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If you were PM...
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Posted by pelican, Wednesday, 4 March 2009 5:21:50 PM
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FUNDING IT - get rid of bandaid inspired rebates like the baby bonus, maternity leave, first home owners grant and other rebates. Adopt a holistic approach to the economic/social system that allows people to live within the system without the need for rebates. In addition to employer contributions,introduce a levy (like the Medicare levy) to go into the Pension Fund.
These are a few ideas and there is so much more that could be improved. What would you do if you were PM? Posted by pelican, Wednesday, 4 March 2009 5:31:24 PM
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Hmmm. Well if I were PM I'd probably resign and let Pelican take over.
Posted by Romany, Wednesday, 4 March 2009 11:28:57 PM
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A. EDUCATION - Keep private education for those who care enough about their kids to pay $20k a year for a decent education. Let the states maintain a free child minding service for poor people who don't care about their kids, so they can still go off and do the cheap labour jobs we need. Wash my hands as much as possible from university education because it's too costly, and run by closet communists. Smart rich kids should be the only ones at UNI anyway. It should be run by the private sector, who can pimp the UNIS to Hong Kong, and keep scholarships for the few exceptional poor kids. Tafe is a waste of money, just encourage apprenticeships to exploit the cheap labour they provide.
B. ECONOMY - Open up the market totally and stop picking winners. The market is king. We are the world's mine and shouldn't aspire to anything else. The uneducated can stay in the service industry or in the mines and the educated can shuffle the money. C. RETIREMENT - Get rid of the pension. Families are the best form of social security. Create better tax perks for the rich using superannuation. D. PRIVATISE - those essential services such as power, water and telecommunications. Providing services for the public is costly. They should be on a user pays basis, as people don't notice that as their tax comes down, their living costs go up. Added benefit is nobody comes whinging to me if their phone doesn't work or their bill is always wrong. Good little earner for the government as natural monopolies are always in high demand from investors. Put in a faux regulator to keep the public happy, and create good post politics career options. Posted by Houellebecq, Thursday, 5 March 2009 9:21:39 AM
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E. HEALTH - Restrict numbers of doctors as they're expensive to train, and we need to keep wages for them high. Import doctors at cheaper rates from developing countries to keep training/education costs down. Don't worry about regional areas, as who really wants to live there if you have enough money to enjoy a house in Rose Bay. Those country folk normally seem to pull together ok and work something out. They could always move too.
F. ENVIRONMENT - Talk lots and lots about the environment. FUNDING IT - hand out all sorts of bandaid inspired rebates like the baby bonus, maternity leave, first home owners grant and other rebates. When an issue arrises on ACA, the public likes to feel you are doing something about it, and hey, every likes to be given free money. Fiddle with these around election time to target key demographics in swinging seats. Posted by Houellebecq, Thursday, 5 March 2009 9:22:05 AM
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I'm with Foxy, if I was PM I'd immediately abdicate in favour of Pelican.
Houellebecq - you're a real card that's for sure. Posted by Fractelle, Thursday, 5 March 2009 10:23:22 AM
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I'm with Romany and Fractelle.
If I was PM I'd also resign in favour of Pelican! As for Houellebecq? We need stirrers like him in Parliament... Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 5 March 2009 11:07:55 AM
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I would also appoint Pelican as Prime Minister.
Unfortunately Kevin Rudd is fat becoming Tony Blair the second. We need a Tony Benn progressive Statesman. 1. Education - Nationalise all schools under the Education Act tolerate Religoun as freedom of beliefs 2. Health - Nationalise all Hospitals and Health Insurance Companies. 3. Create a National Bank through the Post Office System so that there is an alternative to the Private Bank this will help to keep the Banks honest. Promote Credit Unions and Cooperatives with Government Subsidies enabling share holders determine policy. 4. Nationalise all Utilities and Mineral Mining Railways and Steel Companies. 5. Abolish all Uranium Mining for Health and Safety reasons except for Medical and Pharmeceutical means. 6. Abolish Live Exports of Animals. 7. Abolish negative gearing on housing enabling first home owners to have a chance to purchase in front of a speculator. 8. Stop subsidising religous doctrine dogma. Posted by Bronco Lane, Thursday, 5 March 2009 11:33:32 AM
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In addition to pelican's ideas, I'd ban all donations to political parties and give each registered federal party a set amount of money for electioneering, accessible no sooner than 12 months prior to an election.
Posted by Sancho, Thursday, 5 March 2009 12:53:05 PM
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To the question of what one would do if one was PM, is that with the prospect of actually becoming PM or with absolutely no prospect?
It kind of changes the answer in an entirely predictable way. For those who have no prospect, there's no end of blue sky. And for those who have absolutely no prospect, there's absolutely no end of blue sky. For those that have a very real prospect, the smarter ones amongst them, anticipating real-world politics, temper their promises and/or pick their words so they can mean more than one thing. I'm almost tempted to ask what's the point of the question. The ones outside the loop continue to put their wishlists, whilst those in it do whatever they want anyway. I don't believe the gulf between the idealists and realists has been more severe than it is now. Posted by RobP, Thursday, 5 March 2009 1:26:44 PM
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1. Reduce the size of all Govts/bureaucracies.
2. People pay less tax on their 2nd job. 3. Total overhaul of all Govt bureaucracies.Reward efficiency not empire building. 4. Bring in a bill of responsibilities and rights whereby lawyers can be made responsible for vexatious litigation and individuals likewise. 5. Stop the preditory pricing and domination of the markets by the large corporates. 6. All Australian energy be made avialable to consumers and industry at cheaper rates.This will even up the availability of cheap labor in in China.The resorces and energy belong to the people first and not the large corporates. 7. Create a Bank of Australia owned by the tax payer never to be sold off. 8. Increase the pension and make everyone pay something to see their doctor with the exception of people with chronic illness. 9.Make super far more flexible.Let individuals nominate their own assets as super and reduce the regulation.Compulsory super for low incomes has been a disaster. 10.Have a basis for our to be backed by the value of our land,resources and energy.No more fiat money! Our greatest enemies our big Govt and Corporates.They have worked in concert to subjuate the individual.They want a free ride at the expense of the liberties of the individual.Our next great enemy is our own ignorance. Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 5 March 2009 5:34:34 PM
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I'm with Sancho re political donations and I like Arjay's more efficient public service.
Such as - get rid of the idea that each department has to spend their budget each year which previously meant wasting the remaining bit on frivolous fripperies prior to the July 1 cut off point. Reward them for saving as long as the service function is not impaired or degraded in any way. Less chiefs more indians doing the actual service delivery (don't you love that jargon :)) Thanks to my campaigners Foxy, Fractelle and Romany. Seriously though I don't really want to be PM, perhaps the heading should have been written along the lines of what would you like your government to do? RobP perhaps I should have asked the question a different way. This thread was a means of inviting ideas that you think might make Australia a better place. Posted by pelican, Thursday, 5 March 2009 6:17:34 PM
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1. Stop tax funded abortions
2. Increase Pension for elderly 3. Insist schools teach education instead of indoctrination as currently done in State schools 3. Encourage home schooling (financial incentives) 4. Refuse to sign any more UN treaties 5. Tighten up drastically on unemployment benefits 6. Give out food and clothing to aboriginal communities instead of drug/alcohol money 7. Make filth coming from Canberra porno shops illegal 8. Mandatory castration to repeat child molesters 9. Do away with no fault divorce nonsense 10. Stop Islamic immigration Posted by runner, Thursday, 5 March 2009 6:29:32 PM
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I'd like to add a few things as well.
