:04:47 PM
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Hello seeker, only the police can answer your questions. If you "genuinely" want the answers why don't you contact the police and ask them? If you go about it the right way you may even get an answer. Otherwise, you'll just be speculating. And in all probability that speculation will be based on your personal history and experience in life, and not necessarily based on the actual "truth" of the case. The same would apply to me if I speculated on why the police "at this stage" have not charged anyone. Also, because someone has read in the paper, or heard on a current affair show, that the police are not investigating , it does not necessarily mean that the police are not investigating, or will not investigate in either the near or distant future as information comes to light. Thank you.
Posted by MaryE, Sunday, 9 August 2009 8:16:54 PM
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