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Political Party

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What is the role of government in a modern Australia? Are there limits to a firm's right to make a profit? Should governments or firms for that matter be looking decades ahead? If governments are not responsible for basic issues like energy security, who is? Do resources ultimately belong to the population of the state that contains them or to the nation or the wider world? Is government there for the people or just their own party line?
Rapid change is the issue, and the two major parties face a problem here. Labor will need to rebuild old contacts, and The Liberal Party has strong links with business, but both will need to greatly broaden their contacts to remain credible. Specifically, they will need to move into areas they have completely neglected in the past in order to manage the social upheaval generated., and it is this neglect that has now conceived a new political party in the making” the Australian Peoples Party”..
As a result their politics became ever more vacuous, dishonest, and thus attractive to those obsessed with personal power and their lack of understanding of the issues of the time, let alone future challenges, was palpable if they strayed outside their carefully crafted set piece responses.
No doubt the whole system will change, but in the mean time a new kind of political operator who combines a working knowledge of the people, politics and with a sound knowledge of the issues.
The alternative, a politics that perpetuates narrow sectional interests based in old ideology and run by the usual suspects, means ultimate disaster for everyone. Which gives rise to the saying “Please sir can I have some more”.
A politics that includes more open debate and promotes participation by those who actually understand the issues will get us through in good shape. This is the politics of the Australian peoples Party.
Membership has a cost of $10.00, but with this $2.00 of every membership is returned by way of donation to an organisation within each electorate. Anybody interested should contact me by email at
Posted by tapp, Thursday, 26 October 2006 2:30:37 PM
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Tappy...its always good when someone 'has a go'... as you have done.

Please elaborate a bit on some policy foundations for us.

Selective Tarifs ? Protection of manufacturing from unfair labor rates ?

Subsidies for small manufacturers taken from the revenue from resources and agriculture, as they are the reason small manufacturers have been sacrificed. The National party sees the 'national interest' as being able sell more stuff we grow. The Libs see it as selling more stuff we dig out of the ground. They also see the 'national interest' as being that the Nationals are elected, so they (the libs) can form a viable government.

So, which ever way you look at it, small manufacturers are screwed.
I like the idea of Mining income based subsidies for small manufacturers, because China (the bastion of slave labor) won't take our dug up or grown stuff so much if we don't allow their slave labor based manufactured goods into Australia tarif free.

Immigration ? Selective and positive discrimination based on population and values, in the interests of social cohesian, cultural integrity and political stability ... sound ok?

and so it goes on.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Thursday, 26 October 2006 8:00:11 PM
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I just went a hunting for some info, but all I could find was Wikipedia: ‘The Australian People's Party is a name shared by a number of short-lived political parties in Australia's history.’

I would love to know more about it:-

Immigration, but with a different slant to David; with respect to overall population policy.

Your views on long-term balance between all things human… and our environment, life-supporting and lifestyle-supporting resources of all sorts. In other words, your policy on sustainability.

And heaps more.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 26 October 2006 8:11:56 PM
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Sure. Just what we need. Another political party; another bunch of con-artists.
Posted by Leigh, Thursday, 26 October 2006 8:20:11 PM
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It is suprising those that think something is a con when they havnt asked.
to give a reminder for some, to put a person into the house of reps cost 350 per person, senate 700 per person.
I for one am annoyed at the fact that people have a lot to say but dont what to do anything for change.
This is a new grass roots party where the bottom line is me, and thats where the buck stops no ifs buts or maybees.
For once its about time that people stand up for what is right and do what is right and if wrong take responsibility and no spin doctoring.
The people of australia look at newspapers and media as well as our politicians like parliament question clown time, if you have watched you will understand about the multiple ways how not to answeer a question.
Posted by tapp, Thursday, 26 October 2006 9:42:54 PM
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Immigration ? Selective and positive discrimination based on population and values, in the interests of social cohesian, cultural integrity and political stability ... sound ok?

with regards to this
imigration needs to be at a sustanable rate.
we need to be able to play the economics game here with that if this does not have balance with employment and unemployment then we will just be the place that everyone comes to for a happy retirement.
With family reuniting scheme this needs to be that the family who is already here will take responsibility for them as if they are ederly the budget is only so big.
Posted by tapp, Thursday, 26 October 2006 9:49:42 PM
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Your views on long-term balance between all things human… and our environment, life-supporting and lifestyle-supporting resources of all sorts. In other words, your policy on sustainability.

my veiws that are regarding to this are;
logging and employment, if we cut logging then we have unemployment, this will then impact on communities.
remember i believe that this can be balanced and if we promote growth in the tree growing business that will also create more oppertunities plus remove from native bush.

If with anything enviromental this does have to be sustainable and not create harm within the system even though we do use a large amount of resourses so this does have to be debated.This is due to the economics but as long as we can do both and keep the balance at the same time then this can be done.
As with what is happening its either no or when its yes its to much and takes way to long.
Posted by tapp, Thursday, 26 October 2006 9:56:06 PM
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My first thoughts were cynical too.

But let’s face it, we do DESPERATELY need a change in political direction.

So I offer encouragement, and I will view it optimistically….until I have a good reason not to.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 26 October 2006 9:57:28 PM
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Dear tapp,

You are indeed a brave soul.

I often read the posts here, and the comments in the "old media" .... and then supress the urge to act. Why? Because I think my individual efforts are meaningless....

