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The Forum > General Discussion > Will Obarma scuttle plans for the Amero?

Will Obarma scuttle plans for the Amero?

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Thanks for the links, Graym.

As you know, I treat a good conspiracy theory with all the respect it deserves..
Posted by CJ Morgan, Saturday, 8 November 2008 11:48:52 PM
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It seems that CJ Morgan or GrahamY will not argue the reality nor the facts.All they allude to is conspiracy theories that are divorced from the present logical argument.

The reality is this,the US Federal Reserve,a private banking cartell owns the new productivity of the American people by virtue of having the privilege of printing the new currency needed to equal that productivity.We seem to have a disconnect between reality and ideology.How does a private banking cartell have the right to own the hard earned wealth of the masses without any imput into that productivity?

CJ Morgan,argue the reality with facts,instead of denegrating your percieved enemy with ad homien BS.

CJ Morgan is out of his depth.He has not the the intellect nor the logical capacity to enter into meaningful debate.
Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 9 November 2008 6:34:21 PM
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Hi Ajay,

The World Bank's measure of wealth is assets/population. Oz and Canada are well ahead of the US. GDP needs be adjust for purchasing parity too. The Human Development Index is often used a measure of standard of living. He using 2nd or 3rd there too. Iceland and Norway usually slip-in head of Oz and Canada. A country like Singapore, which is an importer~re-exporter would be dead in the water without trade, despite its high GDP per capita. In relation to many contries Australia's wealth generation and consumption are domestic.

Obama faces huge challenges. It is probably good that 75% of the World's wealth is outside of the US. Bank management of maturity transformation is problematic with falling interest rates. If we don't want a deep recession, we must, at all costs, avoid protectionism, especially under Obama's administration in the US.
Posted by Oliver, Sunday, 9 November 2008 9:45:16 PM
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While I agree with you on the trade front Oliver,the emphasis should be fair trade rather than one way trade whereby countries get into enormous debt due to balance of payments deficits.Currently we have a free trade agreement with the USA.
I don't believe in lowering living standards in order to compete.We have natural energy and resource advantages and China has labour.We are not using our natural advantages.
Posted by Arjay, Monday, 10 November 2008 11:16:53 PM
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