1) Bring the question of becoming a Republic back - for discussion, possibly another Referendum. 2) Look into an Equal Rights Act for our Indigenous Australians, - as suggested by the former Justice Michael Kirby, and a National Reform Agenda. 3)A foreign policy agenda to act on disarmament. 4)Implement a larger Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme - to set an example for the rest of the world. 5)Implement - alternative energy sources. 6)Increase the term of the Prime Ministership from 3 years to four years - with a maximum of two terms - as in the US. Twelve years under Howard should be a lesson for us all. 7) Change from right-hand drive to left-hand drive vehicles - which would save imported car costs. 8) Put a cap on executive salaries - in both government departments and private enterprises. 9)Implement a scheme to pump water from the north to the south - where it is badly needed, and reverse coastal rivers to flow inland. 10)Maintain immigration at levels that do not exceed the current 2010 population levels - in order to sustain our water resources. That's just a start. The government's ethos would be - to seek to unite, seek to include, to instill positive hope, instead of negative fear. To build, not tear down. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 5 March 2009 6:33:20 PM
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Sheesh Pelican, with those sorts of policies, having you as PM,
I would have to play devil's advocate and apply for the job as leader of the opposition :) *bring back free education at the tertiary level.* So you think that the 500$ an hour lawyer, should have his education paid for by the bloke who works as a garbage collector? Why? *bring back tariffs to protect local industry, import only what we don't or cannot produce here* Ah, the Melbourne old boys club and all the monopolies that tarrifs used to give them to make them rich, would love you! No need for efficient industry, just screw the public, tariffs will protect them. We have seen it all before. This time however, when the public would have to pay 6000$ for a computer or three times as much for most consumer goods, they might wake up and turf you out on your ear :) Fact is the everyday consumers are the largest beneficiaries of global trade. All of you benefit, nearly every day, aware of it or not. *Get rid of compulsory Private Superannuation* So you mean that we land up like much of Europe, where Govts have put NO money at all away for pensions, but hope that taxpayers of the future will cough up, if we breed enough of them? Pelican, you are far more trusting of big Govt them I am. Today Australian workers largely own large corporations and banks, through their super funds. If banks make record profits, workers benefit. Why should such a system be cancelled Posted by Yabby, Thursday, 5 March 2009 9:43:49 PM
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I like most of pelican's suggestions, but not all.
Seeing as government pensions are going to either destroy the economies of other countries by sheer cost (or more likely, be scaled back in what will be nasty shock to many) I think that superannuation is a brilliant concept for supporting our elderly, however investment practices on the whole need to be reformed, with super just one small part of this picture. I can't support blanket tariffs either. 1) I'd argue in favour of pegging our subsidies to a fraction of our primary competitor - thus, we could subsidise our industries, and if any other countries complained about it we could say that if they want us to remove our subsidies all they need to do is tell our competitors to remove theirs. Simple really. Doesn't compromise free trade principles and it's and oh so smug. Best of all, it'd give ammo to those in competing nations who want to stop their governments doing this. This would be one of the best things we could do for the third world, too. 2) I like Arjay's suggestion of attacking vexatious litigation, but any accountable process would need to be open to dispute which means more litigation. This needs to be stopped and we need to ensure it's not controlled by lawyers. 3) Ditch the Rudd government's ignorant attempt at censoring the internet. 4) I like Foxy's two-term suggestion for Prime Ministers, though I'd keep three year terms. 5) I like the idea of nationalising key assets, though only in areas which by their nature are monopolistic. Accept our population is too sparse to support competing telecommunications infrastructure and nationalise the infrastructure while shunting Telstra to the status of any other telco. 6) If you want to pay for private education, then I support that. Just don't expect taxes to prop it up. I hope neither runner nor his ilk get into government. Even the botched Bush administration wasn't daft enough to go after porn. (though I see merit in reassessing the pension and the form of assistance given to aboriginal communities). Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Thursday, 5 March 2009 9:56:48 PM
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Oh, and pelican, I note that your suggestion says that employers should put money aside for employees - but the problem is, that given CPI increases and so forth, that money wouldn't be sufficient when people reach retirement, thus it needs to be invested, which essentially is what superannuation is. Though I guess we both agree it needs to be reviewed.
I'd also like to add a review of government advertising budgets - the Queensland government being a prime example of irresponsible spending and blowouts in terms of PR costs. Besides, I can tell you firsthand that the State government PR armada is more adept at obfuscation than facilitation when it comes to revealing information. Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Thursday, 5 March 2009 10:14:12 PM
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I agree with you.Your suggestions are perfect to demolish the current system. Later we will see what exactly we want to biuld in its position but at least let 's start demolishing the current system! You are a genius! EVIVA Houellebecq! Posted by ASymeonakis, Thursday, 5 March 2009 11:21:47 PM
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Educate Australians that have the narrow view as runner.
1. Stop tax funded abortions NO increase provision for abortions 2. Increase Pension for elderly ditto. 3. Insist schools teach education instead of indoctrination as currently done in Religous schools 3. Discourage home schooling (financial incentives) 4. Sign more UN treaties that give Human Rights to underprivelidged peoples. 5. Increase unemployment benefits 6. Give out food and clothing to aboriginal communities instead of drug/alcohol money ditto 7. Make filth coming from Canberra porno shops illegal ? 8. Mandatory castration to Facist Racists 9. Do away with no fault divorce nonsense ? 10. Stop Islamic Invasions of their Countries to privatise their oil and mineral wealth. 11. Arrest all Whale poachers within Australian Oceans and place them on trail in a court of law. Posted by Bronco Lane, Thursday, 5 March 2009 11:40:42 PM
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All those Federal Members of Parliament that voted to invade Iraq place them all on trail for war crimes against Humanity. These people condoned Depleted Uranium, Cluster bombing of innocent families.
Approved condoned and adopted the illegal imprisonment of innocent people at Guatanamo Bay. Torturing them to confess to crimes that they never committed. If John Howard was held in soliotary confinement shackled hand and foot for six years would he admit to being a terrorist if freedom was given as a reward for pleading guilty. I am convinced that he would. Those prisoners should not have been in the hands of Rumsfeld and George W they should have had a fair trail with the United Nations as the Afghanistan invasion was UN approved. Posted by Bronco Lane, Thursday, 5 March 2009 11:54:34 PM
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So far all candidates who would like to be PM, have misconstrued the role absolutely, as have all previous PMs since 1949. The PM is not supposed to be a dictator, and in reality cannot be one, although JWH made a pretty good fist of it. As leader of an organized gang, winner take all, a dictator is anathema to our system of government.
