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Bilderberg are meeting this weekend in Chantilly, Virginia

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This weekend at the Chantilly Marriott Hotel in Virginia, USA, the elite Bilderberg Group is meeting to plan global policy for the next year. This group is made up of those that truly dictate world policy. They comprise heads of state, business, military, and government officials worldwide.
Strangely enough, mainstream media refuses to acknowledge this incredibly high level meeting. Is there something we're not being told about who these people are and their agenda?
I'd like to hear the thoughts of those who are aware of this group. For those who aren't, a simple google search will give you some background information.
Posted by fooon, Thursday, 5 June 2008 7:31:38 PM
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I bet they will be talking oil :) I bet those iranians and russians are a thorn in their side
Posted by Steel, Thursday, 5 June 2008 11:57:15 PM
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Then I saw another beast, coming out of the earth

He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.

This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Friday, 6 June 2008 7:03:02 AM
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Yes, what to do with Iran will be on the table. I'd guess the American faction are pretty keen to invade, but the Europeans will be more cautious.
I'm sure they're also quite worried about the increase attention they're getting in the alternative media and blogosphere. I wouldn't be surprised if they're trying to come up with an excuse to control / censor the internet.... any thoughts?
Why are our media blocking this (for people who don't know)...?
Posted by fooon, Friday, 6 June 2008 7:35:50 PM
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These people do not look dangerous to me. They are from all sorts of backgrounds and look though they would not all agree on anything. Just a discussion group in which the participants are movers and shakers. Doesn't mean they are evil.
Posted by d'Helm, Friday, 6 June 2008 11:11:36 PM
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Not Dangerous? Let me give you a quote from David Rockefeller who is a permanent member of Bilderberg.
“We are on the verge of a global transformation.
All we need is the right major crisis and the nations
will accept the New World Order.” -David
Rockefeller at a UN Ambassadors’ dinner, Sept.
23rd, 1994

Here's another one...
In his 2002 Memoirs, David Rockefeller
openly admitted conspiring with other
globalists toward a one-world order: "Some
even believe we (the Rockefeller family) are
part of a secret cabal working against the
best interests of the United States,
characterizing my family and me as
'internationalists' and of conspiring with
others around the world to build a more
integrated global political and economic
structure---one world, if you will. If that's
the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."

The New World Order is the Bilderberg agenda. Do your own research. I dare you.
Posted by fooon, Friday, 6 June 2008 11:35:38 PM
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There will never be freedom and democracy across this world whilst organisations like this flourish (and have flourished for a long time now!)

A close look at the names of the members involved (the ones that are disclosed anyway) should give even the dumbest in our "mushroom" society a hint as to what is being "planned" for the future of the world community!

These people are a very complex group of very influential, well positioned self interest individuals, who make secret decisions that ultimately decide the fate of millions of people around the world!....why do we really need an organization like this one when we have the "so called" United Nations who are supposed to be "keeping the peace and helping the world sort out it`s problems?

Is the Bilderberg Society an undisclosed arm of the Illuminati and are people who are supposedly "elected" as the leaders of the various countries, simply pawns and tools to be manipulated by it to achieve this organizations aims for totalitarian Globilization?

When are people going to stand up and be counted, instead of rushing bleatingly willy nilly back and forth in the idiotic belief that all will be right if "we simply do as we are told,...when we are told!"

