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The Forum > General Discussion > Abraham Lincoln predicted theis economic collapse

Abraham Lincoln predicted theis economic collapse

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I believe that corporations are actually the victims of the crooks who control and manage their affairs, not for the good health and long life of the organization, but to feather their own rotten nests.

It is interesting, is it not, that the corporate directors who have out sourced their operations to cheap labour countries, are the ones who are now putting on Golden parachutes and baling out before the Company crashes?

These Executives are no better than privateers.

To put the above remarks into historical context consider the following quotes:

”I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country."
Thomas Jefferson President of the United States, 1812

"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country . . . corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavour to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed."
Abraham Lincoln President of the United States, 1864
It took less than 200 years for the corporate cowboys to undo the Declaration of Independence and set the composers of the ‘Star Spangled Banner’, spinning in their graves.

John Ward
Posted by John Jawrence Ward, Monday, 18 May 2009 1:35:48 PM
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It was President Woodrow Wilson on the 22nd of Dec 1913 who signed away the right of Congress to issue currency to what is know as the US Federal Reserve a private group of banks.It is against the US constitution for any body other than congress to issue currency.

Rothschild,"Give me power over a nations's currency and I care not who makes the laws" It was the likes of Rockerfellers and Rothschilds who seduced Woodrow Wilson into signing away the rights of Congress almost on the eve of Christmas when most were away for the Christmas break.Wilson was later to lament that he'd sold his country out.

The international banking cartels now have so much power that Govts cower at the very mention of their name.Dr Ron Paul[Congressman for Texas] in the US is currently trying to audit the Federal Reserve to see what they have done with all the tax payers debt money which they are indentured to repay.40% of US taxes now go towards servicing debt.

The amount of money in the US has doubled in 8 months.Soon the value of the US $ will halve.If the dollar collapses then we too are in trouble.The US Fed is just creating money inflationary money and this will destroy the US economy.
Posted by Arjay, Monday, 18 May 2009 7:13:13 PM
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When Lincoln was seeking to raise money to fund the Civil War he was offered a high interest loan from the British/European financiers but turned it down because he knew it would sentence the USA to perpetual debt. The British then despatched warships to "help" the Confederates but the Russian Czar (no friend of the financiers) offered Lincoln the use of some his own navy "to do with as he pleases" and the British backed off. Somebody in the world of money must have significant influence to do this.

Lincoln created the "greenback" to fund the war internally.

The next President willing to stand up to the money lenders was Kennedy.
Posted by wobbles, Tuesday, 19 May 2009 8:22:52 PM
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Wobbles,Kennedy also had started to print his own greenbacks.Kennedy was supposed to fall in line since his father was a Nazi sympathiser.Kennedy was the last good president of the USA.

The Corporate Elites now control the USA.It is time to fight back.
Posted by Arjay, Tuesday, 19 May 2009 8:49:06 PM
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Not the NGO's that provide foster care for children that their caregiver bases take in to their homes John.

Their WHOLE organisation will make loads in company cars, flash offices, bonuses, superanuation contributions etc as they take children and the Department of Community Services funds them huge amounts.

The all make money contracting to the department, the foster parents are paid twice what the DoCS own carers get paid for the same child.

Of course these NGO's are also involved in Early Intervention which makes their commercial potential unlimmited.

In these times of financial crisis the children will be the first to suffer and in will come the NGO's to collect.
Posted by Jewely, Tuesday, 19 May 2009 9:14:14 PM
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Is it my imagination, or has the financial "crisis" caused the creation of a new generation of conspiracy theorists?

>>I believe that corporations are actually the victims of the crooks who control and manage their affairs<<

And who are these shadowy crooked folk, John Jawrence Ward? Shareholders? Board members? Executives? Some or all of the above?

While you are explaining that, could you point out how a corporation can be a "victim"?

It's a business. It survives, or doesn't.

>>It took less than 200 years for the corporate cowboys to undo the Declaration of Independence and set the composers of the ‘Star Spangled Banner’, spinning in their graves<<

Interestingly, the tune of the ‘Star Spangled Banner’ derived from an English drinking song:

"This melody was first published in England circa 1780 as To Anacreon in Heaven. The melody was probably written by British composer John Stafford Smith... The Anacreontic Club was a group of wealthy men who met to celebrate music, food and drink."

Why would the activities of corporate cowboys upset an English composer of a drinking song?

Incidentally, it wasn't adopted as the American National Anthem until 1931. Smack in the middle of the Great Depression.

Arjay, I don't know where you get your information from...

>>The amount of money in the US has doubled in 8 months<<

...but here is the official position

This shows the year-on-year increase of M1 to be of the order of 16%. Not particularly inspiring, but not catastrophic.

If you are suggesting that this information is fraudulent, then please let us know a little more about your source.

I for one am happy to accept the Fed's word against yours, for the time being.

>>The Corporate Elites now control the USA.It is time to fight back<<

I think you'll find, Arjay, that it is your "corporate elites" who have had their fingers burnt most in the present bunfight, and will (to strangle the metaphor) have their wings substantially clipped as a result.

The credit blister has burst, and we are merely wiping up the pus. Nasty, painful, humbling.

But no conspiracy.
Posted by Pericles, Wednesday, 20 May 2009 9:40:57 AM
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