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The Forum > General Discussion > What sort of an entity is God?

What sort of an entity is God?

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Am I the only one who finds Oneundergods postings to look and read like some of those tedious, incomprehensible 'modern' poetry pieces that I never managed to understand during English Lit at High School?

Yuyutsu, you beautifully expressed the answer to the initial question.
Posted by Anansi, Friday, 28 November 2008 12:17:04 PM
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each vile has its own room
all lovers of murder get the same room
all rapusts get the same room[different rooms]
all thiefs can only steal from the 'othetr' thieves [in their room]

ie more shall be given
our father has untold ammount's of room'sss

each filled with gods children doing their loves
[be they love of peerversion or love of others]

those who hate god for this reason or that
all got their OWN ROOMS
doing that they love ONLY TO EACH OTHER
[sorting the wheat from the chaff, the sheep from the goats etc ]

the lowest hell has those who did do adultery
or that thier activly adulterated that good and true

[adulterated gods words],
took from others the love of god
each creations true inheritance

thing is by giving evil that it loves to do
they soon realise it isnt much fun being with the worst phycopaths in time

and in time hate that gross-ness they thought to love
but clearly dont love them
as the seed we sewed reap their harvest

in short they repent
but to be saved [repentance]
they need to act[deeds say more than words]

many learn they can controle us by our thoughts
thus they wisper nothings into our minds
[the correct term is syncronised soul singing]

they just seek to get into synche with your mood vibe
our evil thought vibration draws them like a moth to the flame

thinking evil attracts those who would feed off it
[like addicts][de-mense ;de mon]

its not about mating

there is physical fertile mating even in heaven
[but not hell]
for some reason no child is allowed in hell

thus children reside between them both
till they chose one [or the other]

till they of freewill chose to love good
or love evil

god is love we all have a choice
but a good deed done here
rates 7 times the weight of a good done there

but what the heck
its all only opinion

safest to just do as jesus do
just know god is love
and we cant go wrong
Posted by one under god, Friday, 28 November 2008 12:39:39 PM
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I am a believer and a practising Christian . However , I agree that it is impossible to prove either the existence , or the non - existence of God . If God exists , God will have no particular gender and is unlikely to resemble any living being . The hoary argument that God cannot exist because bad events occur , is a non - sequitur , as even Richard Dawkins acknowledges . It would , arguably , apply only if God were a good god. Bad events occur independently of God . Often , human failures cause them .

If I had [ God forbid ] to choose between a world controlled by atheists and one controlled by religious fundamentalists , I would choose the atheist version .
Posted by jaylex, Friday, 28 November 2008 2:44:29 PM
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DreamOn posed a hypothetical question in colourful language.

He asked me if my wife wasn’t in the mood and I masturbated while fantasising about other encounters would that be an unfaithful act?

No. Imagining doing something is not the same as doing it. There is nothing wrong in either masturbating or having fantasies. It would be an act of consideration to my wife, as she would be left alone which was her wish, and the exercise might improve my sleep.
Posted by david f, Friday, 28 November 2008 3:58:27 PM
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Because atheists are fixed on spatial / natural chemistry they cannot understand spiritual concepts. Unfortunately many theists are also deluded and expect a spatial afterlife.

Both the dynamic that created all things and the eternal character of God are the same. God is designer and the spirit / mind in control of all things. The nature of God as it intercepts man's consciousness and total being is primarily in the moral rightness of attitude and behaviour. It is in relationship that God is most expressed in humanity.

We say God is love; though God created passion, desire, and estatic feelings - it is in the almost unnatural realm of loving an enemy that the spirit of God is most divinely expressed in the human spirit.

Do somthing to bless an enemy, to wisely reconcile an enemy to be a close friend expresses the true character of God. Forgivness of someone who has grosely violated us or our space - we naturally want to seek revenge or equal injury, but to consider them forgiven as a close friend - deeply affects our spirit in healing and this is the nature of the divine. God is primarly concerned about restoration to his intention, healing of the spirit, reconciliation of people to the way things best express the glory of the Creator.
Posted by Philo, Saturday, 29 November 2008 6:11:13 AM
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Exodus 34:6 And the LORD passed by before him, and proclaimed, The LORD, The LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth,

Exodus 34:7 Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth generation.

Punishes the children and subsequent generations for transgressions of their forefathers?

Abundant in goodness and truth? Spiritual? Go figure.
Posted by Fractelle, Saturday, 29 November 2008 9:22:15 AM
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