In essence we now have to realise that all the lives that were sacrificed in all the past conflicts were simply that, unnecesary sacrifice of "innocents" in the mistaken belief that good and not evil would prevail!.....look around folks, open your eyes and your minds and see this world and it`s masters as it really is!
Posted by Cuphandle, Saturday, 7 June 2008 8:51:01 AM
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I was having a rest for a while... but this thread woke me up again:)
I began reading about the Bilderbergers through Garry Allens "None Dare Call It Conspiracy" and later on through Stan Deyos "The Cosmic Conspiracy" and subsequent books like Pastor Barry Smiths (NZ) "Warning", "Second Warning", "Final Notice" and "PS".
I think they are all on the net.
...AND... The Book of Reveleation 13:16-18 and 14:9-11 for surely this is what the dark men and women of the New World Order are working for.
Its a new ID/currency system known as the Mark of the Beast (click on the Mark of the Beast 666...know about it).
It consists of a microchip on either the right hand or forehead and they are slowly bringing it in now, as part of global control.
Henry Kissinger said, "If we want to control the people, we have to know where they are".
This is how they will do it...those dark powers who will bring to power the worlds final dictator..."the beast".
It will be with a microchip on the right hand or forehead surveillence system.
Far worse than Adolf Hitler or Pol Pot, this man will kill far more when he trips over the edge.
His system is already afoot with plans to chip old folks so they can keep a track of them...and One World Government is behind it all.
I even thought they might have engineered the sub-prime mortage crisis to get a financial system collapse so they could get "the mark" on everyone?
Revelation 16:2 says that all who take the mark also get sores or boils for God Who has said nobody is ever to take the mark (14:9-11) lest they align themselves with satan.
Some also got beheaded because they refused to take the mark...Revelation 20:4.
There are several interpetations of the Mark of the Beast.
The best attitude regarding the mark is to keep in mind the fact that its ON/IN the right hand or forehead.
Take nothing on the right hand or forhead and youve done well for Christ and God.
Posted by Gibo, Saturday, 7 June 2008 9:05:07 AM
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Why didn't someone tell me there was a thread for the discussion of MASSIVE conspiracies. I have conspiracy theories of my own, you know.

First I would just like to say how funny I find it there are those who consider Bush thick/stupid whilst simultaneously believing that he is part of a global conspiracy to rule the world through secret societies. Its like the crazy Arabs who simultaneously believed that 9/11 was Islams greatest victory, whilst also believing that Mossad was responsible.

The fact that the US president cannot keep a blow job and some stray semen a secret speaks volumes to me.

I wonder whether these secret societies have actually profited from the release of secret technology from Alien space craft held at area 51. I wonder whether Elvis chairs the meetings flanked by his bodyguards, the assassins of JFK on the woody knoll.

Frankly the one world order stuff is the product of fevered or overactive imaginations. The nutjob Christians who believe in the formation of a one world gov't, the mark of the beast and the return of Satan give this conspiracy theory real flavour, but very little depth.


If you want to convince anyone you should provide references for your quotes that are not from some nutbag conspiracy website or magazine
Posted by Paul.L, Sunday, 8 June 2008 3:30:42 PM
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I think it's even funnier to consider how an apparent former drug-addled idiot like GW Bush can rise to become President of the United States without help from somebody of influence somewhere and for no apparent reason whatsoever, other than his obvious leadership skills, sound judgement and vision. A man who seriously said that the problem with the French is that they had no word for "entrepeneur". If the position of President was ever suspected of being that of a Public Relations stooge for other interests, how much evidence do you need?

Many former US Presidents have publically stated that they do not really run the country.

Funnier still is how a bunch of Arab playboys, on instruction from a disgruntled millionaire hiding in a cave - can outwit and outmaneuver all the defense systems of the US, let alone the Pentagon building itself and then evade the best efforts of the biggest military and intelligence force the world has ever known for seven years (so far).
They should have picked him up when they had the chance in early 2001 when he was in a Military hospital and already on the "wanted list".

This is not to say that there is some organised high-level conspiracy at work. Maybe lots and lots of smaller ones, but hey, isn't that how the world works?
Posted by rache, Sunday, 8 June 2008 6:19:32 PM
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Conspiracies do exist, but normally they are just called 'politics'.

It takes a special mind to see evidence of them everywhere though.
I need no more evidence.

Not so 'funny' or strange about how Afghans can evade foreign troops in their own country though. After all, the US trained them how to do it when the Soviet Union invaded.

Hey, I'm not saying the Bush administration hasn't severely stuffed things up, just that it isn't because you what may think, i.e. he has the intelligence of a chimpanzee.
Posted by Bugsy, Sunday, 8 June 2008 7:19:04 PM
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What are Bilderberg Conferences all about?

The first official meeting of the elite Bilderberg Group was at Oosterbeek, Holland, in May 1954.
The Bilderberg Secretariat proclaims the conferences to be '...private in order to encourage frank and open discussion'. Frank and open discussion is a good thing in any forum but when those doing the discussing are some of the very most powerful financiers and media tycoons in the world it begs the question: If what they discuss is for the good of ordinary people why not publicise it! Isn't it a perverted use of the word 'open' when no-one can find out what they're saying?
Posted by fooon, Sunday, 8 June 2008 10:54:10 PM
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At last some fresh air, thanks for this post!
I am a man of few words but I do recognise people's words of wisdom and try to point others to them (at least I try) So for those who can see thru this bilderberg thing or try at least to connect the dots here is a great show that will blow your mind.(In 8 parts)
Posted by eftfnc, Tuesday, 10 June 2008 1:37:28 AM
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We all love conspiracy theories.