The only real thing KR should do is insist that all the Judges and Magistrates in Australia abide their Oath of Allegiance. Until it is changed by a referendum, these individuals ought to know they represent the Sovereign, and must give every person equality before the law. They must stop discriminating between criminals who are their bread and butter, and civil litigants who they despise, and give them all jury trials. KR should sack Father Frank Brennan who is simply a Roman Catholic Priest appointed to hide the fact that the Parliament of the Commonwealth enacted the International Covenant on Civil and Policical Rights as domestic law, as Schedule 2 to the Human Rights Act 1986, with total bipartisan support. Lawyers don’t like it because Article 25 says that everyone has the right to take part in public affairs, through freely chosen representatives. That means that the lawyers monopoly is ended. He should sack Robert McClelland and appoint a less lawyer friendly Attorney General. After all Robert was one of those who opposed his leadership. He should revive the 1372 Statute, banning practicing lawyers from becoming members of Parliament because they were not considered commoners, but esquires. If KR were to take his Oath of Allegiance seriously he will restore the Commonwealth to unity. He should insist everyone who takes that oath takes it seriously also. In effect the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights abolished the States. The States have got uppity, and by pretending to have judicial power, which they don’t, they prey on the industrious and innocent. KR should insist that until changed by referendum, the Royal Seal of Almighty God be used in all courts. No Royal Seal, no deal Posted by Peter the Believer, Friday, 6 March 2009 6:36:38 AM
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Ditto for me increase to Aged Pension, Carers, permanently disabled.
Yabby I would be happy with you as Opposition Leader. We should be able to reasonably discuss issues. :) Yabby, the government to squander the government pensions - legislative protections would ensure it is separate to general revenue. Employers would still contribute to the pension scheme as they do now with private super. Reduce payroll tax and red tape for small - medium enterprise to stimulate the business sector. Yabby, there is no reason to expect price rises on home grown/manufactured goods if internal competition is healthy. Monopolies and non-competitive practices would be illegal. Who would pay $6000 for a computer? Yabby and TRTL, I am not against imports for everything particularly where our manufacturing sector is limited to one or two players. I would also try nationalising certain industry - solar panel, enviro-cars and fuel alternatives. The Snowy Hydro for example would remain as a public assett owned by the people. Some government owned industry ensures profits won't go offshore. There is no real free trade now with many countries subsidising certain industries including Australia. TARIFFS: I am not for blanket tariffs on all goods. Fresh food (with some exceptions like rice etal) would not be imported at all because it necessitates spraying with dangerous chemicals to eradicate pests. Example: ridiculous decision by Biosecurity recently to allow Phillipine grown bananas into Australia. The Phillipines have no biosecurity program and their bananas are victim to pests and diseases we do not have in Australia. What is the government thinking? This is a betrayal of local growers and the money we make in exports does not weigh up with jobs lost here in Australia which should be our priority. Any increase in jobs in dairy and meat will be to the detriment of the banana industry. LABELLING: transparent labelling of ingredients on goods from food to cosmetics including GM content, country of origin for ingredients and whether Australian owned. AND, the Minerals and Energy sector should be owned by Australians and not sold off to foreign interests. Posted by pelican, Friday, 6 March 2009 7:39:18 AM
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Here is a few things i would do if I were PM or benevolent dictator.
Introduce Citizen Initiated Referenda. Abolish compulsory preferntial voting Bring on proportional representation elections Reduce immigration to zero net. Stop Immigration of those groups/cultures that have clearly shown they cannot or will not integrate with others, and abide and respect our laws and social standards. Make sure our laws are upheld and not contemptously ignored. Establish a peoples bank Require all super funds to be invested within Austaralia Introduce protection measures for, at least, key industries. Ensure upgrading of vital infastructure. e.g. Pacific highway and water supplies and upgrade/straighten rail lines. Posted by Banjo, Friday, 6 March 2009 8:53:06 AM
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"I would also try nationalising... " You forgot to nationalise the...TOILETES! I support you too but first off all I support the Houellebecq, his revulotiory program will drives us direct to a social revolution, and we need it! If we do not lose the grass and entertainment we will not change the world, and it is a desperate need for deep changes in our world! Antonios Symeonakis Adelaide Posted by ASymeonakis, Friday, 6 March 2009 9:02:00 AM
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*Yabby, there is no reason to expect price rises on home grown/manufactured goods if internal competition is healthy. Monopolies and non-competitive practices would be illegal. Who would pay $6000 for a computer?*
Exactly, who would? In reality people would simply not be able to afford many of the consumers goods, which they take for granted now. Australia has a mere 20 million, which is far too small to have economies of scale on many products. We have been through all this before in Australia, when tariffs first came in. You landed up with lazy, fat manufactuters, making many shoddy products, with consumers having little choice but to buy them, as tariff walls protected the locals. That is exactly how the Melbourne establishment became so rich, at the expense of consumers, farmers and other exporters, who had to pay through the nose for their inputs. That made the latter even less competitive. You can legislate all you want, if there are not enough competitors, there won't be competition. Even with a couple of players in a field, they each soon find that settling at say a 50% margin at high prices, is far more profitable then competing with the other guy. Result, consumers lose and get screwed. Posted by Yabby, Friday, 6 March 2009 9:51:28 AM
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A couple of other things I would do
Stop any further sell off of public assetts Request all political parties to put forward a population policy. Posted by Banjo, Friday, 6 March 2009 3:25:52 PM
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You pinched most my policies. Now that's a worry for you. Posted by runner, Friday, 6 March 2009 4:25:16 PM
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If I was PM there would be three possibilities
First find my doctor and demand he change my medication because these arthritis pills sure have funny side effects. Go and see the bloke with a ginger afro called Suzy Goodytwoshoes who stood for the SA parliament in 1970 on behalf of the Happy Birthday Party because he would now be president ...No other party would have me. Try not to sulk because I’d been demoted from emperor Then I’d appoint Foxy as minister for diplomacy. Fractelle minister for the arts and having a good time Pelican minister for stopping wars Bronwyn for minister for serious occasions and other rare events Belly minister for doing the right thing Runner as minister for well…just a minister TRTL minister for directions Steven minister for maintaining good relations with the Eskimos Rob minister for giving away money Davidf minister for finding rob Hasbeen speaker of the house CJ minister of making sure we all don’t get too big headed The rest can write letters for us to discuss in cabinet Leave the public service to run what’s left of the country. Finally Give out warm clothing as Hell has frozen over :-( Posted by examinator, Friday, 6 March 2009 6:39:57 PM
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I just looked at the 10 policies you listed and do not see any connection at all. My policies stand on their own merrit and reflect the issues I have always argued for, both on OLO and elsewhere. Posted by Banjo, Friday, 6 March 2009 6:51:54 PM
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Once you're safely ensconced as our new Prime Minister, may I suggest you appoint Bronco Lane as your senior advisor. And may I urge you to implement every item on his 'Progressive Statesman' list within your first one hundred days in office! Houellebecq Great satire. My guess though is that given the top job you actually would implement that list and love every minute of it! I can just picture you, with Col as your Right hand man, reading to you earnestly from his well-worn 'Epistle from St Maggie' and Polycarp, juggling the bible and the quoran and quoting copiously from both, as your Minister for Religion and Ethnic Affairs! Sorry, examinator, I know I'm being very secondhand here. You know of course that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. :) Runner "Banjo - You pinched most of my policies. Now that's a worry for you." Some self-deprecatory humour, Runner. Well done, a welcome change from your usual tone. Keep it up. :) It seems though you're not the only one who needs to lighten up. Having just been appointed 'Minister for serious occasions'. I'm thinking there's a message there for me too. As for the 'other rare events', I'm not sure what the Emperor is getting at there. But no doubt there's something in my posting history that's prompted that somewhat dubious honour! I'm not so sure about Hasbeen as Speaker. I'm sure he'd bang the gavel as soon as I tried to speak. I doubt Fractelle would fare much better. BTW, you forgot Romany - as Minister for Foreign Affairs. Posted by Bronwyn, Friday, 6 March 2009 11:43:41 PM
