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Black or White?

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Has anybody taken note of the way in which the media worldwide is parroting the terminology " The first Black President"?

Every presentation and discussion about this brave new President pushes the "Black" issue.

Barack Obama is NOT "Black", he is a coloured man with a white Mother and a Negroid Father!

It is time to put aside the issue of colour and give this man and his family the opportunity to take up tenure in the White House ( which maybe should now be called the "Coloured House") and recognise Barack`s acheivement in attaining this position as allegedly the most powerful leader in the world.

No doubt the Clansmen and the White Supremists will now have their noses put out of joint, but even a blind man could see this coming, and for anyone out there who might bear any resentment for this turn of events, they could be well advised to remember that originally the Negroes were kidnapped in chains and transported to America to work as slaves for the great white masters!....This then is the legacy that they have created for themselves, so they should get over it!
Posted by Cuphandle, Friday, 7 November 2008 5:30:08 PM
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Foxy. "Where are we heading"! Does anyone hear the sounds of a flushing toilet? I heard a point of view concerning the next black president, that( red neck ) rumor has it, says if he makes office, he will be assassinated.

Will the white Americans except it, and how will the black Americans act when they feel they own the country? or have we all grown up now?

World population control is the number one priority.

EVO is very worried.

Posted by EVO, Wednesday, 15 October 2008 7:00:57 PM

White supremacist,s will not like this one bit. Dark people will have a higher and stronger feeling of equal stance with cream coloured brethren and they will take the shot. These sub-humans are IMO on level par with terrorist, they want an all white America and will start another bin-lard-in scenario.

Obama will want to have the CIA and associates to watch these nut jobs very closely, and why gun control has not been implemented in the USA is beyond me. Yes Yes! The right to defend yourself bull, but we Australians are the shining examples of a advanced society and for the USA, you couldn't pay me enough to live there.

Obama! Please be careful.

Posted by EVO, Saturday, 8 November 2008 4:33:25 PM
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Not sure what you are getting at cuphandle.
The man is what he is a man.
And he is the greatest single step toward equality America has ever taken.
He was by miles and miles the best candidate.
Full of ideas and plans.
My e mail box is full of bigotry and small mindedness, pictures of him on half dollar notes.
Not funny, not even close but a pointer to a low IQ.
The white house is going to be a home for a family that makes me proud.
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 8 November 2008 5:32:57 PM
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Race has been (and still is) an issue for
hundreds of years. Especially in the US.
The election of an
American President from a mixed
racial background is a historic event.
And the media is still excited that this
actually happened.

Hopefully, with time they'll judge the man
on his achievements and race will not seem
at all relevant.

John F. Kennedy, when
first elected was billed as the first "Catholic"
President. And with time people got over it.

As for the current fear that many people
(including myself) have - of some deeply disturbed
person attempting to take the life of Barack Obama?

Let's hope with all our hearts
that the President-Elect's security forces will provide
the protection needed. Attempts have been made on the lives
of past US Presidents. Only a few were successful.
We can only trust that nothing tragic will happen
this time.

It will mean that his mingling with the public will have
to be severely curtailed. But that's to be expected, I

In the meantime, I'm sure that Barack Obama has been
made fully aware of the risks involved by his security
forces and he's aware of what he can and can't do.
He strikes me as being the type of man who's fully aware
what has to be done, yet not be intimated by it.

I'm sure he'll take it all in his stride. As he's done
everything else to date.

I have full confidence that this man with the "Yes We Can"
attitude will be the best President the US has ever had.

And that he'll be around for a long,long, time.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 8 November 2008 5:42:58 PM
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What is your point to it all .Its not about colour its about getting the job done .Barrack Obama is clearly african american as was his father but brought up in a white house and Barrack Obama chose to marry an african america woman not a white american woman .There was alot of african american programming on Australian television because this helps africans settle into a new country like australia.Find and know the truth .David
Posted by mattermotor, Saturday, 8 November 2008 7:21:16 PM
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Let's hope the colour of his skin does not continue to memorize the media preventing any honest Scrutiny. The performance of the likes of Orprah have been nothing short of disgusting and racist.
Posted by runner, Saturday, 8 November 2008 7:29:44 PM
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Belly, foxy! I couldn't agree more. I despise racism.