But this is too silly for words.

>>This group is made up of those that truly dictate world policy. They comprise heads of state, business, military, and government officials worldwide<<

Ok, d'Helm provided last year's list.

It certainly doesn't contain any of the categories fooon describes.

So I guess they must be conspiring to keep the true list secret, eh?

Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 10 June 2008 5:41:58 AM
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Cuphandle “There will never be freedom and democracy across this world whilst organisations like this flourish (and have flourished for a long time now!)”

Strange, one of the pillars of democracy is the right to freedom of association. It seems Cuphandle believes this right should be restricted, in the name of democracy, to only those of the left and denied to those of the right.

Cuphandle Please explain!

“United Nations who are supposed to be "keeping the peace and helping the world sort out it`s problems?”

Observation would suggest the UN does not know how to find its own backside, even with the aid of a map and spot lights pointing to its fundamental orifice.

Maybe we should resurrect “The Protocols of Zion” just as a drinking club, of course.

And doubtless, just as a right wing think tank is criticised for pursuing its democratic right of free assembly, we have the left-wing entryists who will continue to secretly attempt the violent overthrow of the democracies, which they seek to protect from the right wing. Typical left wing double-speak.

Maybe we should ban the Greenpeace for its attempts to subvert Japanese commerce. PETA is another organisation intent on the wilful repression of the rights of other people who quietly go about their lawful business. Every little gob-shite who attacks a research centre in the name of animal rights has less right to pursue those ends than the Bilderberg group has to pursue theirs.
Posted by Col Rouge, Tuesday, 10 June 2008 11:09:48 AM
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Hi Pericles, here is a link to view the list of Bilderberg 2008 attendees.
Let me know if you can't find any of the categories I've mentioned on this list.

Hi Col Rouge...I don't think you properly understood Cuphandle. Yes, people have a right to freely associate but in attending Bilderberg, US Government officials may be breaking the law.

In terms of US law a meeting of this nature is a potential violation of the Logan Act, a 1799 law that criminalizes unauthorized U.S. citizens from negotiating with foreign governments.
Attendance is behind closed doors, with armed guards,in which the content of what is discussed will remain totally secret.

The Logan Act states, "Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both."

The Logan Act also bars public officials from meeting with private citizens to make policy, a crime for which the Clinton White House was fined $300,000 for, according to Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker.
Posted by fooon, Tuesday, 10 June 2008 12:07:27 PM
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Dear Paul.L

Those quotes are not from a "nutbag" site, but straight from the horses mouth (D.Rockefeller).

Those words from Rockefeller have been quoted in more that a few books on globalization and the new world order.

“We are on the verge of a global transformation.
All we need is the right major crisis and the nations
will accept the New World Order.” -David
Rockefeller at a UN Ambassadors’ dinner, Sept.
23rd, 1994

Does it scare you Paul? Or is it that you've been programmed to convulse and ninny about like a schoolboy every time you hear any blacklisted phrases like "NEW WORLD ORDER".

You're quite happy to write it all off in order to preserve your happy, comfortable little paradigm that you exist in...but I do urge you to look into it...and try and learn something.

It might not make any sense now, you're not ready for it. But it matters not, it's existence remains. At some point in the future, you may have cause to question your reality. When you do.....remember this discussion.

Only trying to warn you mate.

You said you wanted links, stuff that can be backed up. OK, I've got a nice one for you...

It's very well written and doesn't use an "naughty" words that will upset your paradigm. Try and join the dots....


Posted by fooon, Tuesday, 10 June 2008 12:39:49 PM
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Dear eftfnc

Thanks for the links mate. Great work. Also check out

Posted by fooon, Tuesday, 10 June 2008 12:48:21 PM
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It's a fair cop guv.

>>Hi Pericles, here is a link to view the list of Bilderberg 2008 attendees... Let me know if you can't find any of the categories I've mentioned on this list<<

Looks like all the bases are covered.

Some puzzling inclusions though.

Why include journalists? Admittedly, the rapporteurs are from The Economist, and you can't really get much more subversive than those fellows.

But please, what is the conspiracy theorist's explanation?

I assume the actual guests from the Fourth Estate - the Publisher and Editor of Der Standard, the Editorial Page Editor of The Wall Street Journal, the Chairman and CEO of the Washington Post - are part of the conspiracy.