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Your specialite is the nationalisation. Do you remember the Soviet Union? they nationalised everything in the name of the working class. The working class had nothing to do with these organisations, which controled from the beaurocrats, who was many times worst than employers, the services of the state organizations was many times worst from the private organizations, the condisions for the workers was many, many times worst from the capitalist organizations and productive was extremely low. The system colapsed of cause its low productivity. The ownership of an organization is not the most important but how the organization is managed. Usualy in state organizations the manangment is more lazy and fat, as there are plenty money, taxpayer's money, to cover any loses. In capitalist world the state own enterprises, when become profitable enouph, they are sold for pinuts to private sector, they used to transfer taxpayer's money to capitalists. The question is if there is any way to block the liberals to become government. You have, we have no way to block them, soon or later the state own organizations will privatisied again. Why you will nationalise them to west our money? to create a healthy, profitable organization which later will privatised for pinuts? Is not it better to put additional rules to the current organizations, state or private onwn and check if these rules are respected? Instead to give taxpayer's money for free to private sector is not it better to buy shares in low prices from private sector and later sell them? Help the private sector but parallel help the state with various ways, not ONLY for your seoul but for taxpayer's benefits. pelican With the financial crisis and the shares so low go and buy shares from the private sector for pinuts. Do not privatise state entrprises for pinuts, buy shares from private sector for pinuts creating new jobs! Antonios Symeonakis Adelaide Posted by ASymeonakis, Saturday, 7 March 2009 1:10:32 AM
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Frankly, I've always been gunning for the position of minister for recreation and experimental beverage relaxation.
In other words, I'd like to be paid to test hammocks and new cocktail recipes. It's a gruelling job, but someone's gotta do it. Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Saturday, 7 March 2009 1:11:59 AM
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Bronwyn, on Friday, 6 March 2009 at 11:43:41 PM:
"As for the 'other rare events', I'm not sure what the Emperor is getting at there. But no doubt there's something in my posting history that's prompted that somewhat dubious honour!"; in response to examinator, on Friday, 6 March 2009 at 6:39:57 PM, who inter alia said: "Bronwyn for minister for serious occasions and other rare events". Bronwyn, Could those other rare events be duels, jousts, or even, heaven forbid, phlaigmes? Perhaps the fault's not in your posting history, but in ignorance of some other, that uninformed you languish. examinator, Its a bit of a worry that there appears to be within that Ministry a triumvirate that may be members of a secret order. Don't know how that would square with transparency and open government. Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Saturday, 7 March 2009 8:36:45 AM
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There is only one thing the PM needs to do, is to give us a real forum, where we can argue with each other and sort out the pros and cons, of every dispute, with just fair and impartial adjudication teams.
There should be no sacred cows, protected and privileged persons, immunities from prosecution, and opportunities for bribery and corruption. This is the first public forum where freedom of speech is permitted, because the moderator is a computer. In most of the publicly erected forums these days, called Courts with a capital C, in all States and the Commonwealth there might as well be a computer as adjudicator, because all Judges and Magistrates in Australia are preprogrammed, by an outside organization, called a University Law School. In this forum, there is a computer that will not allow swearing, which is good. It will not allow too many posts on any one day, and it strictly enforces the word count. It is absolutely brilliant, because it allows a spade to be called a spade. We have a debate going about Christianity and atheism. It is not a debate the atheists can win, but without a real forum to debate it in, it has no real significance beyond the feelgood factor. Currently we have stilted and restricted debating forums, run by lawyers, for lawyers, and they are all afraid of the government. Malcolm Fraser had to agree to four things when he got the nod from Kerr in 1975. He had to agree to restore supply so the Public Service could get paid, he had to agree to go to the big jury with an election, he had to agree not to persecute the outgoing government, and he had to agree to only be a caretaker until the election was held. Danny Sankey prosecuted Whitlam, in a State Court. Fraser had to nobble the High Court and create a Federal Court for show only to keep ordinary individuals from prosecuting Whitlam and his henchmen. A real PM will give us real courts again. Instead of playing talkies, give us real reform. Posted by Peter the Believer, Saturday, 7 March 2009 10:10:26 AM
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"Bring on proportional representation elections" You have right, I will vote YOU 100%, give the power to people, no cheats, not tricks, no face democracy. If people have the power they know what to do. The current electoral system is only for ALP and Liberals, not for small parties, not for Australian people, NOT FOR NEW IDEAS. The current electoral system destroy any new party, any new ideas if the do not have the acceptance from ALP or Liberals. Banjo, Bring on proportional representation elections, we need it, help Australia get out from the zero circle, ALP or Liberals, Liberals or ALP. We have voted small parties or independens and we have on our neck the same duo for very long time. Banjo give the power to people, that is democracy! We will fix all others later, first to establish real democracy! I voted you ONLY for the proportional representation elections, THIS IS EXTREMELY GOOD and it overcover all the others. Banjo, my lord, you deserve my vote! Antonios Symeonakis Adelaide Posted by ASymeonakis, Saturday, 7 March 2009 10:11:47 AM
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Who would have thought that you and I would agree on something! I recall that CJM and I agreed on a matter sometime back. Even if it was only about a popular song called 'Fever' being good, some decades ago. If you are keen on democracy, I suggest you become familiar,if not now, with the concept of Citizens Initiated Referenda (CIR), which I also proposed. Basically, it means that if a certain number of voters petition about an issue, the Government is obliged to hold a referendum on that issue before or at the next election. I cannot help but think if we had CIR would we have sent our troops to Iraq or would the present government have increased the immigration rate so dramaticly after the election when nothing was said about it. CIR would make politicians think more about what the people may want (whom they are supposed to represent) rather than simply say we have a mandate to do what we wish. I would not hold my breath waiting to get either CIR or proportional representation elections as it is democratic and likely reduce the power of the politicians. That they will fight against. Posted by Banjo, Saturday, 7 March 2009 11:56:05 AM
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My english is not enouph good and I do not understand everything from the text. "Basically, it means that if a certain number of voters petition about an issue, the Government is obliged to hold a referendum on that issue before or at the next election." Houuuuu! you are a democrat! I agree with you about it too. Sorry my poor english! YOU ARE EVEN BETTER THAN I THOUGHT. EVIVA Banjo! Antonios Symeonakis Adelaide Posted by ASymeonakis, Saturday, 7 March 2009 12:06:49 PM
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When it comes to open government, I'm definitely not the best candidate. But, I still morally support the idea (up to a point?), because I know it has positive flow-on effects to the rest of society. Well picked, Forrest. Posted by RobP, Saturday, 7 March 2009 1:17:40 PM
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I agree Bronwyn, Bronco Lane not as a RH man though, but as PM!
