The Forum > General Discussion > The Hand of a Priest : Impact of sexual abuse by the priesthood.
The Hand of a Priest : Impact of sexual abuse by the priesthood.
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Posted by Oliver, Thursday, 19 March 2009 6:31:22 PM
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Dear Oly,
Thanks. It certainly would help. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 19 March 2009 6:36:11 PM
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Maybe we can do much better than just this. What about one of those pass it on emails like the pink lady walking against breast cancer? Is there a lawyer here who could tell us if this would be legal? We wouldn't want to break the law! We could mention these sites in it and and ask them to sign the petition. We could also put a link to the ABC show you saw if you wanted. Just a thought! Posted by Opinionated2, Thursday, 19 March 2009 10:19:05 PM
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Dear Opinionated2,
Thanks for all your suggestions. I've already emailed friends and family, and my Member of Parliament, and referred the sites you've quoted to them. I've also emailed comments to the ABC. I'm sure that this thread will prompt others to do the same. I feel that I've achieved what I set out to do. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 20 March 2009 9:24:27 AM
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Thanks Opinionated2
I have signed the Bravehearts petition. Dear Foxy Did you watch QandA last night? I am now a completely unabashed fan of Father Peter Kennedy - the world needs more people like him. On the other side of the coin I found Tony Abbott completely disingenuous - he lied when he said that he puts politics before his religion, I recall his stance on RU486 and he appeared ignorant in the face of Fr Kennedy's knowledge of Christian theology. Sometimes it is better to remain silent and only appear ignorant. I also agree with Fr Kennedy's view that the problems with the Catholic church would be virtually eliminated if women held equal places within the church. It was heartening to hear that. The attitude towards women is one of the biggest problems I have with religion in general and the Catholic Church in particular. Have you ever thought of joining the Unitarian Church which is completely nondenominational (even atheists like me are welcome) but take their philosophy more from pre-Constantine Christianity? Posted by Fractelle, Friday, 20 March 2009 12:29:18 PM
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Dear Fractelle,
I did watch 'Q and A' last night. And I also was impressed by Father Kennedy. His take on more women in the Church I totally agree with - as well as his stand on so many other issues. If only we had more priests like him. (sigh). As for 'potty mouth,' Abbott - he really should keep quiet...his brain and mouth aren't connected. Yes, I have thought about other Churches - but its really hard to break with the heritage you've been raised in. I still keep hoping that with enough of us voicing our concerns - changes will eventually occur. Silly , aren't I? Posted by Foxy, Friday, 20 March 2009 1:08:19 PM
You have raised an important issue. We must all be active to prevent paedophila in the priesthood. Several people I know hear of "rumours" via Catholic Education Office of "transfers" to yet another school. Hearsay or truth? The laws of liable make it hard for them to come forward. Maybe, Crime Stoppers should have a special ring-in.