Essential to making sure that nothing gets out into the public domain, I suppose. That's what newspapers do best, after all.

But the Queen of the Netherlands, a global conspirator? Do me a favour.

Although I guess she did marry a member of Hitler Youth... hmmmm.

No, the clincher for me is that Peter Mandelson will be there.

He couldn't even conspire to buy a house in Notting Hill without getting into trouble.

But many thanks for the link, you have certainly set my mind at rest.

Incidentally, using Occam's razor, couldn't there be a simple explanation for this observation of yours?

>>a meeting of this nature is a potential violation of the Logan Act, a 1799 law that criminalizes unauthorized U.S. citizens from negotiating with foreign governments<<

Could it possibly be that no such nefarious negotiating will take place?

Hence the awesome lack of secrecy about the attendees, and the meeting itself.

Tell you what. If I was going to conspire to influence world affairs in the way you hint is happening here, I'd sure as eggs do it in private.

Without journalists.

Although the Queen of the Netherlands would always be welcome.
Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 10 June 2008 2:08:57 PM
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Fooon, “In terms of US law a meeting of this nature is a potential violation of the Logan Act, a 1799 law that criminalizes unauthorized U.S. citizens from negotiating with foreign governments.”

But said act would not make criminal a group of people where the "foreigners" being met with were present as “individuals”.

Without going into it further, I could possibly suggest Roosevelt and Churchill’s meetings to draw USA away from its neutral stance in the early years of WWII would likewise qualify, wherein Roosevelt was not “authorised” by congress and Churchill was the head of a foreign government.

Either way, I think you are just making a noise to satisfy your own insecurities and maybe inadequacies.

As for “New World Order” it sure beats the alternative old order of “communist brute force and oppression through starvation” (popular with Lenin, Stalin Pol Pot, Kim Jong-Il Robert Mugabe etc.) as well as the “Socialism by Stealth” which I believe is the objective of Carbon Trading.

For my money without even seeing it, I like the idea.
Posted by Col Rouge, Tuesday, 10 June 2008 2:42:25 PM
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Sorry, what part about not referencing nutbag sites did you not understand. Your reference to George Washington’s blog is hardly proof of anything? As if a blog by persons unknown that covers the entire gamut of conspiracy theories can be taken as evidence. Do you even notice that the site doesn’t actually refer to real documents or people to back up the story? Real academia/news references everything and they don’t reference other unreferenced sites, they require primary sources for their articles.

I’m sorry but there should also be a rule that anyone who uses the word “paradigm” should be relegated to the crazy socialist league and their various blogs and warned off OLO for life.

Does it not occur to you to consider, as Pericles points out, the point of a secret society if it’s not secret? I mean seriously mate, is that the way a complex conspiracy involving respected news organizations would operate? I really don’t think so. Does it not occur to you that the supposed/elected “powers that be” might be a little upset to be usurped in such a way. Or that the intelligence services of said countries would actively work to out this type of organization?

You say>>” might not make any sense now, you're not ready for it”

I see. It’s an idea before its time right? But hang on, haven’t you seen the reams of sh!t people have posted about the UFO’s at area51?,or the pages devoted to the conspiracies regarding 9/11? Conspiracy theories aren’t new, they’ve been around for eons.

Frankly, even if it were true it wouldn’t bother me. I’d suggest it appeals/frightens most those who just cannot believe that their gov’t doesn’t do the things they want. These people assume that because they and their associates are all nutbag socialists that somehow they are being denied their right to be represented by someone like them. It pains these people that Blair, Howard and Bush (the second time) were actually elected by a majority of the people. And that they are implementing policies which are entirely consistent with their platform.
Posted by Paul.L, Wednesday, 11 June 2008 4:01:46 PM
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Hi Pericules, back again....

“Why include journalists?”
Think of it this way, if you want to really subvert an entire people and their political system, you have to have the media on your side. Especially, since the advent of that evil box (the TV), we see large sections of the great unwashed masses who get their version of reality from the “News” media. They not only get their “News” but build their schema of the world and their expectations strongly influenced by the media. It's incredibly powerful what can be suggested through the media.

The media can be very cunning in terms of the spin that is put on something, or lies by ommission. This Bilderberg meeting is a great example. If it's so important, why haven't some details of what discussions were specifically about been released?