Some great ideas. As someone mentioned above a PM would really be a person who can bring together other people with ideas who can collectively come up with solutions to current problems, while recognising that you won't please everyone particularly those with the most to lose (like CEOs). Ideally a real social democracy with a good mix of regulation,free enterprise incentives (without the greed factor)and social support. My utopian society would reduce the disparity between the lowest and highest incomes. Bill Shorten on Q&A the other night suggested a 20x higher salary of lower income workers to the highest as a fair divide. I tend to agree. How rich does one need to be and certainly not at the expense of other people who get exploited along the way. I think it was Antonios made the comment on my nationalisation project. Read back again, I was not advocating nationalising the entire manufacturing sector just those listed for obvious reasons. I reiterate my and Banjo's and even runner's desire for publicly owned assets particularly in the utilities sector. Posted by pelican, Saturday, 7 March 2009 1:26:38 PM
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The PM must be thinking he has problems in Queensland. The polling published this morning gives the LNP a four point lead. That is not good news for Anna Bligh, but the PM can do lots to help. He could ring Anna Bligh and tell her to fix up the Liberal party dominated judiciary in Queensland for starters. He could tell her that the Bone v Mothershaw decision taken without juries, that has destroyed property rights in Queensland not by Parliamentary decree but by judicial malpractice, must be overturned.
He can tell her that if she will fix up Queensland’s judicial system, she will fix the whole of Australia. He can tell he she will have all the money she needs to fix hospitals and roads, because big corporate criminals will have to pay up when they commit crimes. These corporate criminals got tax breaks from the Liberals, and have not been carrying their fair share of the public burden for years. These corporate criminals have used their big bank accounts to get favours from both the State and Federal Governments, just so they can have Judges, instead of juries. One of the biggest of these is a now privatized Telco, who are paying their CEO thirty million dollars. They should be paying Queensland at least one billion dollars, out of the money they got selling all their shares. They were able to fully privatize only because the Queensland courts are not working properly. The Rot in Queensland started in 1984, in the Imperial Acts Application Act when an uppity State Parliament supposedly declared Imperial Acts that apply in Queensland and left out the Australian Constitution. OOPS. That was when the Nationals started to slide into opposition. They also started calling people who want them to be honest vexatious. That is an illegal Act too, because it directly contradicts S 28 Crimes Act 1914 ( Cth). Courts are the places where open political debate used to take place before impartial judges. There is a lot he should tell Anna now so he doesn’t have to tell Lawrence after the 21st. Posted by Peter the Believer, Saturday, 7 March 2009 1:46:50 PM
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"It's a bit of a worry that there appears to be within that Ministry a triumvirate that may be members of a secret order." Okay, Forrest, you can't leave it at that. You'll have to name the triumvirate. Rob seemed in agreeance with you, but it's probably not so obvious to all of us, certainly not to me anyway. "Could those other rare events be duels, jousts, or even, heaven forbid, phlaigmes?" Phlaigmes ?? I hate admitting defeat on words, but you're going to have to explain this one to me! You've made me realise though why the Emperor, bless him, might have given me that particular title. I've never initiated them myself, but I have given several OLO duels and virtual social gatherings a kickalong in the past, and they are relatively 'rare events', so that is probably why. Thanks for the prompting. :) Antonios "The ownership of an organization is not the most important but how the organization is managed." I don't often disagree with you, Antonios, but I do this time. The ownership of public utilities is in my view critical for several reasons. If utilities such as water and electricity are publicly owned, there is a greater chance that government can influence their operation, especially when the public good comes into conflict with the profit imperative, for example, reducing consumption of power and water and switching to alternative or renewable sources. The other benefit is that profit is generated and returned to the people as opposed to lining the pockets of a privileged few. "Banjo, my lord, you deserve my vote!" Don't be too hasty. I'd check out his policies on multiculturalism first if I were you. :) Posted by Bronwyn, Saturday, 7 March 2009 3:23:19 PM
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Your reading lags your writing, it seems. For a chance to redress the balance, make Google your friend. Search for phlaigme, capitalised if you must. Surely then, given that one other member of what in this context you will almost certainly recognise as a triumvirate has already been identified in this thread, all should be plain to you. Simply perform the ten exercises. It may take some little time. Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Saturday, 7 March 2009 4:05:55 PM
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Banjo gives the power to people, to citizens, our current democracy is face, ALP and Liberals steal the votes from the small parties and independents and between the elections they ignore us totaly, for example with proportional representation the Greens could have about ten MP, the other small parties too, that means ALP and Liberals can not do what they want. With proportional representation we will have new parties, new ideas, and the current game from ALP to Liberals and from Liberals to ALP will finish for ever. If we start to promote the democracy then we will find that we must deepen and widen the democracy, we will see the role from the mass media, from the education system, we will see the need for democracy in workplaces and shcools, the democracy in political parties, in trade unions, etc. On real democracy the power is on people's hands and I trust and I love the peole and I feel seek for all these hypocrities who use the people for their own benefits. O my god (do not worry, I am atheist!) when people will take on their hads their future! Bronwyn Until now we had various kinds of entrprise ownership from the state ownership 100% to capitalists BUT in all these cases the workers, the citizens was the victims, totaly powerless. I want to give power to workers in their workplace, by extending the democracy in workplaces, I want to give power to local communities on the local enterpises, state or private ownership, for example about the environment, health, local evens, etc, I want to give power on non government organizations, on enterpises, state or private ownership, etc. I do not trust the beaurocrats I prefer the power to be on people's hands EVIVA DEMOCRACY EVIVA Banjo About multiculturalism let 's first transfer the power to the people and if any one ignore migrants rights we will storm Bastily's castles! Antonios Symeonakis Adelaide Posted by ASymeonakis, Saturday, 7 March 2009 6:10:21 PM
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Hey gang you took me WAY to seriously all the positions weren't based on anything which was the point. Pelican the topic is a good one but at fist blush the topic appealed to my silly side. I don't take myself that seriously.
