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Justice, Equality, Morality & Law

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G'Day All. The Pied Piper, the road you are now walking is exactly the point I was making in the original thread. You have now isolated the bikers on this road. Do you honestly believe that only Bikers get around in the description you describe? Do you honestly believe that Bikers are the sole suppliers of the drugs & stolen property? Do you not see the point that I originally raised? What we are now talking about here is all this blaming one section or another is never going to work. How many teachers,police,lawyers,business people,doctors & religious figures & others are tied to the very things you are talking about? Most of the areas that I just raised are like mudguards shiney on top mud underneath. Lets start by saying society has failed to protect our Children from the garbage of adults.Thanks again. Dave. P.S I would like to communicate with you further so e-mail me at Anyone else can also.
Posted by dwg, Thursday, 16 July 2009 10:36:24 AM
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In the past much of the development of Australia was done by Government employment schemes using persons otherwise unemployed building roads, railway lines, water storeage and town treatment works. Today we use few contractors with billion $ machines and invoice costs and achieve the same. When have we built the equal of the Harbour bridge, the snowy scheme or railway from Perth via all capital cities to Cairns?

It is true it was hard work but in employing people for three days each week in community projects for equivalent to the dole will give them a sense of belonging to the community, rather than the idea that the community owes them a slothful lifestyle of their choice. The teenagers next door believe the pinnacle of their life is sex, drugs, fast cars and XBox, A waste of so much energy and time as they emerge at 11am and frequent the local fish and chips ship for breakfast.
Posted by Philo, Thursday, 16 July 2009 11:34:16 AM
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Hey Dave, the bikers can take it. I’m sure they’re not worried about how I feel about anything. But yes you are right, there are bigger fish in the corruption, child abusing, drug supplier and stolen property ocean.

Doesn’t it have to start with a finger being pointed at one section or multiple sets and subsets in society? EVERYONE is too many at once to sort out.

Would be nice if EVERYONE ELSE woke up and did something, I believe all things must start with helping, raising and protecting children.

Philo, gotchya.. get rid of many non-government organizations as swiftly as possible and make more use of the unemployed. I whole heartedly agree.

11am? Your neighbors are early risers for teens. It is a shame the landlord does not think the same way you do.
Posted by The Pied Piper, Thursday, 16 July 2009 11:55:29 AM
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where is their justice and law and equatiy , when a person gives police information about abuse they suffered as a child while in the states orphanages,girls homes ,boys homes, remand centres, state ward homes , foster homes, out of home care ,state church run institutions and many more institutions in australia

but can not and will not act on the compliant because the wittness's that were also abused are dead or have had criminal records in their past
so the victim making the compliant is pushed aside ,and the perpetrators are still among our society living the normal life

so how can victims get justice when the goverment its self covers up the abuse we victims the forgotten australians suffered

of which a lot of victims are trying to live the normal life

even if a biker were to make a compliant that they were abused in the states child care system the police will not act on thier behalf because they are assoicated with some form of club ,of which is discrimination to that person

even if an ex crim makes the compliant about what they suffered in these places the law just denys them justice because of their past and let the perpertrators roam free

so how can the forgotten australians get justice from the state of new south wales and that of other states and territories of australia

i beleave that all of us that have been abused in the system by those who worked for the goverment institutions form and unite and bring the states and territories accountable for their past wrongs to us victims

and if every victim that suffered abuse in these state run homes of australia stood tall and protested all as one , then we victims might achieve justice and would make it known we are real and alive

and we are fighting for justice for the victims still alive and those who have passed away and that of the new forgotten australians of which is happening in our states and territories till this day regards huffnpuff
Posted by huffnpuff, Thursday, 16 July 2009 1:41:27 PM
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“where is their justice and law and equality , when a person gives police information about abuse they suffered as a child while in the states orphanages, girls homes ,boys homes, remand centers, state ward homes , foster homes, out of home care ,state church run institutions and many more institutions in Australia“

Michael, I get this, I do. When abuse has been done or whether you have witnessed it and tried to help and been ignored it fucken cuts deep. I think many would move on if only heard, something put it place where the hurt is stopped and the wrong looked in the eye.

No none of it was fair, or okay, or in all reality forgivable. The further injustice done to you by not listening or the denial of justice is wrong and heartbreaking.

And yes you are all needed but you know that some do not have the same strength as you and you also know that sometimes you feel the weight of all that has happened.

Hang in there Huff, for all of them. Remember more are following, it hasn’t stopped.
Posted by The Pied Piper, Thursday, 16 July 2009 8:15:54 PM
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G;Day All, This is to just to recognise the decency of The Pied Piper who did contact me direct to get my answers & complete story. To The Pied Piper Thank You & to the others that have posted I thank you for your comments they all help. Dave
Posted by dwg, Friday, 17 July 2009 10:37:21 AM
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