As for the Queen of the Netherlands, well, Bilderbergs first meeting was at Oosterbeck, Holland in 1959, and the group was actually started by Prince Bernhard.... (Nazi)

You noted the

“awesome lack of secrecy about the attendees and meeting itself”.

Bilderberg have been meeting as I said, since 1959, and this is the first time the list of attendees has been published (by the Bilderbergers themselves) and a press release sent out. Previous lists have been leaked by insiders to Jim Tucker who has been doggedly following this group for 30 years.
Until about 10 years, ago, the press denied the existence of the group, but this year, due to increased coverage by the alternative media, they've been forced to say something. It's full of vague language and spin of course. Believe me, if they could have kept it quiet, they would have. They're now into damage control, hence the very minimal press release.

A very good book is “The True Story of the Bilderberg Group” by Daniel Estulin.
Posted by fooon, Wednesday, 11 June 2008 11:57:10 PM
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Pericules, another questions posed was....

“Could it possibly be that no such nefarious negotiating will take place?”

Just think of it like this. You've got a group of people, that together constitute a structure of power and influence that is incredibly far reaching, they meet every year in private to talk about something they don't want you to know about.

What could it be about? Golf? Photography? Trainspotting?

It doesn't take Einstein to figure out they'd most likely be discussing ideas, machinations, that will best serve the interests they control. What do they have in common? Why are they so keen to keep it secret? Is it not possible that they all get together with the idea that “we're at the top now, let's make sure we stay here and make things go our way”, and they certainly have the resources to do it.

On top of this, research and leaks from inside have revealed their agenda. You'll have to do some digging, I can't cover it all here.

Seriously though, do a bit of searching and even if something seems a little far fetched at first, see how it meshes with what other have had to say about it.

I first heard of this group about 15 years ago as a young uni student. Of course I though it was all paranoid rubbish, until 15 years later, I was "woken up" by a good friend. I took another look at the accusations and was amazed to see the agenda I'd heard talk of back then had indeed become reality. Seeing the changes over 15 years has really driven it home to me.
Posted by fooon, Thursday, 12 June 2008 12:04:50 AM
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Until a few years ago the entire mainstream media and all Bilderberg attendees denied it's existence. Recently, due to attention from people like Alex Jones, Jim Tucker, and Daniel Estulin, the Bilderberg Group has been mentioned 2 or 3 times in mainstream publications admitting "They Rule" and "Elite are Even Elusive" in the headlines. This year, for the first time ever, they actually released a public list of attendees!

I strongly recommend reading Paul Joseph Watson's "Order Out of Chaos":

“Surely senior officials of the World Trade Organization, Federal Reserve, Financial Institutions like Rockefeller (the man himself), the EU and UN World Government models, and corporate oil conglomerates couldn't belong to the same group as the leading politicians and the media? Well, they do. They all belong to the Bilderberg Group.” -Paul Joseph Watson, Order Out of Chaos (10)

and watching Alex Jones excellent documentary "EndGame":

“In 1954 the elite of the planet met in secret at the Bilderberg Hotel in Holland. The Bilderberg group would later admit that their mission was the formation of the EU. Once the EU was established, under the guise of trade deals a North American Union and Asian Union would be formed. The three interlocking super-states form the core of the global government, while the United Nations would serve as a world regulatory and enforcement body over the third-world sub-regions. The Bilderberg group consists of the heads of all the managing Round Table groups that steer individual countries. Picture the elite power structure of the world as a giant pyramid with only the elite of the elite at the tip-top of the capstone. The group has been so secretive that until the mid-1980’s the controlled corporate media denied its existence. Into the late 1990s coverage only consisted of rare one-line mentions, but with the rise of the alternative media, their strangle-hold on information has begun to slip.” -Alex Jones, “Endgame”
Posted by ericdubay, Thursday, 12 June 2008 12:17:54 AM
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It’s probably quite innocent but stuff like -

“If 125 film stars booked out a hotel, arrived in dark-tinted limousines and met in secret do you think the corporate media would be interested in finding out what they were there to discuss?

Yet 125 top CEO’s, hugely influential philanthropists, heads of state, NATO officials, academic leaders, banking kingpins and European royalty - the very people that shape the destiny of the world - can get together for three days without a single U.S. corporate media outlet reporting on it.

You certainly won’t read about it in the Washington Post, the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal, since the editors of those three newspapers are all Bilderberg members.”

- doesn't exactly promote confidence.