I don't have a lot of time for either party. The constriction of party/ideological dogma would send me postal (well the humanist version there of) starting with the power brokers and working downward. If I were to be serious and interpret the question as what are my most important priorities for Aus they would run like this • institute a democratic voting system. 1. Make all political campaigns totally funded by the govt 2. Campaigns are to be only on policy ...people vote for policy then vote for their choice of which candidate to put those policies into practice as a local member. 3. Vote for ministries all who are in cabinet. Cabinet has a different starting date. 4. Fixed elections three years. 5. Limit the number of consecutive terms in office • Have a referendum question do we want to be a republic yes or no. 1. If yes then have a consultation program as to which version. 2. All members decide on the top 5 versions then vote for which version wins. • Plan 6/ 12 /30 year future directions for the country 1. Coordinate according to these plans with differing levels of fixed policy. 2. This includes Australian interests in foreign purchases of Key Aust assets and industries. 3. Offer greater incentives for overseas investors for Aussie ontrolled joint projects. That’ll do for the time being … okay savage it Ps no comments on where's the punch Line you wanted serious. Posted by examinator, Saturday, 7 March 2009 7:06:29 PM
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Thank you for a wonderfully cryptic treasure hunt! Who would have thought a dry old thread like that would have unearthed such a gem. Yes, indeed, I was languishing in ignorance! Well, so far I've figured that a 'phlaigme' is some sort of deadly contest, though I'm still none the wiser as to the origins of the term itself. It could be another of your much favoured acronyms, though I didn’t pick up any obvious clues that it was. I've also learnt I'm a member of the mysterious 'Cysterhood of the Coup de Grace'. Again, I'm not sure about the origins of the title, but I guess that's just something else I've missed along the way. I've also read that Fractelle is a member, which leads me to the triumvirate, as you said it would. On thinking back to your first duel, the third member has to be Romany. She wasn't on the Emperor's list but I had since nominated her myself, so I'm guessing now that that's what lead you to warn of a 'secret order'. I must say, Forrest, your vigilance is impressive, if not totally misguided! Yes, it certainly is a ‘secret order’, when the members themselves aren't even aware of its existence, let alone whatever conspiracy it is they might be planning. That feverish imagination of yours is working overtime again I can see, Forrest. Before we know it, you'll have us plotting the Emperor's overthrow, or some such dastardly deed. Your claims would never stick though. Everyone knows we're sweet innocent girls incapable of such treachery. :) Antonios "EVIVA DEMOCRACY EVIVA Banjo About multiculturalism let 's first transfer the power to the people and if any one ignore migrants rights we will storm Bastily's castles!" You go man! All power to you, Antonios! All I’m saying is just don't count on Banjo storming in behind you on that particular battlefront. He’ll be busy manning the parapets and looking out for pesky foreigners in leaky boats. :) Posted by Bronwyn, Sunday, 8 March 2009 11:01:42 AM
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"Real humane genius needs no declarations neither does it feed on other's only insecurities do"
Posted by examinator, Sunday, 8 March 2009 2:46:47 PM
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Gee whiz, examinator, you're starting to sound as cryptic as Forrest. :)
Are you sure you're on the right thread? Or is it just another case of me missing the drift? Posted by Bronwyn, Sunday, 8 March 2009 5:19:05 PM
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What didn't you like my Solon-istic dig? OK my poetry isn’t that hot. So I raided Franklin’s “Farmers Almanac” for inspiration. I just thought I could be arcane and Mephistophelean too ;-) Or simply too much sun yesterday PS it was either that or recommend anti psychotics. Posted by examinator, Sunday, 8 March 2009 7:38:51 PM
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So! This many people want to rule the world. lol
EVO Posted by EVO2, Monday, 9 March 2009 12:13:23 AM
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If I were PM I would abolish welfare as we know it today and replace it with a system that provided FREE services for EVERY child AT SCHOOL or college.
FREE: books, uniforms, footware, DIRECT travel to and from school, three meals at day from the tuck shop FOR EVERY STUDENT. I would abolish the baby bonus and replace it with and EDUCATION BONUS. Such bonus would be distributed to a student while they attended school. 3 strikes and you're out! If a student missed 3 days in any one term, without a doctors cert, then the funding for the next term is voided. I would stop handing welfare to parents and provide ALL children with FREE neccesities. No CASH-NO SPLASH! I would empower police to collect miniors from the streets say after 9pm, retun them home and charge the parents a fee for the effort. They will soon learn. Free travel to and from work for all students. I would provide self funded retirees with a 100% TAX FREE LIFESTYLE. They get 100% of thier tax back each and every year including GST. I would also give them free GENERAL RATES at thier priciple address. I would allow ALL work related expenses to be tax deductable including parking and X $ per KM for travel DIRECTLY to and from work. I would base this on an average 4 cyl car, you want bigger you pay the balance. I would ban live exports and send all meats overseas in a box. Keep the jobs here. Out of time, to be continues. Cheers Posted by rehctub, Monday, 9 March 2009 7:06:18 AM
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Oh dear I have lost track of this thread, and, in catching up, discovered that Examinator has appointed me Minister for the Arts and Having a Good Time.
Consequently my head has been buzzing with all I could do and have not been able to apply my usual focus on subsequent posts. All of which I am sure of full of valid and wondrous solutions to the plight of being human. Of posts that did stand for cogency and inclusiveness were: Pelican (logic) Examinator (in serious mode) Belly (Huminity) Foxy (soul) Bronwyn (thoughtfulness) If I have missed anyone I apologise - I did skim to catch up after all. Perhaps what we need is a collective PM? Posted by Fractelle, Monday, 9 March 2009 10:16:39 AM
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Bronwyn ,thoughtfulness:
From your kingdom, do not forget your poor relatives, Posted by ASymeonakis, Monday, 9 March 2009 11:00:25 AM
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Ooops Belly, typo; I meant humanity.