This country lacks leadership (yes I know it's a tired old phrase) and foresight (now there's a new one !). This country has no PLAN for the future - but plenty of knee-jerk reactions to the vox pop, with an eagle -eye on the next election.

Oh well..... Is it worth a try? Probably. However, never underestimate the stupidity of the Australian people !

Good luck ! (I may e-mail you later)
Posted by Iluvatar, Friday, 27 October 2006 11:23:30 AM
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Yes i do agree and also about the optimism regarding this as i have got a lot thinking it is a bit of a joke and then talking about their narrow minded party where as this encumpusses all.
also if anybody wishes to email me i am quite happy to send out stuff, no probs.Oh by the way i dont bite.

Remember this is grass roots about the people and the future of australia, which is no 1 on the list then we worry about outside issues.

Also i am quite happy for any help on issues.
Posted by tapp, Friday, 27 October 2006 4:18:08 PM
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a political party is a group which, if it acted in the commercial sphere, would be called a"stand-over gang". we don't need more of them.

what australia needs is 'democracy': a society ruled by it's members. when major law and policy is set by citizen initiated referendum, those laws and policies will benefit the majority of the electorate, and will not be set by the bandits in suits who style themselves politicians.

unfortunately, australia has inherited the mind-set of submission to the rule of others which permeates 'english' society. consequently, when unhappy with unfair rulers, the only solution they can imagine is different, 'fair', rulers.

there are no fair rulers. the processes of politics are the struggle for power, wealth, and prestige of people who should not have power over a dog, much less a nation.

can australians liberate themselves from a lifetime of conditioning to leave politics to the 'experts'? i think not.

however, the ever more visible ecological catastrophes coming upon us will stimulate imaginations to a degree not previously seen in australia, and the imminent die-back of the not-wealthy, not-well connected, majority might cause the 'democracy' penny to drop, just maybe.
Posted by DEMOS, Monday, 30 October 2006 6:33:46 AM
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Absolutely right DEMOS.
Even though I am a "new" Australian (4 37 yrs or so) I have seen parties come and go in that time. It is time for pressing the button "refresh".
It is hard to think of a system which would have the support of the people of this country, mainly I think because of this lacks attitude and feeling "what can I do on my own?" People don't trust pollies.
Rightly so. Many people have tried to communicate great ideas to them and gotten nowhere, not even a reply. For example: I am dead against fluorisation of our precious drinking (tap) water which is the same stuff they gave the ww2 russian prisoners and jews to keep them calm and is in fact mass-medication.Before 1969 I had already ingested about 16 years of it and now here add another 28yrs, and I have falsies? Do I need to lose my thyroid as well? Do you think that our pollies take it upon themselves to check the well known research? For petes sake why can't these foreign agents who still take their oath with the queen's blessing wake up to themselves and start to write a true australian constitution with the support from "the people"? The Queen does not want to know us, as all ties were cut long ago. You think an uprising is due very soon? I think so. Eureka revisited, it will be.I thought Australians did learn something there...apparently not! What are your thoughts on this, "forum?"
Posted by eftfnc, Monday, 30 October 2006 11:45:21 PM
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I have noticed some people having ago, i have tried porting the constitution but to long.
Like i have said if you wish for more info just
and i will send also something about myself, this is not your normal polly
My name is Stuart Ulrich; I am 42 years of age, live in Edgeworth Newcastle.
I am married have 3 children one of which is a special needs child and 2 stepchildren.
I am ex army medically discharge.
My Father was also a Union Representative in Orange and also the President of the Orange Trades and Labor Council for a number of years, thus being not what they are now but with a balance.

And had enough of the constant bickering and fighting between the 2 major political parties.

You are either voting Labor or Liberal.

As with my background I will be starting my own political party and require you support.
I am aware of your troubles and discrepancies and find that even though both parties have been in power these have not be fixed.
This will be a party for all Australians not just individual factions.

It seems that our public systems are not being run or financed to there capabilities and this is of major concern.

This party will be created for the people and our great country by the people hopefully of the working class.

It is hoped that we can discuss this further as I am also looking for candidates as well as members

Every act of government is to be judged by a simple test:
Is it in the best interests of Australia and Australians?
Posted by tapp, Tuesday, 31 October 2006 11:50:57 AM
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tapp I applaud your gumption, but remember that you cannot please all of the people, all of the time. There can be no party that represents all Australians. I am afraid that no new party will have the ability to challenge the two majors. Is this a bad thing? Perhaps, but complacency (particularly political complacency) is the nature of the Aussie beast.

I really cant see a new Eureka, even if there should be one. Australians are simply too comfortable - there is too much to lose personally. There are not enough willing to challenge the status quo and so we will continue on as we are now, perhaps not being the best we can be to our country and our people, but muddling along none the less.
Posted by Country Gal, Wednesday, 1 November 2006 8:42:31 PM
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yes i do agree that you cant please all the people all the time, but at least we can do the best that can be done and not just pass it off.
really what will it take you know

if australian winge about problems then do not want to do anything what is that.

if you dont try for change then this will not happen.

remember a balance can always be achieved if acted on.

if you are just tunnel vision, big business, workforce, enviroment,religious then the whole will never get better.
Posted by tapp, Thursday, 2 November 2006 10:06:08 AM
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