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9/11 Truth

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Of course, having more than one account technically that breaches OLO's rules and whoever is found to have done so faces the prospect of being penalised by the OLO administrators as C J Morgan attempted to have them do to daggett.

However, I would suggest that far worse abuses of OLO occur all the time and quite within the rules of OLO - abuses regularly committed by the likes of C J Morgan: personal attacks, repetition of arguments without acknowledgment of responses to those arguments, etc.

Even though those abuses don't breach OLO rules, I, nevertheless, harm this forum in many far more substantial ways. I know of a number of people who simply don't bother to contribute any more to OLO because they are sick and tired of having to deal with the likes of C J Morgan.

I suggest to anyone who may be concerned at these allegations against daggett to look at the totality of his contributions as well as articles written by him for OLO, as James Sinnamon, as well as the relatively few I have made and ask whether they have caused harm to OLO or have enhanced its value.

I would also suggest that they look at C J Morgan's contributions to OLO and decide for themselves whether they agree with me that even thought they may not formally breach the rules of OLO, they do, in fact detract substantially from OLO.

Some may find useful a summary daggett wrote of C J Morgan's early contributions to that abovementioned forum at
Posted by cacofonix, Wednesday, 24 September 2008 10:51:04 PM
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Honestly, if the those people you know who no longer post to OLO because of CJM were of your calibre cacofonix/daggett/James, I would say that the tone of the place is much better than it would otherwise have been. And I would have to thank CJ for his diligence and influence.

Now will you care to join your friends?
Posted by Bugsy, Wednesday, 24 September 2008 11:00:03 PM
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daggett's posts contain a lot more than the single link to loose change, Agronomist (even then a good part of the link you've provided is opinion)
Posted by Steel, Wednesday, 24 September 2008 11:12:40 PM
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James Sinnamon/daggett/cacofonix/et al protesteth too much, methinks.

If you don't want me to alert people to your use of sock puppets, James, just don't use them.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Thursday, 25 September 2008 6:01:01 AM
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C J Morgan/Bugsy wrote "Now will you care to join your friends?"

No, thank you. It seems that a few others around here appreciate my contributions, even if you don't.

Now can I ask you as I did before: Are you intending to either engage with the facts or will you go elsewhere as you promised when you wrote:

"Just to please you cacofonix, I will no longer waste my energy on it."

"Now I'll leave you inquiring minds to it then."


If you intend to engage with the facts, could you please explain why you accept the nonsense at that 475 Architects and Engineers and architects and engineers, represented by, reject? Do you think it likely that a fire that we are told started at one end of the building and spread throughout would have suddenly produced such a uniform smoothe collapse of the whole of WTC7 at barely less time that what it would have taken for an object to free fall free the height of the building, when nothing like that has ever occured, except in controlled demolitions, before or since?

Do you believe in the laws of physics?

C J Morgan/Bugsy wrote "If you don't want me to alert people to your use of sock puppets, James, just don't use them."

Do as you wish, C J Morgan/Bugsy, but don't assume that I will be wasting any more of my time engaging with you.
Posted by cacofonix, Thursday, 25 September 2008 8:00:52 AM
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One of my senior Pastors would say that "conspiracy theory" is demonic and established to destabilise world society so that people no longer trust good governments.

He would be right. If you knew the evil spirit realm as many committed christians do, you would also agree.

Theres simply no eye witness testimony to a group of conspirators in the US government off in a back room somewhere planning to get some Islamic named guys into planes to crash them into New York buildings.

It might have made sense if JFK had been a target of a conspiracy, he sure stirred up a lot of people, but really whats the point of a small group of Americans killing a larger group of Americans.

All a "9/11 conspiracy theory" will do is twist the brain and screw the heart and create a whole world of anxiety and frustration for those who dance with it.
Posted by Gibo, Thursday, 25 September 2008 8:19:24 AM
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