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The Forum > General Discussion > Will Obarma scuttle plans for the Amero?

Will Obarma scuttle plans for the Amero?

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The Bush adminstration unbeknownst to the popular media had plans to unite the economies of Mexico USA and Canada under a new currency call the Amero.Just Google Amero ,there are numerous articles confirming this.

In the USA the Federal Reserve is all powerful.Our Reseve Bank is owned by our Govt and we the electorate have some say.In the USA when new currency needs to be printed to equal new GDP generated by businesses and ordinary people,it is automatically owned by a private cartell of banks that produce nothing that is tangible.These banks then loan the wealth generated by the rest of the population back to the US Govt and charge the people of the USA interest on wealth that is rightfully theirs.

Basically the US is stone motherless broke due to this debt enslavement.For Obarma to free all people both black and white,he needs the courage Martin Luther King and the Wisdom of King Solomon.

If Obarma pushes ahead with the introduction of the Amero and the North American Union,then the Federal Reserve Cartell will be victors thus enslaving our planet to the private titans of Globalised business over which we have no democratic recourse.The USA might be broke but the banks are not and the USA is still the world's military super power.

We are at the crossroads and the threat is not from Islam but the sources of power in our own midst.
Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 6 November 2008 8:04:01 PM
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Er, Arjay - the President-Elect of the USA spells his surname "Obama", not "Obarma". That's O B A M A.

It's probably best to begin a new chapter in your ranting history by spelling your object's name correctly.

Here's a test for you: what's Senator Obama's first name?
Posted by CJ Morgan, Thursday, 6 November 2008 10:51:19 PM
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I assumed that Arjay was being phonetic CeeJay. But he's well off-beam on this issue. Wikipedia has an entry on the Amero (I'd never heard of it until approving this thread so had to do some quick background research), and also another entry on the Federal Reserve (which I had heard of, and needed to ensure there was no chance it was really a conspiracy against the common wealth).

I don't think that we have too much to worry about here. BTW, when it comes to conspiracy theories, I love this YouTube video of Naomi Wolfe predicting a military coup d'etat to stop Obama winning. Some people will say anything to get attention.
Posted by GrahamY, Friday, 7 November 2008 9:43:02 AM
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Ah Graham,
I'm surprised this hasn't come to your attention before - given the love of rumour as fact that abounds in the Net. This is kinda old stuff and has been floating around in various forms of alarm, certaintly and wry humour ever since - as with The Da Vinci Code - a book on the subject was taken as fact.(I believe when Both Aphra Behn's "Oronoko" and "Gulliver's Travels" first came out people all over the British Isles also regarded them as factual and clamoured to set sail to retrace the authors' footsteps.)
Posted by Romany, Friday, 7 November 2008 11:18:04 AM
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I agree, Arjay, whether or not Obama scuttles the proposed Security and Prosperity Partnership between the US, Canada and Mexico will be one of the many early tests of his leadership. Hopefully, he will dismantle this corporatist-driven American power grab aimed at among other things shoring up access to Canadian and Mexican coal and oil reserves, Canadian water and cheap Mexican labour.

I think it's important that we aren't persuaded on this issue merely because some rightwing conspiracy nuts have latched onto it. There's plenty in this proposal to concern anyone interested in maintaining decent human rights and labour standards, in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and in the general advancement of progressive politics.
Posted by Bronwyn, Friday, 7 November 2008 12:08:36 PM
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Yes I know Obama.It's my phonetic sub-conscious over riding visual memory.

The power of the US Federal Reserve is not disputed nor is a conspiracy theory.It has enormous power and influence over any party in power.The US is was in huge debt before the sub-prime debacle.If the Fed Res is the single money supplier to a Govt,who has the upper hand even if that Govt has members on it's board?

If the North American Union goes ahead,then it will mean a loss of living standards for ordinary Americans and Canadians.The large corporates want it so they will have cheap labour and be able to compete with other developing countries.

If the single currency does go ahead,it should be jointly owned by the 3 Govts of that union and not a cartell of private banks.

All our Western Govts are negating their responsibilities.The Singapore Govts a owns OPTUS yet our Govts cannot own and operate a single power station.You don't sell of good income earning assets since the tax burden just increases and more wealth moves OS.

We presently have the largest GDP per head of pop in our history.Back in 1999 it was $600 billion or $33,000 per head of pop,now it is almost double at $1.1 trillion or $55,000 per head of pop and most Aussies feel they are worse off.We have no money for infrastructure and a foreign debt of $600 billion.Where has all the wealth gone?
Posted by Arjay, Friday, 7 November 2008 5:36:26 PM
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