A.S. your comment was uncalled for. As my mum used to say, I you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all. I have disagreed with Bronwyn on various issues in the past but I would never accuse her of being thoughtless in any post she has ever made. I think we need a Minister of Respect. Posted by Fractelle, Monday, 9 March 2009 11:40:14 AM
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“I just thought I could be arcane and Mephistophelean too ;-)” You can indeed. It fact I thoroughly enjoy it when you are. The thing is, as you can see, I’m just not always up to interpreting it, that’s all, but hopefully others are. It did follow my post, but I wasn’t even sure whether or not your Solon-istic dig was aimed at me, or made more generally. If it was directed toward myself, then I will make it my business to get to the bottom of it. If not, I guess I’ll just leave it to others. :) I still haven’t heard back from Forrest to know whether or not my sleuthing efforts have cracked his cryptic trail. I thought I had it all figured at the time, but for all I know I could be way off beam. Posted by Bronwyn, Monday, 9 March 2009 1:23:56 PM
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"Bronwyn ,thoughtfulness: From your kingdom, do not forget your poor relatives," B....y hell, Antonios, someone else on this thread talking to me, or about me, in riddles! I gather you don't consider I'm thoughtful. That's okay, that's your perogative. But if you're going to even hint at personal attack like that I think some elaboration, and preferably some evidence, is called for. BTW, my recent posts here to you were taking aim at Banjo (in a light-hearted manner I might add) and not at yourself, just in case that's what's behind your current bitterness towards myself. I know you have problems with some aspects of written English but I've never assumed your comprehension skills were anything other than pretty darned good. Only a few posts back I actually made a point of stating that I usually agree with you, which I didn't have to do. In fact it could be argued that it was my 'thoughtfulness' that made me do that. If you were suggesting to Fractelle that you too are thoughtful, then I would heartily agree with you. Thoughtfulness in regards to posts has two interpretations - one, that the posts are thoughtfully written, as opposed to dashed off in a rush, or two, that they are thoughtful in their content as to the feelings and positions of others. I would have thought both you and I scored okay on both counts there, as do for that matter the majority of contributors on OLO. Fractelle Thank you! :) Posted by Bronwyn, Monday, 9 March 2009 1:26:41 PM
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men and women of australia, in no particular order
ban the murderous moggy, and reestablish the quoll etc regig the food triangle, ending decades of harmful information ban leveraged equity buyouts CIR Voluntary voting A Hare-Clark type electorate A truly independant Speaker of the House A new commonwealth bank gradually encourage investment in enterprise over speculative housing end daylight saving watch plenty of cricket have 'The Drones' play at my parties stiff increase of penalties for drug importation maybe reflood Lake Eyre with a canal south provide nothing free, beyond seedlings Posted by palimpsest, Monday, 9 March 2009 6:16:57 PM
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I do not understand! my post was a friendly one, not an attack! Posted by ASymeonakis, Monday, 9 March 2009 7:37:43 PM
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Bronwyn, in her post of Monday, 9 March 2009 at 1:23:56 PM:
"I still haven’t heard back from Forrest to know whether or not my sleuthing efforts have cracked his cryptic trail. I thought I had it all figured at the time, but for all I know I could be way off beam." Nay, but verily thou hast got two-thirds of the way there! It seems it is as I quoth, that thy reading skills lag somewhat behind thy writing skills. Remembering that it was from the names in examinators list in his post of Friday, 6 March 2009 at 6:39:57 PM that the triumvirate was envisaged as being composed, thou hast overlooked one present therein. Which is not to say that Romany wouldst not make it worthily a quadrumvirate with but little effluxion of time, nay, even the presence of a single post, nor even that Foxy wouldst not make it yet a quincumvirate, mentioned therin as she was. But still thou overlooketh. Yea, and it is not the first time that thou hast made such oversight. I but quote from this post: "It would have to be right up there as one of my all time favourites - along with Foxy's dinner party thread, ...." The problem was, yes, it was Foxy's dinner party upon which you (and doubtless many others, including myself) focussed, but it was pelican's thread. And it was pelican's name that appeared in examinator's list. Do not pass go, do not collect $200, go directly to gaol. As for phlaigmes, were they not explained in the 'Prince Valium' post? Homophones for 'flames', those cyberspatial combats we all know so well. And speaking of a Minister for Respect, why not the illustrious Prince Valium himself? Col Rouge. Yea, but I must have cast a spell, that you sensed not what a phlaigme was. Fractelle: "A.S. your comment [, Bronwyn ,thoughtfulness: From your kingdom, do not forget your poor relatives.] was uncalled for." Pure Gospellian. So sad. Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Monday, 9 March 2009 9:25:55 PM
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Forrest Gumpp, Fractelle, Bronwyn
Please keep me out from your stories. I did an innocent joke, that's all. If you have any problem in your government, this is your problem! At the moment you have our full support but you can not go like that for long time. We want and expect from you to solve our problems, not to fight each other. Do not forget that next elections are coming, soon or later. Antonios Symeonakis Adelaide Posted by ASymeonakis, Monday, 9 March 2009 10:05:22 PM
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Showing my age...what about a Ministry of Silly Walks?
Posted by pelican, Monday, 9 March 2009 10:17:20 PM
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I read that Antonios was just saying to remember the poor people from your position of thoughtfullness. I know he feels strongly about the poor and was probably happy with the appointment but wanted to encourage thoughtfullness for the poor. Hardly offensive. Did I miss something?
Posted by Houellebecq, Tuesday, 10 March 2009 8:28:04 AM
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Good idea any suggestions? I'm thinking of adding a school of arguments with hitting on head lessons for the wilfully unfun. I think I'll add Forrest as minister of arcane points. Then again he might be in competition with me hmmmmm I’ll have to thing about that a bit less. It hurts my brain. Posted by examinator, Tuesday, 10 March 2009 8:52:32 AM
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Apologies I really thought you were having a go at Bronwyn. Missed your humour completely. Examinator, may I suggest Forrest be made Minister for Alchemy although I concur 'Arcane' is very good. However the verbose Forrest is a magician at turning dross into golden prose. We definitely need a Minister for Herding Cats because governing anything is very like that. Which is why I admire film directors so much, for example, how Peter Jackson put together the immense jigsaw of Lord of the Rings is stunning. Posted by Fractelle, Tuesday, 10 March 2009 10:50:31 AM
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"Bronwyn, I do not understand! my post was a friendly one, not an attack!" A thousand apologies, Antonios! Just goes to show that it's not a good idea to talk to me in riddles! BTW, I'm very glad I was wrong. :) "From your kingdom, do not forget your poor relatives." Drumroll... As Minister of serious occasions and rare events, I hereby propose a grand meeting of examinator's ministry. Every Minister therein is invited to submit a policy initiative that will assist the poor and marginalised in our society. Proposals from the gallery are also very welcome. Second drumroll... To kickstart proceedings, I'm announcing a rare event. The ATO will forgo a source of income. I hereby declare an end to income tax for all those on incomes of $30 000 or less. In a rare one-off gesture, the ATO will retrospectively return all taxes collected from people earning less than $20 000 in any of the last five financial years. Well Ministers, beating my imagination and creativity won't be hard, but I challenge you all to at least match and hopefully wildly surpass my generosity. Forrest I bet you certainly rue the day you ever started talking to me in riddles! You're right, I don't pass GO at all. I didn't actually check back on the thread as I should have. I was concentrating on remembering the characters in your tale and it never occurred to me to think of the actual instigator of the thread. All power to your quincumvirate though! My, what a different world it would be if that group were holding sway! I'm giddy just thinking about it. :) Posted by Bronwyn, Tuesday, 10 March 2009 11:09:47 AM