To me they look like a collection of high-level lobby groups getting together to co-ordinate their strategies.
Posted by rache, Thursday, 12 June 2008 9:07:08 AM
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We all know what Adam Smith said about private industry/trade gatherings, don't we?
Posted by Steel, Thursday, 12 June 2008 4:38:35 PM
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Agreed Rache, well put.

Everybody watching what happens with the Lisbon Treaty in Ireland? This is basically the Nice Treaty re-named. They just keep on pushing don't they?
A Soviet dissident, Vladimir Bukovksy, who personally saw Politburo and Central Committee documents in 1992 which outlined a conspiracy to turn the European Union into a Socialist dictatorship has quite a bit to say about it...

This is still on topic, seeing as the Bilderbergers are very influential within the EU.

To Paul. L..... I've got another salvo for you.... as soon as I get a chance.
Posted by fooon, Thursday, 12 June 2008 5:08:26 PM
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And what of Bilderberg security. HEAVY.

Ok, I know that there are some important people there, but paint me pink and call me blinky...

Alex Jones, a free-press journalist was hounded from the time he got there. It so happens that Alex has made some pretty revealing doco's about this group. And he's not in their good books.

Rooms full of electronic warfare stuff, mobile phone jamming, wire taps, live pin point satellite feeds and plenty of heavies in dark suits, sunglasses and earpieces.

From Alex' site...
"the goons attached to Bilderberg security were heavily armed — and were not shy when it came to showing the activists they are potentially violent thugs"

This was about 100-200 activists that where there throughout the weekend.
Posted by fooon, Thursday, 12 June 2008 7:56:46 PM
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Check out

Prophecy News Watch secret bilderberg agenda to microchip americans leaked.
Posted by gibo2, Saturday, 14 June 2008 3:32:44 PM
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I seem to remember reading a report, (I think it was at last years Bilderberg Meeting), that the "Group" would be happy when fuel reached $150 per barrel!

How strange that we are now seeing rapidly escalating fuel/oil prices around the world, whilst at the same time people like Hugo Chavez can supply fuel to his countrymen and his friends for a few cents a gallon?

If you can really believe that the Bilderbergers are there for any other reason than to further their own agenda (or their associated Masters hidden agenda) then you must believe in Fairies at the bottom of the garden!

As for the "knockers" who DO NOT believe that world conspiracy is a fact of life, please continue in your artificially insulated little world of make believe, but remember that when you are told to "jump", do not ask "how high" or you will be suddenly be thumped back into reality, leaving you feeling somewhat bewildered and betrayed!

We are living in a world society that is designed for the ultimate comfort of the big people and we little people are but insignificant tools created to assist them to achieve their ultimate goals, the same time being constantly assured that all will be well in the long term and everyone will prosper!......What a cruel joke!
Posted by Cuphandle, Monday, 16 June 2008 10:07:02 AM
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bilderbergers [wannabee's] defenders rebut the bilderbergers/theory allways seem to raise the more insane conspiricy theorys [area 51 /alians , and other conspiricy/theory distractions to distract]

posting these distractions to lable the true facts revealed as con/theory.

the fact [not the theory]recently tim russet was intervieuwed about the topic now he is dead

He fact checked the facts that gave him the shocking truth OR his heartattack] [but he is dead] ,
so many are dead who simply researched the topic

Reporters there? make's clear the conspiricy that saw the media lies [miss reportage] of the facts of weopens of mass destraction includes bilderberger attendeees.

The bilderburgers is a head that regrew when the tuetonic-zionists headed for the hills [google the name and your security alert goes off and refuses to stop scanning].

Another link to research with_caution the hanseatic-league ,the easiest to resolve your knowing is to search for jorden maxwell .com [It regularilly goes down or is 'temporarilly'unavailable ,but reveals facts.

The builderberg adgenda? [the latest bill to get passed in britan ,cloning human-t/cells using animalcells]

They are trying to create the man beast ,in their insane attempt to bring on the antichrist [they believe timming is everything] they are sataninsts check out bohemiaGrove rituals .

Any how their endtime goal it to genocide 2/3 rds of humnanity and dumb us down via ever lower education ,
and for them to rule the mind controlled tagged and numberd people left]

They are recruiting those with brutish/nature
[the mindless phycopath] , experimenting with mind control drugs to create automated obediant killing machines [

Using the teqniques of the nazi, stazie and mossad] but no media is going to report on that ,

so the topic is resolved before we got to prove it

The fact's not easilly dismissed as conspiricy theory ,by introducing area 51.

