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The Stupidity of Population Growth

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Ooops.... Re my previous post 24 July 2008 12:24:42 AM

Here's the correct link for the article "UN Predicts 12 Billion if Family Planning Falters":
Posted by Elizabeth Hart, Thursday, 24 July 2008 12:31:41 AM
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Excellent comments thus far - aside from the predictable drivel from runner. I live in hope that someday soon our governments will wake up to the fact that Australia can't sustain the population we have now in ecological terms, let alone encouraging population growth via idiotic baby bonuses, high immigration etc.

As I've said before, the only immigrants Australia should be accepting are bona fide refugees, on humanitarian grounds.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Thursday, 24 July 2008 10:27:05 AM
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If the only immigrants allowed in should be bona-fide refugees, how will that impact on our already dire skill shortage? Granted many refugees are educated people and could eventually take on professional positions but many more are from poor, uneducated backgrounds and, apart from labouring jobs and the like, would be unemployable.

Our taxpayers would be further burdened.

We should be aiming for zero-growth in population, even negative growth (in the Chinese fashion).
Posted by Austin Powerless, Thursday, 24 July 2008 11:17:49 AM
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Of course the Grand Plan of those who have a Common Purpose in promoting and pursuing the `New World Order' want every country in the world to become a mix of races with no borders and with policital/economic blocs between countries.(A single coinage/tax/legal system etc with no national sovereignties).
Europe is the test bed for their theories and already the Rudd Government has been sucked into it - Rudd proposing a Euro-type set-up for the Pacific Rim which has been part of the New World Order Plan since WWII. The Americas are to be the third bloc. All this is being done of course without the knowledge and consent of residents in those countries - the British public were totally ignored in decisions to sacrifice and surrender British sovereignty to the European Parliament.
Posted by ChazP, Thursday, 24 July 2008 11:38:11 AM
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"All this is being done of course without the knowledge and consent of residents in those countries - the British public were totally ignored in decisions to sacrifice and surrender British sovereignty to the European Parliament."

Just as the wishes of the Australian public were ignored when the previous government surrendered our sovereignty to the US. One person's "new world order" is another's "strategic alliance".
Posted by Sancho, Thursday, 24 July 2008 11:54:14 AM
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The obsession governments have for population growth to satisfy the myth of unfettered economic growth is going to pose more problems than anyone can imagine. There will be global competition for food, fuel and other resources. Those with power who are pulling all the proverbial economic strings will be the only winners.

In Australia, we can see the devastation of the Murray and Snowy Rivers and the adverse impact on places like the Coorong. Water management issues will only be exacerbated by population growth even if we continue to be water-wise on the domestic front, this is a drop in the ocean (‘scuse the pun) compared to continuing to support water intensive crops like rice and cotton.

What we really need is a foward thinking and courageous leader to really re-evaluate the madness that has swept the Western World and choose not to buy into the economic myths and nonsense touted as some sort of ‘biblical’ truth. Don’t see it happening anytime soon.
Posted by pelican, Thursday, 24 July 2008 11:57:22 AM
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