Bag and tag these Nazi muffins before they do the unthinkable.

When this human race is run, we will all turn our golden faces into the sun, praising our leaders, getting in tune, and this man is the start to a great future.

Posted by EVO, Saturday, 8 November 2008 7:36:57 PM
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One of reasons why racism is a pointless endeavour, is that in 500 to a 1000 years, the human populations through multicultureism will have mixed the entire gen pool together to make a one singular common colour, and the cats out of the bag, so to speak and there's no stopping it now.
The advantages of pigment, will see a fall in skin cancers, a world tribble peace and so on. With the depletion of the ozone layer, fair skinned people will suffer the most.

The last post, was a general comment.(WW2)+, Sorry about the content, but racism is very ugly thing.

Just take a look at the world history and see the pointless moves its made.


Posted by EVO, Sunday, 9 November 2008 6:57:56 PM
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Well one thing is for sure, that village somewhere in Texas will soon have its idiot back - whether they like it or not.
Posted by Rainier, Sunday, 9 November 2008 10:13:16 PM
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Yes, and we are the true no no-ones of human history! how small we are! and yet!, we swim around, in pointless, and fruitless circles, of the examples of what we are.
I put, in all that is for, the common best, for the well being of man kind, even thou, what I have, will not help you!

What a silly race we are. I watch as we tear this planet alive, with our short-sightedness. The study of humans, takes a life time, don't throw your ball in too early!, you may not understand.

Posted by EVO, Monday, 10 November 2008 12:01:18 AM
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Dear Runner,

I saw nothing in the conduct of Oprah to call it disgusting and racist. What is your reason for saying so?

I am happy that my country picked a thoughtful, intelligent man as president. The fact that he became a community organiser working with poor people instead of getting a high-paying job as a corporate lawyer which was possible for him with his education means a lot to me.

During his campaign he has not depended on the zinger or the 20 second sound bite. He has sounded earnest and reflective. Hopefully he will be a great president. The potential seems there.

I am not white but pink. He is not black but dark gray I think. To call us black and white is more of our western dualism. Could it be a subliminal expression of pure - polluted, sacred - profane or other ways that racism dichotomises good and evil?

To divide us into black and white is a pigment of the imagination.
Posted by david f, Monday, 10 November 2008 9:28:32 AM
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"...they could be well advised to remember that originally the Negroes were kidnapped in chains and transported to America to work as slaves for the great white masters!....This then is the legacy that they have created for themselves, so they should get over it!".

Let's not get carried away, the legacy was created by England, which only gave up slavery when it found that 'free' wen and women from the British Isles could return a greater profit because if they were paid a pittance then they would have to look after their own needs thus making them cheaper than slaves.
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 10 November 2008 10:22:00 AM
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'I saw nothing in the conduct of Oprah to call it disgusting and racist. What is your reason for saying so?

Oprah refused any air time to Sarah Palin simply because she unashamedly backed Obama because he was African/ American. If you are going to pretend to run a neutral show you should not be so bias about your bias/racism. Could you imagine the outcry if the boot was on the other foot.

In saying that I am pleased that an African/American has been elected. Now Obama will need to do a bit more than just be able to paint himself as the good guy and Bush/McCain as the devils. That is the simple way many of our posters on OLO seem to view things.
Posted by runner, Monday, 10 November 2008 11:29:08 AM
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Dear Runner,

I agree that it was unfair to give one candidate broadcast time ahead of another. However, she may have backed Obama for other reasons than colour. I voted for Obama because I thought he was by far the better candidate. Oprah may have done so for the same reason.
Posted by david f, Monday, 10 November 2008 11:42:39 AM
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Since when, runner?

