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Human Rights and National Security

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Boazycrap: << Now.. mate.. honestly, do you wish to have any credibility here? >>

Comparing Boazy's spittle-flecked expostulations with the other comments thus far, I wouldn't think that it's Sancho who has the credibility problem here.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Monday, 25 August 2008 2:18:11 PM
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Polly, the ever-inquiring, open-minded, detached social scientist and seeker after truth, Monday, 25 August 2008 10:00:18 AM:

<<QUESTION. Should we not then revisit our signatory status on the UN convention on Human Rights and add a proviso that our national security must always be the over-riding consideration? Yes, why or No.. why not?>>

The same Polly Monday, 25 August 2008 1:06:49 PM when posters don't follow his line:

<<I begin to wonder just how misguided the leftist head/mind/brain(?) is>>

<<Now.. mate.. honestly, do you wish to have any credibility here?>>

<<How do you draw that conclusion? Oh.. don't bother. I know the answer>>

<<Not only is that lousy reasoning.. I have to say it's outright bigotry.>>

<<The facts speak for themselves... the lamentably inadequate post modern/socialists>>

<<...have pretty much zero idea about how to understand such movements, because you probably were told how to think at WannabeSocialst school>>

<< the starry glazed eyes of mindless zombies>>

<<"Human Rights" are not from God..they are from man.. in the dubious form we have them. True Human Rights.. those granted by the Almighty, do not include the 'right' to avoid just punishment for crimes proven even when it involved the death penalty. Jordans verdict is entirely Biblical for 'The Emperoror'....Romans 13:1-5>>

BOAZ, if you already know all the answers, please spare us the sanctimonious pretension to a sincere search for the truth. Just tell us what part of the Bible to read each day. It would save us all a lot of time.
Posted by Spikey, Tuesday, 26 August 2008 9:58:36 AM
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ok. I'm as guilty as you of wasting time on the obvious but, similar is happening on just about a daily basis here in Bob Hawkes' (not so) clever country.
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 26 August 2008 7:40:17 PM
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The West is at war; that's WAR, with certain Arab states. The sensible thing to do would be to shut down the borders to visitors and settlers from known enemy areas and deport any troublemakers from amongst the ranks of those already here. If they cannot be deported than they should be held until hostilies cease.

Common Sense is it not? But commonsense doesnt prevail in a land of political correctness does it?
It brings the words of a song I know to my mind."MY BROTHER WAS AMBITIOUS AND HE WENT AWAY TO SCHOOL; MY FATHER SAID, "HE ONLY LEARNT TO BE A SILLY FOOL." I am referring to the political correctness that seems to be put in the kids heads in our schools.
Posted by sharkfin, Tuesday, 26 August 2008 11:29:34 PM
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sharkfin, there are certain problems with your position.

>>The West is at war; that's WAR, with certain Arab states<<

That is not strictly accurate, is it?

Of course, if we were actually at war, then your policy of forced repatriation or internment would have some merit. Mind you, deciding who might be, in your words, a troublemaker might be a touch sensitive, but such decisions are part and parcel of a state of war.

The other aspect that you may not have considered is that when war is declared, our armed forces tend to be deployed in war zones, and are expected to kill or be killed. Now, in your view this might be "common sense", but in order to reach this point we are obliged to follow some minor procedural steps, such as defining who we are fighting against and why, electing a government that is prepared to take its citizenry to war on these terms, and explaining to the families of those in the front line why such actions are necessary for the good of this country.

Can you help us out on any of the above?

Or are you simply mouthing off?
Posted by Pericles, Wednesday, 27 August 2008 8:37:40 AM
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Hi Spikey.. sharp as ever today I see.. better watch it you might eclipse Pericles as the 'anti' me :)

This thread has nothing to do with the Bible.. it has to do with common sense and the stupidity of the current idea of what constitute 'Human Rights'.. I mention God only because apart from a divine mandate one persons version of 'Human Rights' is as valid as the next persons..

One might prevent a prisoner from deportation and end up with him assassinating the prime minister....

Another might hang the individual and save a lot of much more valuable lives.

DAILY BIBLE READING.. your reading for today is. Romans 13:1-5 :)

I'll be interested in your feedback on that in relation to the idea of "The State" (and possibly the Church)
Posted by Polycarp, Wednesday, 27 August 2008 9:27:35 AM
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