They hope to introduce a believable alian contact/landing [using holographs, and floating discs ;suppressed space teqnology [not alian]and their complete control of the media

[but we wont be swallowing that childish ploy
bringing us the 'masterrace' and the one world religion
[or will we?]
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 25 June 2008 9:18:44 AM
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One under god. Sounds like you read Stan Deyo's "The Cosmic Conspiracy" on the UFO thingie. Its a good book with interesting thoughts towards the New World Order.
Good to know God's in Charge and that the Bilderbergers wont prosper beyond a certain point.
Posted by Gibo, Saturday, 28 June 2008 6:24:48 PM
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Its also possible that the sub-prime mortgage crisis was engineered to get rid of the cash.
Someones' up to something.
If you want a microchip on everyones right hand or forehead (Revelation 13:16-18 and 14:9-11 and click on the mark of the beast 666) you have to get rid of the money...and cards.
If these guys are as powerful as some believe then they could have engineered sub-prime to bring in 1984.
Imagine a chip on the right hand with a tiny lithium battery.
They could watch your movements all day from a huge control room.
Posted by Gibo, Tuesday, 1 July 2008 8:31:11 AM
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I don't think the sub-prime mortgage crisis was engineer toget rid of cash. Most small banks don't lend on depositers' funds like they traditionally did, but lend on wholesale funds (provided by investors). Most financial institutions seek their business from brokers who are encouraging borrowers to obtain the maximum loan possible, (Therefore increasing their commission). With interest rate rises (and considering how low they have been for years, this had to happen)homeowners are defaulting, repossessions are taking place and in many cases the properties are not worth enough to cover the debt. As a result, investors are putting their money elsewhere. Perhaps this is why the price of oil has skyrocketed. It is said to be caused by speculation.
As far as a microchip for the Mark of the Beast, I don't think we really know what this will be yet. In the 1980's in was said to be bar codes, and then the EFTPOS and ATM technology. Technology is advancing rapidly, and perhaps the Mark of the Beast is to be something that hasn't yet been invented, and maybe a lot worse. I don't plan on being around for this.
Posted by Steel Mann, Tuesday, 1 July 2008 9:03:02 AM
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Dont you think if men, connected to the dark side of the money systems and to the "global control" of ordinary people, could find a triggerpoint to crash cash in order to get a microchip on either the right hand or forehead so they could watch ordinary people as those ordinary people went about their daily movements...dont you think they would do it?
Many groups vie for control of the worlds population.
The Vatican wants One World Church and comes to OZ to gather converts.
The Bilderbergers want a One World Government (1984 style) to watch and have power over everyone.
The Muslims want it for allah.
Red China wants it for Red China and builds for her outward march right now.
I wouldnt put anything passed those who have a bit of power and want more.
Posted by Gibo, Thursday, 3 July 2008 8:32:43 AM
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I work with home loans and this sub-prime mortgage crises has greatly affected the way I do my work, and I knew it was coming. In the lending environment we have had years of low interest rates and the banks attitude was lend, lend, lend. This happened in the mid 1980's and by the early 1990's with high interest rates the banks had similar problems. I don't think this was engineered to get rid of cash. Investers pulled out of lending for housing and have put their funds elsewhere, and that is one of the reasons the oil price is skyrocketing. The demand for oil is higher than that actually being consumed, and eventually the oil price will crash (as occurred in the mid 1980's following the oil crisis of 1979 - although we didn't see much benefit in Australia, the Americans enjoyed very low petrol prices).
Most Christians do believe under the anti-christ we will be living in a cashless society with all transactions being made by a mark on the right hand or forehead. Actually, the Bible says nothing about a cashless society, it say's no one can buy or sell without the mark of the beast. I once saw a movie made in the early 70's (I think is was called "A Thief In The Night"). In this movie, when people accepted the mark, buying and selling was still done using cash. Modern technology such as EFTPOS was not known then. While I think that during the term of the Anti-Christ it will be a cashless society, and I even think we could get a cashless society prior to this (possible at the same time as a global currency), technology is rapidly changing, and we don't know yet what form the Mark of the Beast will take. In the 1980's it was considered to be a bar code tattooed on the hand or forehead (Possibly with invisible ink), and you say it will be a microchip. It could be either of these, or perhaps something else that has not yet been invented.
Posted by Steel Mann, Thursday, 3 July 2008 1:22:44 PM
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