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Bronwyn and Forrest. Well you got me I don't know what a phlaigme is. It sounds like something you clear from your throat. :D
Please elaborate for the benefit of the riddle-challenged. Posted by pelican, Tuesday, 10 March 2009 1:15:21 PM
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prime minister (pelican),
In response to your request, and for the benefit of the riddle-challenged, I inform the (OLO) House that the term 'phlaigme' was coined by me in the 'For the sake of OLO ... Rule changes?' thread, here: in what Bronwyn has been pleased to call the 'Prince Valium' post. It is in the fourth paragraph, near the end. For context, scroll to the preceding post by Col Rouge. I thought that the spelling adopted looked both Arthurian and vaguely gaelic, what with the silent 'g' and all. Subsequently, Bronwyn indicated enjoyment of the tournament or joust scenario in general, in a post to the 'Have the Liberals lost the plot?' thread, here: on Monday, 16 February 2009. On Monday, 23 February 2009 I was 'flamed' by an article author on the 'Installing solar PV panels - the figures don’t add up, BUT…' comments thread, here: Viewers are free to scroll to earlier posts I had made, in order to determine whether the flame was justified. The flame continued several posts on from the first post by the author. I substantially ignored it, on that thread. On Tuesday, 24 February 2009 I started 'The Saga of the Undying Phlaigme: a Tale of the Near Future, in several parts' on Belly's 'Power without pride' thread, where, with his acceptance, I sort of blog, here: In this post I coined the description 'Cysterhood of the Coup de Grace' and nominated Bronwyn as a member thereof. Bronwyn had not been posting on OLO for a while, and as it turns out, she was then on a visit to Victoria. In the ten parts to the 'Saga of the Undying Phlaigme', I did not ignore the author of the article, but hopefully explained, in allegory, what I considered was happening. Part 10 of the Saga explains the nature of the 'Cysterhood'. Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Tuesday, 10 March 2009 3:27:40 PM
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Thank you! I tried to tell that with a different way, not the smartest one but sure friendly. I still support them, and I will support them for the next 30 days at least! The question is not to create more departments but to solve problems! To open windows to the future and of cause to keep their hands far from taxpayer's money! You know! Antonios Symeonakis Adelaide Posted by ASymeonakis, Tuesday, 10 March 2009 3:32:15 PM
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I would decree that all reflective surfaces were covered immediately.
You see, I feel a little sick on the stomach, at the thought that this twit is the Oz PM, each time I see his image on TV. If I were he, I'd see my reflection, every where. I would only be able to stop feeling sick, by closing my eyes, or getting rid of those reflections. Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 10 March 2009 4:27:12 PM
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Hasbeen sorry but I do not understand you. What is your problem with Pelecan?
Do you want from me to ask our new government if we can have a second government, which will work parallel with our current government? Personaly I would like to see you as PM in a second government, if you feel sick for our PM Ms Pelecan then I am sure your cooperation would be exelent! I do not know but I think it could be very nice if the current government could tranfer its responsibilities and hard work to a second government and keeps for her self the chairs! Antonios Symeonakis Adelaide Posted by ASymeonakis, Tuesday, 10 March 2009 6:01:47 PM
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Listen to this - Our Coalition Caucus Think Tank have decided that Malcolm will step aside six months before the next Federal Election leaving the position of Prime Minister vacant for Peter Costello to step in which will be extremely popular with our Australian People.
Kevin Rudd will never ever be noticed once Peter decides to step in to the position that is rightfully his. We all know that Peter Costello was born to be our Prime Minister. His ready smile and natural knowledge of World Economics which is just right for free enterprise. Posted by Julie Vickers, Tuesday, 10 March 2009 10:57:44 PM
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I must say, I'm becoming rather enamoured with JV's satire. Partly because there's just that little skerrick of doubt that it is indeed satire.
Which is the best kind. I'd institute a policy where politicians are required to maintain websites and for all significant voting decisions they need to post an online explanation for why they voted in the manner they did. And "because it was party policy" doesn't cut it, with such comments being held up for ridicule in the press. Ultimately I'd like to see incompetent politicians exposed to more ridicule. It's one of the best forms of accountability. It would dissuade more mediocre types from running for parliament and would at least ensure a little more wit within the chambers. Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Wednesday, 11 March 2009 12:06:21 AM
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Antonious thanks for your support but I think Hasbeen was speaking of Mr Rudd's reflection.
Thanks for the explanation Forrest. What a saga it was - can't wait for your next tome. Posted by pelican, Wednesday, 11 March 2009 8:47:59 AM
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If you could change a few things to make Australia a better place what would it be?
Briefly as possible, mine would be: Obtain a seat on the United Nations Security Council. Abolish China, Russia, United States right of veto and other Nations that block progress. Democracy should prevail. Stop Sri Lanka's Government Genocide and Ethnic cleansing of the Tamils. Implement Paternal Leave immediately. Nationalise all companies that choose to close down it's Australian plants that want to set up off shore, so that they cannot trade on the Stock Exchange. Stop throwing money at Banks and failing Industries Nationalise them to bring them under taxpayers control. Save Jobs not profits. Posted by Bronco Lane, Wednesday, 11 March 2009 8:42:30 PM
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Mr lane. The clock is ticking....
EVO Posted by EVO2, Monday, 16 March 2009 12:23:38 AM
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Mr lane! The human race is what we see it as its meant to be. very small, let me tell you. I see nothing, of anything to worry about.
If I was PM! The whole world would work as one. With all pollies, and with a bit more imaginary than expected. Its your world! My time is done. EVO Posted by EVO2, Tuesday, 17 March 2009 11:12:41 PM
Briefly as possible, mine would be:
A. EDUCATION - bring back free education at the tertiary level. Reduce the size of universities and go back to a multi-level system of unis, TAFEs, Colleges and Institutes of Technology with a strong emphasis on acadmeic excellence, research and skills training (trades). In other words turn our educational institutions back into just that, rather than corporations dependent on international students.
B. ECONOMY - bring back tariffs to protect local industry, import only what we don't or cannot produce here. Give all government contracts only to Australian owned companies. No subsidies to foreign owned companies who generally tend to go offshore ie. Pacific Brands. Companies who receive taxpayer funds in corporate welfare to repay it should they relocate offshore. Companies who receive corporate welfare to have capped salaries for senior executives.
C. RETIREMENT - Get rid of compulsory Private Superannuation. Implement a government pension system whereby the employer contributes a designated % for each employee and the employee can top up if necessary. All retirees receive the basic pension (which is a living wage) or more if topped up. If someone wishes to add to this pension by contributing to a private fund or property that is their right also.
D. NATIONALISE - those essential services such as power, water and telecommunications (probably less important), institutions that care for the aged to ensure that these important services are not run down in the interests of profit but do really provide a PUBLIC service.
E. HEALTH - ensure adequate training places for doctors,nurses and other health professions. Mandated after training to work in regional areas for a set period (like the old teacher bonds). Increase staffing in Casualty, community nursing and palliative care.
F. ENVIRONMENT - Introduce an Australian owned alternative energy industry and non-polluting alternative fuels for cars. All new houses to be energy efficient including solar which feeds into the grid.