>>If you are going to pretend to run a neutral show you should not be so bias about your bias/racism. Could you imagine the outcry if the boot was on the other foot<<

Since when was the Oprah show regarded as "neutral"?

She is a flagrant promoter of anything that takes her fancy - books, shows, people.

The idea that every time she plugs the "Oprah's book of the month" she should provide equal time to every other published book is laughable. Or that every time Tom Cruise gets to jump on her couch, she should invite Nicole Kidman to get the other side of the story.

Her audience expects her to deliver judgments. It's what they pay her to do. If you want balance, go to a news channel. Like CNN. Or the "fair and balanced" Fox News. Tee hee.

Or, better still, make up your own mind.

I think it's great that Obama made it through. Takes race right out of the equation. Just as if Hillary had made it, gender would now be a non-issue. Or if McCain had succeeded, age and health would no longer be seen as impediments.

'S'all good.
Posted by Pericles, Monday, 10 November 2008 12:20:26 PM
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Come to think JFK was accused of bias when he appointed Bobby as attorney-general. He denied bias saying that Bobby was the best qualified brother.
Posted by david f, Monday, 10 November 2008 12:24:49 PM
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Last year the Cherokee nation, made a decision that their compensation monies ($ for stolen children: acquired through the United Nations), would not be paid to a certain group whom were identifying as being either "white" or "Black" in front of their Cherokee identification. Perhaps the Cherokee were making a point about indigenous identification being stronger and more important than skin colour identification, or perhaps they were prejudiced against a group of people whom were intermarried with other races; we do not know. Neither am I sure about whether Barak Obama, was one among those black US Congress Senators, whom spoke out against the Cherokee, accusing them of racism, and supporting the colour-based identification of a few folk of Cherokee ancestry. But what I am sure about, is that issues about the colour of our skin, are most often issues which have been caused by false arguments, and so as to distract everybody from what the real issues are.

I heard that in facebook a few user groups started up within hours of Obama's victory, calling for his impeachment. Best let the racist idiots show themselves up like that, rather than have their hatred festering into showing off with guns.

But as for the African-American programming on Australian television, I really don't think it is being put on with African immigrants and refugees settlement process in mind, but that it just happens to be the best of what Australian television stations can buy from America.
Posted by Curaezipirid, Wednesday, 12 November 2008 3:21:47 PM
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Part of the difficulty of even discussing racial issues, and the whole matter of negative racial discrimination, is that the white biased racists who imply that black skin is less intelligent, or less calculating, (and who also imply that whites are less good at hard labour), tend to also set traps for black folk to fall into, in which they are seeking to imply also, that their own racism is reciprocated, or even caused, by black dislike of whites.

How many times have white policemen, or white Howard government officials, implied that it was correct for Aboriginal Australians to regard their whiteness as faulted; but all the while, behind everybody's backs, the same white persons were thereby blaming the black folk they dealt with, as though blacks were the perpetrators of their own negative racial discrimination.

All arguments about any fact of our biology being less worthy than any other person's biology, are always wrong because our biology need always be accepted as essentially life sustaining.

My own skin is white with freckles, my hair is red (or used to be), and the co-ordination of the involuntary muscles in the lower part of my body, is akin to that normal for indigenous Australians, and unlike that present in any other entire racial group. My ancestors are English, Greek, German, and un-named in offical records. What does all that make me, if not simply me, my biological reality, combined with my hopes and dreams. I am no more or less than me, regardless of what my biology manifests in sustaining my life. We are each unique, whenever we are uniquely alive.

Culturally, I might never have learned to know my English, Greek, and German ancestry well enough, if I had not been included within indigenous culture as a teenager during the Bicentenary. But as for Barak Obama, within all the beliefs he holds to, what the total influence and effect of his skin colour has on his presidency, is far too complex an analysis for anybody but his nearest and dearest allies to figure out.
Posted by Curaezipirid, Wednesday, 12 November 2008 3:47:06 PM
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