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The Forum > General Discussion > Are Socialists Seditious?

Are Socialists Seditious?

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I came across this portion of the Socialist Web site

Which states:

1. The nature and tasks of a socialist propaganda group

The aim of socialists is to build a mass revolutionary party that can cohere working class resistance to the attacks of the capitalist class and eventually lead a revolution that will bring workers to power.

Now.. 'revolution' in the dictionary means:

"The overthrow of one government and its replacement with another."

Now.. what does 'overthrow' mean?

1. To throw over; overturn.
2. To bring about the downfall or destruction of, especially by force or concerted action: a plot to overthrow the government.

It seems to me that the old 'ban the commies' was an opportunity we missed to rid ourselves of these 'revolutionaries'.

It should be noted that the goal of the 'propoganda' unit is clearly spelt out and is connected to 'revolution'.

In my view..this is a clear statement of purpose.. ie... SEDITION.

So, I'm wondering why:

a) They are allowed to publish this rubbish.
b) Why they aren't all in jail under our anti terrorism laws.
c) Why, when such goals are stated that their efforts to support other seditious groups are not also taken into account.

If they use the word "revolution" .. then the first and most obvious meaning which comes to the Western mind would be the 'French Revolution' would it not?
Posted by Polycarp, Tuesday, 16 September 2008 5:08:41 PM
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The workers unfortunately David,don't have the inherent genetic ability to run the show but that should mean that they should share in the prosperity which they have help to create?Getting the balance right will be an argument that will consume our time for centuries to come.Currently due to globalisation the balance is in favour of the elites who just piss it against the wall in the name of sub- prime debacle.
Posted by Arjay, Tuesday, 16 September 2008 9:14:36 PM
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Well Lenin said "The Goal of Socialism is Communism"... that says it all

and regarding the french revolution, those who replaced the french monarchy are the same as instigated the period aloled "the Terror", no different to the way Stalin followed Lenin.

Then of course, Oliver Cromwell, when dead was replaced by - the son of the Monarch he had executed.

History would suggest "revolutions" and the scum which floats up to the top of the "revolutionary" civic order, create more problems than what they replace.

as for publishing the rubbish, let the sunlight be the better environment for the seditious to wither, than in their natural dark, dank cesspools,

where they breed, feed, grow stronger and spread their corruption, unseen.

Truth is most of them are so inept, they cannot manage the revolution of a bicycle wheel and would go into melt down if their dole cheques arrived late (or do they get it EFT ?)

The other point is the environment of Australia is not condusive to revolution, life here is too good and easy, no real struggle.

Thats why so many real folk queued up (and are still queuing) to migrate here.
Posted by Col Rouge, Tuesday, 16 September 2008 9:37:38 PM
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Cripes. Porkycrap, Arjay and the Dog Butcher in full flight. It's the Weird Sisters in drag.

"A dark cave. In the middle, a boiling cauldron.


Enter the three Witches

First Witch:

Thrice the brinded Labrador hath mouth'd.

Second Witch:

Thrice and once the Staffy whined.

Third Witch:

Arjay cries "'Tis time, 'tis time."

First Witch:

Round about the cauldron go;
In the poison'd entrails throw.
Toad, that under cold stone
Days and nights has thirty-one
Swelter'd venom sleeping got,
Boil thou first i' the charmed pot.


Double, double, toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble."
Posted by CJ Morgan, Tuesday, 16 September 2008 10:09:54 PM
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Despite all the hysterical and sinister connotations associated with the word "socialism", I think it remains the only system that guarantees ongoing mutual survival. It may not be the final answer but it certainly will be part of one.

The most basic of social systems is probably the family unit. I don't know about anybody else, but my family seems to operate as a sort of collective, where everyone contributes and shares according to their abilities and needs, without the need for buying and selling goods and services between ourselves.

This seems to also work up to the tribal level, but somewhere along the way it seemed that it became a good idea to buy and sell "shares" in what used to be commonly owned assetts and some tribe members stopped being physically productive in favour of living off the sometimes intangible proceeds of personal property ownership or the promise of future returns. This seems to work where there is the illusion a monetary system - but not forever.

As well as some apparent practical flaws in communism, capitalism is also a dead-end system. Once there are no more new markets or no resources left, it has nowhere left to go. By definition, it destroys that which makes itself possible by overconsumption and environmental exploitation.

Historically, communism (Stalinism) was associated with totalitarianism but capitalism is drifting in the same direction. Under the guise of personal protection, various freedoms and liberties are being surrendered to authority. The modern concept of the Corporation also creates a unique entity that can bypass many of the legal things that individuals cannot and can even evade government legislation and exist without national borders.

It's interesting that there are now more billionaires in Russia than in America. I guess that's because of the internal corruption that dismantled their system from within and let the old Party members line their pockets while they had the chance.

Sedition? The State banning socialism would create exactly the sort of totalitarianism that communism was associated with - our very own Thought Police and replacing one form of propaganda with another.
Posted by wobbles, Wednesday, 17 September 2008 2:43:04 AM
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Polycarp-Boaz David I now see why that dog bit you.
You can if you wish find all groups on the web.
Socialism was a wonderfull dream in times that people had so very little.
It had every right in different times to want to over throw Church's, kings and all that kept them down.
Find a copy of lock out the story of a Newcastle district mine lock out put you family at that table at Christmas time one tin of camp pie .
Not a true socialist I still wonder what our world would be like if some had not fought for social justice.
The chances of those few radical socialists you have dredged up hurting us are nil.
I see your socialist few and put loony radical Christians on the table- that has real damage possibility's.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 17 September 2008 6:11:20 AM
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